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Multiple-Choice Questions
Chapter 4: Oceanic Geography and the Earth
Seismic waves experience drastic changes in velocity at which of the following?
w. Moho discontinuity
x. Benioff zone
y. Richter fault
z. Wadati boundary
The Earth’s core is primarily composed of which of the following minerals?
w. Magnesium and iron
x. Nickel and iron
y. Nickel and magnesium
z. Magnesium and sodium
What two variables are compared in a hypsographic curve?
w. Elevation and land area
x. Land area and iron content
y. Iron content and temperature
z. Temperature and sediment texture
Which of the following does the lithosphere NOT include?
w. Crust
x. Core
y. Upper mantle
z. The lithosphere contains all of these.
What is the lithosphere’s thickness?
w. 8-10km
x. 60-70km
y. 80-100km
z. 150-170km
What is the name for the plastic ductile layer on which the lithosphere floats and moves?
w. Active layer
x. Asthenosphere
y. Surimi
z. Mantle
What layer contains 2% of the oceans’ water and extends up to 300 meters from the surface?
w. Mixed Layer
x. Thermocline Transition Zone
y. Pycnocline Transition Zone
z. Deep Layer
What percentage of the oceans’ water does the deep layer hold?
w. 50%
x. 80%
y. 95%
z. 30%
What is the range of the depths in which there is a rapid change in density and temperature?
w. 200 – 400 m
x. 300 – 600 m
y. 300 – 1000 m
z. 400 – 700 m
10. Which of the following is a viable theory of how the oceans formed?
w. Organisms released water as a waste product and eventually filled the Earth with water
x. As the liquid from volcanoes cooled down, water vapor condensed and created large
bodies of water
y. Basins were filled with water from the condensed balls of fire that constantly bombarded the
z. Hydrogen from ammonia combusted in the presence of oxygen and combined to make water
11. What kind of hydrothermal vent is the hottest?
w. Blue smoker
x. White smoker
y. Megaplume
z. Black smoker
12. What is a guyot?
w. Abyssal hill where the top has been eroded off
x. Mid-ocean ridge that has peaks over 1 km tall
y. Old seamount where the top has been eroded off
z. Volcanic peak over 1 km tall
13. Which one of the oceans has the greatest depth?
w. Atlantic
x. Artic
y. Pacific
z. Indian
14. The side-scan sonar can map a strip of sea floor up to what length?
w. 60 km
x. 150 km
y. 85 km
z. 76 km
15. Approximately how much of the Earth’s surface is covered by oceans?
w. 90 %
x. 53%
y. 32%
z. 70 %
16. Which Ocean covers the largest area of the Earth?
w. Pacific
x. Indian
y. Arctic
z. Atlantic
17. Which is true of continental crust?
w. it is thicker than oceanic crust and mostly granite
x. it is thicker than oceanic crust and mostly basalt
y. it is thinner than oceanic crust and mostly granite
z. it is thinner than oceanic crust and mostly basalt.
18. What ocean floor feature becomes a guyot?
w. mid-ocean ridge
x. abyssal hill
y. trench
z. seamount
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