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Science 9-Asexual Reproduction
Name: _____________________
Station #1: Microviewer Lab #2 Asexual Reproduction
There are two basic types of reproduction-sexual and asexual reproduction.
Some organisms can reproduce both sexually and asexually. Sexual reproduction always
involves a union of two cells to form a single cell (sperm of a male unites with the female egg to
produce a one-celled fertilized egg). Asexual reproduction occurs without the union of cells.
The microviewer lab examines at a) binary fission b) budding c) fragmentation (regeneration),
d) Spore formation and e) vegetative reproduction
Examine Slide #1 set #63:
a) What organism is shown in binary fission? __________________________________
b) Why is the paramecium shown an example of binary fission? _________________________
c) Draw below the paramecium in fission and label the two nuclei of the two new daughter
Paramecium in fission (100x)
Examine Slide #2, Set #63
a) What organism is shown as an example of budding? _____________________
b) What is budding?
Examine slide #3 set #63
Hydra are small aquatic (water) animals that also reproduce by budding. Draw the hydra and
label the mother and two daughter hydras.
Hydra Budding (25x)
Examine slides #4, and #5
a) What other kind of reproduction can yeast undergo?
b) Name two other types of organisms that can undergo this type of asexual reproduction
C) What are spores?
Examine slide 7-Keep in mind for later, or go back to station and use it to help answer question:
Examine slide #8.
What is vegetative reproduction?
Station #2-Video Clips
On the Laptop in front of you, there will be two windows. Open the window about planaria
first and hit play on the video. Answer the following question. DO NOT CLOSE THE WINDOW
1. Draw the results if the planaria when its cut as shown in figure 1 and figure 2.
2. Watch the Red Queen Video and answer the following questions. Again, DO NOT CLOSE THE
1. What are the differences between the two species of minnows featured in the video?
2. Which species -- the asexual or the sexual reproducers -- tends to be more heavily parasitized
by the worm that causes black-spot disease?
3. How are the sexual reproducers able to evolve defenses against parasites more quickly and
more effectively than their asexual counterparts?
Station #3- Brainstorming
On A sheet of looseleaf record your group’s final answers to the questions at station 3.
Station #4- Calculating cell divisions
Pick up the worksheet for station 4 at station 4 and complete.
Station #5
Complete the following minilab with the microviewers and set 64 on Binary Fission.
1. Start at Slide #3 and 4.
a) Compare the size of the nucleus in slide 3 to the size of the nucleus in slide 4. What do you
b) Why do you think this has occurred?
c) Draw what you see in slide 3 and 4.
Paramecium (100x)
Paramecium (100x)
2. Look at slide #5
a) How can you tell this paramecium is about to divide?
3. Look at slide # 7
a) Why do we consider cell division in this case a form of reproduction?
4. Look at slide #8- how many paramecium are in the dividing stage?
Station 6: Cells and Answers
Check answers to station 4 and do the cell parts review questions with help from the cell
Station 3:
Brainstorming: Discuss your answers to each of these questions as a
group and record your answers on a sheet of looseleaf.
1. What is the result of reproduction?
2. Why do organisms bother to reproduce? Why don't they just live forever?
3. What would eventually happen to a species if every member suddenly lost its
ability to reproduce?
4. In the formula, 2n=# of organisms, why is the base of the exponent 2?
5. While oysters and mussels are a fished for human food, starfish are often
caught in and on nets and tossed back. Often, though, when the starfish are
tossed back, an arm is sometimes detached from the body in the process. Explain
how this affects the starfish population.
6. Name what type of asexual reproduction is occurring and explain your
a. Jenny cut a piece of her Grandmother’s parlor maple plant and put the
cutting in water. In a few weeks it had grown roots so she was able to put
it in a pot of soil.
c. A unicellular protist splits in two, each new cell becoming a new
d. A fern forms many small cells that will eventually become full grown
identical offspring.
Station 6:
Answer the following questions with your group:
1. A. Which cell is a plant cell and which is an animal cell?
B. How can you tell the difference between the animal and plant cell? What things does one
cell have that the other doesn’t? List all the ones you can find.
2. Each cell has a nucleus, locate it and describe what you see inside. Based on what you see,
what part of the cell cycle are these cells most likely in?
3. Can you identify the endoplasmic reticulum? What does it look like? Where is it located?
What is its function?
4. In the plant cell can you identify the chloroplasts? What do they look like?
5. Describe the centrioles in the animal cell. What is their function?
6. What is the large clear structure in the plant cell?
7. Can you determine what the remainder of the organelles are that were not discussed above?
Review their functions with your group members,