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Created by Hilary J. Eppley, DePauw University ([email protected]) and posted
on on July 14, 2008. Copyright Hilary J. Eppley 2008. This work is licensed
under the Creative Commons Attribution Non-commercial Share Alike License. To view a copy of
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Inorganic Chemistry Pretest!
1. Provide the correct answers below (3 pt each):
a. The common oxidation state(s) of Bi
b. The electron configuration of Nd
c. The electron configuration of Tc2+
d. The formula for rubidium sulfite
e. The smallest actinide
f. The name of Cu(C2H3O2)2• 2H2O
g. The ionic compound formed between the –1 ion that is isoelectronic
with Kr and the second smallest alkaline earth metal
h. The complete atomic symbol for the +3 ion with 18 electrons and 25
The +2 ion with the electron configuration: [Kr] 4d7
2. Rank the following in the proper order:
The largest to the smallest: Ba
k. Lowest to highest electronegativity:
3. Justify the reason(s) for each of the following chemical observations. Be as
specific as possible, using diagrams or equations as necessary (5 pt each):
a. Li is easier to oxidize than F.
Created by Hilary J. Eppley, DePauw University ([email protected]) and posted
on on July 14, 2008. Copyright Hilary J. Eppley 2008. This work is licensed
under the Creative Commons Attribution Non-commercial Share Alike License. To view a copy of
this license visit {}
b. XeF4 is nonpolar, but IF3 is polar.
c. The N-O bond length in nitrite is shorter than the N-O bond length in
4. Assign the oxidation states of each element in the following compounds (1 pt
5. The following compounds are mixed together in aqueous solution. For each
a. Predict the products
b. Balance the reaction
c. Indicate clearly the state of matter of each substance involved.
d. Write the net ionic equation if the reaction occurs
e. State the driving force for the reaction (one phrase, not an essay)
a. NH3 + H2SO4 
Created by Hilary J. Eppley, DePauw University ([email protected]) and posted
on on July 14, 2008. Copyright Hilary J. Eppley 2008. This work is licensed
under the Creative Commons Attribution Non-commercial Share Alike License. To view a copy of
this license visit {}
b. strontium chloride + ammonium carbonate 
6. Explain the difference between a weak base and a strong base. In your
answer, give an example of each and write reactions showing how each
species acts as a base, explaining the difference between them. (8 pt)
7. Draw a picture of a dz2 orbital.
How does a 4dz2 differ from a 3dz2 orbital?
8. Which orbital on the metal is higher in energy in an octahedral crystal field
(metal ion surround by 6 ligands), the dz2 or the dxz? Explain using words
and diagrams!
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