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Station 1
1. Identify Specimen 1a
2. Identify Specimen 1b
3. Identify Specimen 1c
4. Identify Specimen 1d
5. Identify Specimen 1e
6. “Peacock Ore” is the nickname for which specimen(s)?
7. “Fool’s Gold” is the nickname for which specimen(s)?
8. What is the property displayed by Specimens 1c and 1d?
Station 2
Match each of the following to the environment they were most likely
formed in. Environments may be used more than once or not at all.
1. Andesite
a. Evaporite Deposits
2. Gabbro
b. Shallow Seas
3. Breccia
c. Beaches
4. Chert
d. Sea Floor Oozes
5. Coal
e. Divergent Plate Boundaries
6. Ulexite
f. Convergent Plate Boundaries
7. Coquina
g. Fast-Moving Rivers
8. Sandstone
h. Caves
9. Dolostone
i. Hydrothermal Vents
j. Swamps
Station 3
1. Identify Specimen 3a
2. Is this rock igneous, sedimentary, or metamorphic?
3. Identify Specimen 3b
4. Is this rock igneous, sedimentary, or metamorphic?
5. Identify Specimen 3c
6. Is this rock igneous, sedimentary, or metamorphic?
7. Identify Specimen 3d
8. Is this rock igneous, sedimentary, or metamorphic?
9. Identify Specimen 3e
10. Is this rock igneous, sedimentary, or metamorphic?
11. Identify Specimen 3f
12. Is this rock igneous, sedimentary, or metamorphic?
13. Identify Specimen 3g
14. Is this rock igneous, sedimentary, or metamorphic?
15. Identify Specimen 3h
16. Is this rock igneous, sedimentary, or metamorphic?
Station 4
Fill in this diagram with the following terms:
Volcanic activity, Heat & pressure, Sedimentation, Weathering &
Erosion, Compaction & Cementation, Melting, Petrification. Note, not
all of the words must be used, and some words can be used more than
Station 5
1. Identify Specimen 5a:
2. Identify Specimen 5b:
3. Identify Specimen 5c:
4. Identify Specimen 5d:
5. Identify Specimen 5e:
6. Identify Specimen 5f:
7. Identify Specimen 5g:
8. Identify Specimen 5h:
9. Identify Specimen 5i:
10.Identify Specimen 5j:
