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The olfactory organ perceives:
+the odors
-the light
-the sounds
-the taste
Where are the receptors of the olfactory organ situated?
+in the nasal mucosa of the superior nasal conchae and the contralateral areas of the nasal septum
-in the nasal mucosa of the middle nasal conchae and the contralateral areas of the nasal septum
-in the nasal mucosa of the inferior nasal conchae
-in the nasal mucosa of the nasal septum
Where are the bodies of the first neurons of the olfactory pathway located?
+in the nasal mucosa of the superior nasal conchae and adherent portion of the nasal septum
-in the nasal mucosa of the middle and inferior nasal conchae
-in the olfactory bulbs
-in the parahippocampal gyruses
Where are the bodies of the second neurons of the olfacrory pathway located?
+in the olfactory bulbs
-in the nasal mucosa of the superior nasal conchae and adherent portion of the nasal septum
-in the parahippocampal gyruses
-in the olfactory trigones
Where are the bodies of the third neurons of the olfactory pathway located?
+in the olfactory trigones, the anterior perforated substances and the septum pellucidum
-in the olfactory bulbs
-in the parahippocampal gyruses
-in the olfactory cells of the nasal mucosa of the middle and inferior nasal conchae
Where is the olfactory cortex located?
+in the uncus of the parahippocampal gyrus
-in the superior temporal gyrus
-in the postcentral gyrus
-in the cerebral cortex lying along the banks of the calcarine sulcus
The olfactory nerves enter the skull cavity through:
+the cribriform plate of the ethmoid bone
-the foramen rotundum of the sphenoid bone
-the foramen caecum of the frontal bone
-the mastoid canaliculus of the temporal bone
What pair of cranial nerves are the olfactory nerves?
+1 CN
-11 CN
-V1 CN
-1V CN
The receptors for sensation of taste are located:
+in the taste buds
-in the lingual tonsil
-in the oral mucosa of the floor of the oral cavit
-in the filiform and conic papillae
Which of the following has no the taste buds?
+the filiform papillae of the tongue
-the fungiform papillae of the tongue
-the vallate papillae of the tongue
-the foliate papillae of the tongue
Where are the first neurons of the gustatory pathway located?
+in the sensory ganglia of the facial, glossopharyngeal and the vagus nerves
-in the sensory nucleus of the solitary tract (the common nucleus for V11, 1X, X CN)
-in the taste buds
-in the sensory ganglion of the trigeminal nerve (the Gasserian ganglion)
Where are the second neurons of the gustatory pathway located?
+in the neurons of the nucleus of solitary tract (the common nucleus for V11, 1X, X CN)
-in the taste buds
-in the sensory ganglia of the V11, 1X, X CN
-in the uncus of the parahippocampal gyrus
Where are the third neurons of the gustatory pathway located?
+in the thalamic neurons
-in the neurons of the nucleus of solitary tract (the common nucleus for V11, 1X, X CN)
-in the sensory ganglion of the trigeminal nerve (the Gasserian ganglion)
-in the taste papillae of the tongue
Where is the primary taste cortex located?
+in the uncus of the parahippocampal gyrus
-in the postcentral gyrus
-in the thalamic neurons
-in the transverse temporal gyri (Heshl’s gyri)
The nerve conducting the sense of taste from the first two thirds of the tongue is:
+the chorda tympany from the facial nerve
-the greater petrosal nerve from the facial nerve
-the lingual branches from the vagus nerve
-the lingual branches from the hypoglossal nerve
The nerves conducting the sense of taste from the posterior third of the tongue, the soft palate and palatal
arches are:
+the lingual branches from the glossopharyngeal nerve
-the chorda tympany from the facial nerve
-the lesser petrosal nerve from the glossopharyngeal nerve
-the lingual branches from the hypoglossal nerve
The nerve conducting the sense of taste from the root of the tongue and epiglottis is:
+the superior laryngeal nerve from the vagus nerve
-the chorda tympany from the facial nerve
-the greater petrosal nerve from the facial nerve
-the lesser petrosal nerve from the glossopharyngeal nerve
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