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Wolfgang Amadeus
A Musician that changed the world’s view
on music. His legacy will live on forever as
his pieces still touch our souls today.
By: Kurtis Toolson
Important Dates
Mozart was born January 27, 1756 in Salzburg, Austria.
In December, 1769, Wolfgang, then age 13, and his father departed from Salzburg for Italy,
leaving his mother and sister at home.
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and his father returned from their last stay in Italy in March, 1773.
In 1776, he turned his efforts toward piano concertos, culminating in the Piano Concerto
Number 9 in E flat major in early 1777.
Mozart died December 5, 1791 in Vienna, Austria.
Mozart was the only surviving son of Leopold and Maria Pertl Mozart.
He had an older sister named Maria Anna and her nickname was Nannerl.
Leopold worked as an assistant concert master at the Salzburg court.
He also was a composer and violinist.
Maria Pertl Mozart came from a middle class family which consisted of many community leaders.
Leapold taught his kids the piano, and always made the lessons really fun for them. He realized
that they were super talented, especially Mozart.
Early Life
Mozart was a muliti-insturmentalist and started playing in public at age 6
When her dad taught his sister nannerl at age 7 Mozart sat there and mimicked her playing, and
quickly caught on.
His dad noticed his children’s talents at their early age, and focused on their musical education.
When Mozart was 6 he went with his dad and sister on this big time child prodigy tour, to
showcase their talents.
Mozart frequently became ill and his performance schedule was often limited
Life as a Young Composer
At age 13 he left with his father on a two year Italian outing to display his musical talents in front
of as many people as possible.
He was hired on as an assistant concert master, but got annoyed with the low pay, so he set off in
search for better employment.
He went on the quest with his mother, where she fell and died in 1778, which was by far the
lowest point of his ever so hard quest, where he also struggled financially and had to sell personal
items to survive and pay traveling expenses.
His Trials in Vienna
In March of 1782 Mozart was summoned by the Archbishop to Vienna, where he was offended because he was
treated as a servant.
He decided to resign, and the archbishop didn’t want to let him.
Mozart decided to live with friends and work as a freelance composer.
He ended up falling in love with Fredolin Weber’s daughter, which caused a bit of confusion in the family. His
father was against it at first, but then came to his senses.
They were finally married on August 4, 1782.
They had 6 children together, but only 2 survived past infancy.
His Major Influences
Mozart was very influenced by famous composers, such as Johannes Sebastian Bach and George
Frederic Handel.
He became very interested through their works and pieces, which influenced him into making
many compositions in the baroque style.
He also became good friends with Joseph Haydn.
In a 3 year period, he wrote 6 quartets dedicated to his beloved friend Haydn.
They often performed together, whenever Haydn came to Vienna.
His Way to Fame
The Opera Die Entfuhrung, was Mozart’s catapult to success in Europe, as it became very
He enjoyed living in one of the more illustrious apartments in Vienna, and lived a rather rich
lifestyle with his wife Constanze and their children.
He went to visit his father and sister, but they had a hard time accepting Constanze.
Mozart also became a freemason which ended up influencing much of his music.
One of his most successful years was 1784, where he performed many solos, and concerts, and
began to realize his place as one of the all time greats in music history, as he started to make a
catalog of all his work.
His famous lifestyle began to become a burden on him, as he slipped into financial difficulty
The Later Years
The emperor Joseph the second gave him a job so he wouldn’t leave Vienna for a better job.
His financial struggles continued, and he had to move his family from Vienna to see if their
situation would better.
In the last year of his life he was very active in his career. He composed two operas! The
Clemency of Titus, and the Magic Flute
On October 14, 1791 He sent Constanze the last letter of his life, talking about how his arch rival
Antonio Salieri came and watched his opera the magic flute, and were very charming to him.
His Death
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart died December 5, 1792 at age 35.
The cause of death is hard to tell, due to the lack of medical experience back then, but they think
it might have been caused by a fever.
Barely anyone showed up to his funeral, and he was buried in a common grave.
His memorial service was well attended.
His death came at a young age, even for the time period.
His Legacy
Mozart was considered one of the greatest musicians and composers of all time at the time of his
His legacy still lives on to till this day.
His music influenced many other musicians, such as the ever so famous Ludwig Beethoven.
His legacy will live on forever as one of the greatest musicians ever
Famous Works
* Eine Kleine Nachtmusik
* The Marriage of Figaro
* Don Giovanni
* The Magic Flute
* Symphonies 39, 40, 41
* Piano concertos 17, 20, 21, 23, 27
* Violin concertos 5, 6
* Flute and Harp concerto
Quotes on Mozart’s Legacy
For one moment in the history of music all opposites were reconciled; all tensions resolved; that
luminous moment was Mozart. (Phil Goulding)
Mozart is the highest, the culminating point that beauty has attained in the sphere of music.
A phenomenon like Mozart remains an inexplicable thing. (Goethe)
Mozart is happiness before it has gotten defined. (Arthur Miller)
A light, bright, fine day this will remain throughout my whole life. As from afar, the magic notes
of Mozart’s music still gently haunts me. (Franz Schubert)
Mozart is the musical Christ. (Tchaikovsky)
Mozart creates music from a mysterious center, and so knows the limits to the right and the left,
above and below. He maintains moderation. (Karl Barth)
3. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: A Biography
Piero Melograni