Download Annotated Bibliography of Classical Allusions in Romeo and Juliet

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Annotated Bibliography of Classical Allusions in Romeo and Juliet
An annotated bibliography is a works cited page in which you give a brief summary of
the information found within the source.
A Classical allusion is when an author makes reference to a character in Classic
Greek or Roman mythology.
In his boyhood, William Shakespeare, like most young students, was well-versed in
Ovid’s Metamorphosis, a collection of all the Classic Roman myths. In fact, the plot line
for Romeo and Juliet is based upon the Roman myth of Pyramus and Thisbe.
Shakespeare often makes references to various mythological characters in all of these
 You will need to skim over the play to find these Classical allusions. As you find
these Classical allusions, record the act, scene and line number where they
occur so you can go back to them.
 Then, we will go to the IMC to research these Classical allusions. You will have
to find out information about each of the allusions. You will paraphrase and cite
your source.
 Along with the paraphrase, you will explain why Shakespeare uses the
allusion. For example, why does he refer to Cupid in a particular line?
Here is an example of how an annotated citation would look:
Writer, Ima. “Cupid.” Encyclopedia Britannica. 1998 ed. Cupid is the son of the Roman love
goddess, Venus. According to the Ancient Romans, he is usually the cause of people
falling in love. They fall in love because he shoots them with a golden arrow. Romeo
refers to Cupid not being able to hit Rosaline with an arrow in Act 1 scene 1 because she
will not fall in love with Romeo (I, i, 214).
Notetaking for Annotated Bibliography
Paraphrase of information
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Paraphrase of information
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