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The Latest in Twin Gear Juicing
"This is the finest living food processor in the world ... and I've used them all."
Brian Clement - Director of The Hippocrates Health Institute, Palm Beach, Florida.
Adjustable crushing pressure
Latest in “JANG” Twin Gears
Quick Release switch
Perfect for juicing your leafy Greens!
The Hippocrates
The Hippocrates Juicer by Greenpower is the newest and best from the inventor of the twin gear
extraction process - in conjunction with Brian Clement from the Hippocrates Institute.
In many ways it's the most exciting development in living food processors since Dr Norman
Walker invented the Norwalk in the 1930's.
While there are a number of slow speed juicers now on the market, we only offer machines that
are truly designed as living food processors and are effective at producing a living juice full of
nutrients and enzymes. With numerous advantages over earlier models, the Hippocrates Juicer by
Greenpower is a total living food kitchen.
Hippocrates juicer features.
This juicer is differentiated from other juicers by the fact that we are trying to preserve the
value of the juice and at the same time extract the most juice out of your produce. So instead
of using high speed blades which create heat and destroy enzymes we are using slow turning
twin gears designed to press the juice out now getting you the most out of your juicer.
The major difference is the ability to juice leafy greens like wheat grass, kale, spinach etc…
These types of juice are some of the most important juices to make as they are very high in
antioxidants. Perfect for cleansing and de-toxing your body. These enzymes are very
sensitive and to juice them in a juicer that uses a blade creates too much friction, creating heat
and destroying these enzymes. Not to mention you would typically not get very much juice
out of them as they tend to spit the greens into the pulp container almost completely whole.
Stainless steel gears
Low or no heat juicing
12 year warranty
Juice herbs
Juice fruits and vegetables
Frozen fruit Smoothies
Safety override feature
Makes Baby foods/deserts
Easy to Clean
Optional pasta making accessories
160 rpms
Juices wheatgrass
Makes Nut butters
Low oxidation
Continuous juicing
This model juicer has the following exclusive features over previous juicer models (green star)
 The twin gears mesh even closer which means more of the cell wall is opened and more
enzymes and nutrients are released. Now 4/1000 of an inch (gs 7/1000)
 Superior as a wheatgrass juicer ... delivering a juice which is low foam to foam free.
 Easily adjustable crushing pressure ... while you're juicing.
 Small, simple and easy to clean!
 *12 year warranty on the engine, 5 years on all plastic parts
 Free Health program from the Hippocrates Health Institute ... providing support and
information so you can get the maximum benefit from your juicing investment (available as
PDF download. Please request copy upon purchase to where you purchased your machine or
e-mail [email protected]
Nancy Desjardins| R.N.C.P
Women's Health Academy | 905.873.0194
78 Main Street South | Georgetown, ON | L7G 3G3
See now what a difference a Hippocrates Juicer can make in your life!