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Theories in Environmental Psychology
The steps in the scientific method often involve the formulation of theories and models
What is the scientific method? It is a procedure for obtaining knowledge that uses empirical data as the basis for
evaluating facts and theories.
Make empirical observations
Pose questions
Formulate hypotheses
Test hypotheses
Formulate theories
Hypotheses - Formulate hypotheses - how are two or more variables are related
Hypotheses are the predicted explanations for the outcome of research.
Theories are sets of propositions or principles that are used to explain, predict, and organize empirical data.
These propositions include sets of concepts and how they are related to each other
Models are often more complex than theories but the term is used in much the same way
e.g., Moos Integrative Model of Crowding
Purpose or Function
1. Theories explain environmental behavior
Why don’t people help as much in crowded or high density environments
2. Theories help to predict and control behavior and cognition
The environmental stress model allow us to predict how certain stimuli will impact health
3. Theories help to organize empirical findings
There is a large body of research on stressors and other factors such as perceived control.
4. Theories focus and direct new research.
5. Provide generalizations - Theories can apply to several phenomena
a. Help to generalize and focus on the related concepts
What makes a good theory
1. Fits known facts
2. Predicts new discoveries
3. Is falsifiable (capable of being disproven)
4. Is parsimonious or simple
5. Generalizability
The 1970's and 80's saw the first major steps in the formulation of theory in environmental psychology
ex. environmental load theory and adaptation level theory
These theories and models can apply to a number of areas in the field of environmental psychology
Deterministic Theories
Most theories in science including psychology focuses on a Deterministic approach to environment and behavior
Environ. conditions ---> Behavioral Consequences
Misleading, and overly simplistic??
Adaptational or Transactional Approaches
Environmental psychologists has been more interested in adaptational or transactional models or approaches
Envir. cond. <-> adaptive psych. processes <-> Beh. Conseq.
The effects of the environment on behavior are seen as mediated (or moderated) by a variety of adaptive psychological
process e.g., social support, cognitive appraisal, perceived control
Transactional Approaches
The transactional approach also focuses on the pattern of relationships rather than on simple cause and effect or
deterministic approaches
Some Key Envir. Psy Theories (text)
 Stimulation theories
Control theories
Behavior Setting theory
Decision Making theories
Integral theories
Operant or learning theories
Enviro.-centered and Ecopsychological
 Newer theories tend to be integrative
 Focus on both the person and environment
 No one theory is comprehensive enough to explain all behavior or topic
 The development of newer theories is crucial to the advancement of the field