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SS7CG3: Compare how gender, education (literacy) and GDP (per capital income) affect
the standard of living in Kenya, South Africa and Sudan.
Essential question: How does a government’s stability (GDP) influence the lives of its
Complete the chart
Per capita
Literacy rate
Literacy rate
Probability of
not surviving
South Africa
United States
Answer the following questions.
1. Compare Kenya’s GDP to Sudan’s GDP. Now look at their literacy rates. What do you
notice about the differences in the 2 countries? How does the literacy rate affect the GDP
in each country? What reasons could account for the differences?
2. Compare either Sudan or Kenya to South Africa’s GDP. Why might South Africa have
a higher GDP?
3. Look at the survival rate for each country. Which country has the lowest survival rate?
What factors (ethnic violence, health issues, etc.) contribute to this nations’ survival age?
4. Think about gender either male or female, what impact would gender have on
receiving an education. How could lack of education affect the standard of living of
people in a country?
5. Consider your life here in America. Based on your findings from the graphs what is the
difference in the US that would impact the differences in the rates of countries of Africa?