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Chapter 24
World War I
Prior to the Outbreak of WWI, tensions in Europe were
caused by:
A. Nationalism – encouraged unity among people of the
same language and culture.
B. Imperialism – Great Britain, France, Germany, Russia
and Italy were racing to take control of colonies in Africa,
Asia and the Pacific.
C. Militarism – the policy to build up a strong military to
prepare for war.
Crisis in the Balkans
A. Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand
Black Hand -Serbian Nationalist group that wanted
Bosnia to break free from Austria Hungary and join
Serbia planned the assassination.
Alliances – Agreement between countries to support one
another in case of an attack.
Russia (until they signed a
Central Powers
Austria Hungary
treaty with Germany)
Great Britain
Ottoman Empire
A. Austria Hungary declared war on Serbia after the
B. Russia who was Serbia’s ally ordered its troops to mobilize,
or prepare for war.
C. Germany who was Austria Hungary’s ally declared war on
D. Germany declared war on Russia’s ally France and
marched through Belgium to get to France.
E. Britain who was Belgium’s ally declared war on Germany
Trench Warfare – soldiers spent day after day in shallow
ditches. By Nov. 1914, the war produced a deadly
stalemate in which neither side is strong enough to defeat
the other.
American Neutrality - Americans wanted to stay out of the
A. Neutrality was put at risk with Germany’s submarine
warfare in which they attacked any ship coming in or out
of British ports.
In 1915. Germany sunk the Lusitania, a British
passenger ship. 128 Americans aboard this ship
were killed. Wilson referred to this as “murder on
the high seas” and threatened to break off
diplomatic relations if Germany did not stop sinking
passenger ships.
Three factors pushed American to enter into WWI.
The sinking of the Lusitania (although not a direct
Germany unrestricted submarine warfare – In February
1917 Germany warned that it would sink any ship
nearing Britain.
Zimmerman Telegram – Germany sent a message to
Mexico offering an alliance if the United States entered
the war. Germany would help Mexico get back the
territories of Texas, New Mexico and Arizona.
United States response to war
A. In April 1917, Congress declared war.
B. Over the next 18 months, over 4 million men and women
signed up for military service.
VIII. Over there
A. Americans reached France in June 1917 to find
exhausted Allied troops. A year later, the United states
had large numbers of troops in Europe to really help the
war effort.
B. Russia pulled out of the War in November 1917 due to
the Bolshevik Revolution.
Ending the war
A. Battle of Argonne Forest – largest U.S. battle in which
we sent over 1.5 million troops. Pushed Germans back
to their own territory.
B. Internal conflicts in Germany and struggles with food
and supplies led to that Armistice.
C. Armistice – an agreement to end fighting. The armistice
was signed on November 11, 1918. (Now celebrated as
Veteran’s Day)
Wilson’s Fourteen Points –Wilson’s plan for peace that
will prevent a war like this from happening again. He
wanted to “peace without victory” which means that no
country was to be severely punished and no country was
to be rewarded.
a. Four main goals – 1) Spread democracy 2) Open markets
for trade 3) International organization for resolving
disputes (League of Nations) 4) Active U.S. involvement
in global affairs.
The Treaty of Versailles – France had a very different
vision of how to create the peace treaty. Much of the
destruction of the war had taken place in their country and
they wanted Germany to pay. The harsh terms of the
treaty were:
1. Germany is to pay reparations – the demand
was very high and placed a huge burden on
the German economy.
2. Germany had to give up a lot of land.
3. Germany had to disarm their military. They
had to eliminate their air force and severely
reduce their navy and army.
4. War Guilt Clause – Germany had to take
blame for the war.