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Leon M. Goldstein High School for the Sciences
Global History H2$
Mr. C. Del Ré
Mr. J. Zaza, Principal
Textbook: World History, The Human Experience
H.W. #43 Read pgs. 358-362 - Japanese Geography
1. How is Japan=s geography similar to the geography of ancient Greece?
2. Which of the ideas that Japan adopted from Chinese culture benefitted Japan the most?
3. Pretend you are a writer for the Japanese Tourist Board. Write an advertisement enticing
travelers to visit Japan and experience the many wonders of its environment.
H.W. #44 Read pgs. 362-365 - Feudal Japan
1. Explain each of the following terms: a)samurai, b)Bushido, c)shogun
2. Describe the Japanese feudal order.
3. Explain which would you prefer to follow, the ideals of the Heian Court, or the samurai Code
of Bushido?
H.W. #45 Read pgs. 468-472 - Tokugawa
1. How did the shoguns centralize power and reduce conflict in feudal Japan?
2. Pretend you are living in the city of Edo during the time of Tokugawa rule. Send a postcard to
a friend or a relative who lives somewhere else in Japan describing the changes in society and
culture in the Tokugawa era.
3. Why were the Europeans interested in trading with Japan?
H.W. #46 Read pgs. 346-350 - Tang & Song
1. Do you think the Tang and Song system of government were true meritocracies?
2. Describe the actions taken by the Tang & Song emperors that strengthened China=s empire.
Which actions weakened the empire?
H.W. #47 Read pgs. 342-345; 349-350 - Mongols Misjudged
1. Why do you think the Mongols were so successful in battle?
2. Create an obituary for Genghis Khan.
H.W. #48 - Mongols Blessing or Curse
1. Write 2-1 page supporting the argument that the Mongols made important contributions to
the lands they conquered.
2. Write 2-1 page supporting the argument that the Mongol legacy was nothing more than death
and destruction to the people and lands they conquered.
*Be very detailed using specific examples from the lesson and handouts.
H.W. #49 Read pgs. 294-297 - Charlemagne
1. How did Charlemagne help strengthen his rule?
2. Why was the crowing of Charlemagne by the Pope in 800 an event that had many different
3. Write a telegram reporting on the battle of Tours and describing its significance.
H.W. #50 Read pgs. 298-307 - European Feudalism
1. Describe the ways the European feudal order is similar to that of feudal Japan?
2. Pretend you are a lord in England or France. Write a letter to another lord discussing your
life and responsibilities. Include things like your fiefs, warfare, chivalry.
3. Describe the ways the main beliefs of the church shaped the lives of people in medieval times.
H.W. #51 Read pgs. 308-312 - European Monarchies
1. Describe the steps William the Conqueror took to exert (influence) royal power in England.
2. Describe the principles that were established by the Magna Carta.
3. Write a newspaper editorial supporting or opposing the actions of one of the following kings:
Henry II, John I, Louis IX, or Philip IV.
H.W. #52 Read pgs. 318-321 - Crusades
1. Create a conversation between a European crusader and a Muslim living in the Holy Lands
shortly after the Crusades. Discuss each person=s views on the Crusades, their effects, and
whether they have changed your life.
2. How did the crusades reflect the growing strength of medieval Europe?
H.W. #53 Read pgs. 322-328 - Growth of Towns
1. Identify: a)guild, b)apprentice
2. How did the growth of towns affect the feudal order?
3. Pretend you are a former serf who has come to a town recently. Write a letter to your cousin
back on the manor describing what you see as positive about the town and negative about the
H.W. #54 Read pg. 327 - Plague
1. You are a news reporter living in a medieval European town. Your town has experienced an
outbreak of the plague. Write a news article describing the effects of the plague and how
people are dealing with this disease.
H.W. #55
DBQ essay on the Bubonic Plague to be counted as a quiz.
H.W. #56 Read pgs. 329-333; 334-336 - European Decline
1. Compare the effects of the Hundred Years= War in France and in England.
2. How do you think the execution of Joan of Arc affected the moral of the French soldiers?
3. Why do you think many Europeans were discontented (unhappy) with the Catholic Church?