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The modern tidal wave of iodine antagonists
Trillions of Reasons to Get Iodine Replete
Iodine is found in each of our body’s hundred trillion cells yet
the vast majority of Americans are deficient. Some
symptoms of iodine deficiency:
 Anxiety attacks
 Autism
 Brain fog
 Cancer
 Depression
 Diabetes
 Dry hair, skin, mouth, and/or eyes
 Edema (swollen ankles, puffy face)
 Fatigue
 Goiter
 High cholesterol
 Infertility
 Low or high blood pressure
 Low sex drive
 Lower than average body temp
 Multiple Sclerosis
 Muscle and joint pains
 Slowed heart rate
 Weight gain (especially in the belly)
Bread is now made with bromine as a dough conditioner (not
required on the label)—bromine and fluorine fill the iodine
receptors in every cell so that whatever iodine a person might
consume cannot be utilized.
A third of the world’s population lives in iodine deficient,
areas, according to the World Health Organization. Iodine
deficiency during pregnancy is the most common (and entirely
preventable) form of mental retardation. Iodine deficiency
can lead to socio economic decline for two reasons: poor
health and lower IQ.
Half of the Afghan population are mentally retarded due to
iodine deficiency, according to the World Health
Organization. Some researchers consider Neanderthals to be
merely iodine deficient Homo sapiens.
One study found that when “mothers had very low levels of
thyroid hormone early in pregnancy the chance of having a kid
with autism was multiplied by four.”
Neonatal mortality can drop up to 50% when iodine deficiency
is treated.
Dr. Guy Brownstein reports, “After testing over 500
patients, I found that 94.7% are deficient in inorganic
iodine.” Iodine has always been scarce but a number of
factors have produced a precipitous decline in iodine levels in
our times. In the 30 years between the 1971 iodine survey
and the 2000 survey, the average American iodine level
dropped 50%.
Why is it worse now than ever before?
We use less (iodized) salt
Restaurant and convenience foods don’t use iodized salt
Iodine is no longer added to milk
Iodine is no longer used as a dough conditioner
An even more insidious source of bromine is upholstered
furniture, mattresses, car seats, and electronics (which can
be 5-30% flame retardants, typically bromine). This is
especially hard on crawling children who have more exposure
to the floor.
In 1998 Drs. Guy Abraham and Jorge Flechas began the
Iodine Project ( Other contemporary
iodine-savvy doctors are Mark Brownstein, David Derry,
Gabriel Cousens, and W.R. Ghent, who wrote about the
Russian research.
It all goes back to Jean Lugol, a researcher in Paris. In 1829
he discovered that mixing KI (potassium iodide) and NaI
(sodium iodide) produces tridiodine (I3), which is 150 times
more soluble than either component. Lugol’s Solution was
incredibly curative for TB in lungs and lymph nodes.
Iodine’s success was the beginning of modern medicine, and
was called the “universal medicine” until the 1960s. Old time
doctors were able to treat an ever expanding list of ailments
that up to then had been hopeless, starting with goiter.
Iodine was even used to cure syphilis and chronic lung
disease, using 6 grams daily (which is 6,000 milligrams/day!).
Dr. Brownstein has found 200 to 300 mg of iodine daily are
effective for prostate and breast cancer, with 100 mg/day
for people in remission. In perspective, this seemingly “high”
dose is still far lower than what the 1910-1911 Encyclopedia
Britannica cites as the “usual” daily dose of 300-900 mg.
Other doctors go as high as 1000 mg a day. Now 1 in 7
American women (almost 15 percent) develop breast cancer,
but 30 years ago, when the average American got twice as
much iodine as now only 1 in 20 women got breast cancer.
The highest doses, 6 grams daily (which is 6,000 mg/ day!),
were used to cure syphilis and chronic lung disease. Iodine as
an aerosol was used in the Spanish flu epidemic and is put into
nebulizers in our time for lung cancer, emphysema, asthma
and tuberculosis. Shouldn’t aerosol iodine be considered for
both swine flu and regular influenza?
High levels are needed because humans evolved in coastal
iodine-rich environments; we ‘use up’ large amounts of iodine
each day in ordinary metabolism (i.e. a person with optimum
intake of iodine excretes a lot of it in the urine).
In the 1950s Dr. Orian Truss had patients with serious
Candida from antibiotics, which blocked proper assimilation of
nutrients from food. They regained health with Lugol’s.
Cholesterol levels rise when the thyroid gland malfunctions
due to inadequate iodine. Iodine moves cholesterol out of
arteries in order to make our fat soluble hormones.
