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Solving Word Problems Algebraically
This is probably the most difficult stuff you’ll have to do. There is no special routine to follow
to guarantee you’ll get them correct every time. I will give you some steps to follow that will
make it a bit easier
We will use the following example:
Two consecutive whole numbers add to 43. What are the numbers?
Step 1: Read and re-read the question like 10 times! Read it slowly. Figure out what is
given and what you need to find.
Given: Sum = 43
Find: two consecutive whole numbers (consecutive means one after the other)
Step 2: Identify the variables(make the unknown = to x). Usually developed by what you are
being asked to find (two consecutive whole numbers).
Let x = the first number
Let (x + 1) = the second number
Step 3: Make an equation. Usually developed by what you are given.
Sum = 43
First # + Second # = 43
x + (x + 1) = 43
Step 4: Solve for the unknown variable
x + (x + 1) = 43
2x + 1 = 43
2x = 42
x = 21
Step 5: Write a concluding sentence
the two numbers are 21 and 22 (x + 1 = 22)
Try These
1. Five more than twice a number is 93
Step 1: What is given? What do you need to
Step 2: Identify the Variable(s)
x = a number
Given: Total = 93
Find: a number (times 2 + 5)
Step 3 and 4: Make an Equation and Solve for the variable
2x + 5 = 93
2x = 88
x = 44
Step 5: Write a concluding statement answering the question.
 the number is 44
2. The length of a rectangular garden is 6m more than twice its width. The perimeter of
the garden is 36m. What are the dimensions of the garden?
Step 1: What is given? What do you need to
Given: P = 36. I also know that P = 2(l + w)
Step 2: Identify the Variable(s)
w = width
l = 6 more than twice the width
= 2w + 6 (given to us)
Find: length and width
Step 3 and 4: Make an Equation and Solve for the variable
P = 2(l + w)
36 = 2(2w + 6 + w)
36 = 2(3w + 6)
36 = 6w + 12
24 = 6w
Step 5: Write a concluding statement answering the question.
 the width is 4m and the length is 14m (2w + 6 = 2(4) + 6 = 14).