Station 6
1. Which of the following would be classified as a plutonic rock?
a. Pumice
b. Obsidian
c. Andesite
d. Diorite
e. None of the above
2. Magma that is dark in color and flows quickly would be called
a. Mafic
b. Felsic
c. Silica
d. Ultrafelsic
e. None of the above
3. Which of the following rocks would be most likely to occur in a
a. Scoria
b. Andesite
c. Granite
d. Sandstone
e. All of the above
4. Magma that cools slowly deep under the surface forms crystals that
a. small
b. large
c. round
d. cubic
e. tetrahedral
5. Dikes and sills differ in that
a. Dikes are smaller than sills
b. Sills are smaller than dikes
c. Dikes do not cut across preexisting rocks
d. Sills do not cut across preexisting rocks
e. None of the above
6. An intrusion with a flat base and curved top would be called a
a. Batholith
b. Laccolith
c. Phacolith
d. Petrolith
e. None of the above
7. Among igneous rocks, pegmatite has
a. The largest crystals because it cooled the slowest
b. The largest crystals because it cooled the fastest
c. The smallest crystals because it cooled the slowest
d. The smallest crystals because it cooled the fastest
e. None of the above
8. As you ascend from the earth’s core, you will encounter
a. First hypabyssal, then abyssal, then volcanic rocks
b. First plutonic, then abyssal, then volcanic rocks
c. First volcanic, then hypabyssal, then abyssal rocks
d. First plutonic, then hypabyssal, then volcanic rocks
e. First abyssal, then hypabyssal, then volcanic, then plutonic
9. A dome collapse is
a. A type of intrusion
b. A type of extrusion
c. A type of pyroclastic flow
d. A type of volcanic eruption
e. None of the above
10. A stratovolcano like Mount Pelée would most likely erupt:
a. Felsic lava with high gas content
b. Felsic lava with little gas content
c. Mafic lava with high gas content
d. Mafic lava with little gas content
e. None of the above
Station 7
1. Identify Specimen 7a:
2. Identify Specimen 7b:
3. Identify Specimen 7c:
4. Identify Specimen 7d:
5. Identify Specimen 7e:
6. Identify Specimen 7f:
7. How many of these specimens are intrusive?
8. How manyof these specimens are extrusive?
9. How many of these specimens result from rapid cooling?
10. How many of thesespecimens are mafic?
Station 8
Name the crystal systems pictured below:
Station 9
1. Identify Specimen 9a:
2. Identify Specimen 9b:
3. Identify Specimen 9c:
4. Identify Specimen 9d:
5. Identify Specimen 9e:
6. Identify Specimen 9f:
7. What element is responsible for the color of specimen 9b and 9f?
8. What element is responsible for the color of specimen 9e?
9. What type of cleavage is displayed by specimen 9d?
10. Which two specimens are used for pigments?
Station 10
1. Identify Specimen 10a:
2. Which of the following is a use of that specimen?
a. Paper manufacture
b. Geological dating
c. Radio transmitters
d. All of the above
3. What is this specimen’s hardness on Mohs’ hardness scale?
4. Identify Specimen 10b:
5. What nickname is given to this mineral?
6. Identify Specimen 10c:
7. Where does the name for this mineral come from?
a. It often comes in a mineral habit shaped like kidneys.
b. It comes from the Greek word for blood, due to its streak
c. It is an ore of iron
d. It is an ore of copper
8. Identify Specimen 10d:
9. What is the chemical formula for this mineral?
Station 11
1. Identify Specimen 11a:
2. What is the luster of Specimen 11a?
3. Identify Specimen 11b:
4. What is the luster of Specimen 11b?
5. Identify Specimen 11c:
6. What is the luster of Specimen 11c?
7. Identify Specimen 11d:
8. What is the luster of Specimen 11d?
9. Identify Specimen 11e:
10.What is the luster of Specimen 11e?
Station 12
1. Identify Specimen 12a:
2. Identify Specimen 12b:
3. Identify Specimen 12c:
4. Identify Specimen 12d:
5. Which of the specimens can be found in Bowen’s reaction series?
6. Which of the specimens is a known form of asbestos?
7. What is the specific variety of specimen 12b?
8. What property is exhibited by Specimen 12b?
a. Double refraction
b. Reflection
c. Metallic Luster
d. Piezoelectricity
9. Which specimen is utilized in making hair care products such as
dryers and hair straighteners?
Station 13
Fill in the blanks.
1. _____________ is the tendency of a mineral to break along flat
surfaces due to weakness in the atomic structure.
2. _____________is the ability of a mineral to withstand scratching
3. _____________ is when a mineral breaks unrelated to weaknesses
in atomic structure.
4. ________________ is a measure of a mineral’s density compared
to water.
5. Sedimentary rocks are considered to be ____________ if are made
of sediment and other rock fragments that have been transported
and deposited from other.
6. _____________ metamorphism is a type of metamorphism that
occurs over large areas.
7. _____________ metamorphism occurs adjacent to igneous
intrusions due to their high temperatures.
8. ____________ describes the appearance of layers in some
metamorphic rocks.
9. Igneous rocks with grains that are too small to be seen visibly are
described as being ______________.
10.____________ describes the texture of igneous rocks with
distinctly different grain sizes.
Station 14
1. Identify Specimen 14a:
2. Identify Specimen 14b:
3. Identify Specimen 14c:
4. Identify Specimen 14d:
5. Ruby is a variety of which specimen?
6. Emerald is a variety of which specimen?
7. Sapphire is a variety of which specimen?
8. Aquamarine is a variety of which of the specimens?
9. Which of the following is NOT a use of Specimen 14a?
Component in tooth enamel
Acid production
Optical components in cameras
10.What is a use of specimen 14c?
Ore of strontium
pH buffer
Station 15
1. What mineral makes up most of the Earth’s mantle?
Which of the below is the correct order of the eight most
abundant elements in Earth’s crust, from greatest to least?
a. O, Si, Al, Ca,Na, Fe, K, Mg
b. O, Si, Al, Ca,Fe, Na, Mg, K
c. O, Si, Al,Fe, Na, Mg, Ca, K
d. O, Si, Al,Fe, Ca,Na, K, Mg
e. O, Si, Al, Na,Fe, Mg, Ca, K
3. The ocean floor is made primarily of:
4. What is the most common type of rock in continental crust?
5. What is the most common class of minerals?
Native Elements
6. What is the hardest naturally occurring mineral?
Boron nitride
None of the above
7. If a mineral cannot be scratched with a fingernail but can be
scratched with a penny, what can we conclude about the mineral?
a. The mineral is calcite
b. The mineral's hardness is greater than 3
c. The mineral can be scratched with a steel file.
d. All of the above
e. None of the above
8. Is coal a mineral? Why or why not?
9. Is ice a mineral? Why or why not?
10. Is glass a mineral? Why or why not?