Dr. Michael B. Schachter says, “The treatment dose when a
person is iodine insufficient is generally between 12.5 mg and
50 mg daily.” It takes about 3 months to become iodine
replete when ingesting 50 mg of iodine a day, or a year when
ingesting 12.5 mg of iodine a day. “However, the patient
needs to be monitored closely with awareness of
detoxification reactions” as toxic iodine blockers like
bromide, fluoride, and perchlorate are released into the
Detoxing from Bromine, Fluorine, Etc.
Iodine alone can’t cope with detoxing. See the Iodine Group’s
Guide (below) where you’ll learn how essential-but-scarce
nutrients like vitamin C, magnesium, selenium, boron, and
silica, protect from the release of bromine etc. The amino
acid tyrosine also helps during detoxification, when the body
loosens toxins faster than the body can eliminate them.
“Salt loading” with one teaspoon of sea salt a day (added to
food or drink) helps most people avoid the headaches that
sometimes result when the body is detoxing.
To learn how to handle these modern toxins, download
naturopath Stephanie Buist’s free 16-page “Guide to
Supplementing with Iodine,” drawn from thousands of people
who subscribe to the Yahoo Iodine Group. Dr. Brownstein
wrote Iodine: Why You Need It, Why You Can't Live
Without It. Then there is Lynne Farrow’s book The Iodine
Crisis, What You Don’t Know About Iodine Can Wreck Your
Life (with a forward by Dr. Brownstein) and her online forum,
Why did iodine therapy disappear?
The baseless fear of overdosing with iodine arose in 1948
after the poorly performed, never replicated Wolff-Chaikoff
study alleged that hypothyroidism could occur as a result of
‘excess’ iodine. The study concluded that only 2 milligrams
daily would be safe.
This one flawed study on rats was extrapolated to humans,
leading to a new treatment for goiter and hypothyroidism—
Synthroid, which contains thyroxine. Synthroid is now the
second top selling drug in America. Dr. Abraham explains,
“Supplying thyroid hormones to iodine-deprived individuals
masks the iodine deficiency and can result in a zombie-like
effect. The patients are capable of performing physical work
but are not able to think and reason at maximum capacity.”
And now there is another reason the medical establishment
doesn’t like iodine—CAT scans and some types of x-rays use
an iodine-based radiocontrast agent, therefore iodine-replete
subjects can’t get clear images.
Iodine deficiency is exacerbated if patients’ food or water
contain goitrogenic (iodine repelling) chemicals like bromide,
fluoride, perchlorate, PCBs, or dioxins.
The Japanese consume 13.8 mg/day of iodine. Fish have
plenty of iodine in their thyroid but not in their flesh. Dr.
Weston Price found that most inland native peoples traded
with coastal people for iodine-rich kelp or dried fish eggs.
Red, Hot, Swollen – Grangulomas Are Signs of Healing
Our amazing bodies form a granuloma when any protein, such
as bacteria, virus, or allergen is enveloped by white blood
cells in a process called phagocytosis. The three required
ingredients to produce the "oxygen burst" that kills and
disintegrates the protein are:
 Peroxidase enzyme (a catalyst)
 H2O2 (hydrogen peroxide)
 Either chlorine or iodine
White blood cells wall off invaders such as the chicken pox
virus in a granuloma. If the white blood cells only have
chlorine (from table salt) but no iodine, the invader is
weakened but not destroyed. With age a person's immune
system slows, and walled-off invaders escape their granuloma,
which is when shingles, cold sores, and genital herpes hit.
This usually happens about once a month or when the person
gets tired, stressed or the body chemistry changes— usually
from low calcium due to lack of hydrochloric acid in the
stomach. Vitamin D and omega-3s in the intestinal villi help
the blood upload calcium.
Iodine as Veggie Wash
The CDC reports that a rare form of E. coli has sickened or
killed people, and elsewhere the CDC says, “Disinfection with
iodine or chlorine has a high effectiveness in killing bacteria
such as E. coli.” Dr. Mark Sircus suggests the public should be
told that an iodine veggie rinse protects from E. coli.
Protection from Radiation
Newly revealed tapes, obtained under the Freedom of
Information Act, show that the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory
Commission (NRC) has failed to alert West Coast parents
about the impact on infants from Fukushima radioactive
fallout. These officials calculated an annual radioactive
thyroid dose of 4 REM for infants under one year of age in
California. Since a child’s dose of 5 REM is immediate
grounds for evacuation and prophylactic measures, we clearly
haven’t been given the whole risk profile.
People given potassium iodide 8 hours prior to nuclear
exposure are protected from absorbing radioactive
potassium. However KI has some serious side effects so it
isn’t recommended as a long term practice. Meanwhile, being
iodine replete (from regular consumption of Lugol’s solution or
Iodorol) is generally safe and will prevent absorption of
radioactive iodine.
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