Download 8th grade -Quiz 2 Study Guide- Vocabulary (A word bank will be

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8th grade
-Quiz 2 Study Guide1. Vocabulary (A word bank will be provided)
Parasitic Organism
S.T.D/S.T.I. (no word bank for these)
2. Communicable/Non-Communicable Diseases:
 2 examples of a communicable disease
 The main difference between a virus and a bacterial infection
 Be able to name 3 STD’s and one fact about each one
 3 ways to prevent you from getting an STD
 2 ways STD’s can be spread from one person to another
3. Contraceptives:
 Identify 3 types of contraceptives and be able to Explain what it is/Chances of not
getting pregnant if very careful and not very careful/ Health Concerns/ One strong
point and One weak point
 What HIV and AIDS stand for and the 4 bodily fluids that HIV/AIDS can be spread
 2 examples of how HIV is NOT spread
 How HIV affects the immune system
 Define the incubation period and how long the incubation period is for HIV/AIDS
 2 examples of how to prevent getting HIV/AIDS
5. Drugs:
 The difference between abuse, misuse and use of a drug.
 The definition of stimulants and depressants and what they do to the body.
 Know the refusal skills.