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Name _______________________ due date ________
This feature reveals the secret of life, or at least it reveals a small bit. It shows how a plant uses light
from the sun and from this how we all benefit.
It shows you how plants create glucose. It shows you the cycle of gases. It asks you some relevant questions
that make think about how plants and animals work together.
The Cycle
What does the molecule CO2 stand represent? __________________
What does the molecule H2O stand represent? __________________
What does the molecule O2 stand represent? ___________________
What molecule does the girl breath out? ______________________
What molecule comes out of the watering can? __________________
When you raise the shade, explain what happens on the screen.
7. What molecule is released from the plant? _____________________
Atomic Shuffle
1. Draw each of the following molecules: carbon dioxide, hydrogen, water, oxygen, and glucose. Be sure
to put the name of each below:
2. Write a description of the process of photosynthesis in your own words.___________________
3. Write the equation for Photosynthesis:
Three Puzzlers
1. A tree inhales CO2 it needs to if it is to survive. But can it release enough O2 to keep just one person
alive? ______________________________________________________________________
2. A plant needs its own food to function. It can’t make its own food at night. Beyond a few hours of
darkness can a plant stay alive with out light? _________________________________________
3. A plant receives the nutrition it needs will continue to live, we now know. But what if we took all of its
O2 away? Do you think the plant could still grow? _______________________________________
Name _______________________ due date ________
Photosynthesis comes from two Greek words photo meaning “___________”
and synthesis meaning “_____________________”
 ______________ takes place in the chloroplast
 Is a structure found in ____________ cells
 Contains a green pigment called _______________
 Gives plants its ____________ color
 Captures energy from _____________ to carry out photosynthesis
 Found in the ________________
Carbon dioxide
 A plant absorbs carbon dioxide through tiny holes in its leaves called _____________
 A plant’s roots take in ____________ and ____________ from the soil
 Water is the “ ____________________” in photosynthesis
 Sunlight is a kind of __________
 A green plant uses energy from the sun to carry out ______________carbon dioxide and
___________ into _____________ and oxygen
 When photosynthesis takes place ___________ and _____________ is released through holes
called the stomata
 Oxygen is released through holes called ______________
 Sugars are a plant’s _____________
 The sugars produced during photosynthesis are transported to __________ parts of the plant
Why Did the Plant Grow This Way? Questions
1. How many types of chlorophyll are there? ____________
2. What are they called? ___________________________________
3. What color wavelength of light is absorbed the most by a plant ________________ Amount
4. Which colors wavelengths of light are absorbed the least? _______________________________
5. Who as Robert Burns? __________________________________________________________