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tele – far away, distant GREEK
television (video, visum (L.) – see) seeing distant things
telephone (phone – sound) – a sound from far away
telegraph (graph – write) – writing from a distance
telephoto (photo – light) – light from far away
telescope (skopeo – look at) - a device for looking at distant objects
telepathy (pathos – feeling) – knowing how someone far away is
telethon (Marathon – a battlefield in ancient Greece) a telephone
fund-raiser which runs on non-stop, as
Pheidippides ran after the battle of Marathon.
teleport (port – carry) transport by dematerializing at one point and
assembling at another (unfortunately, at this point in time
this is a not possible - as in Star Trek!)
telemetry (metron – measure) the science and technology of
automatic measurement and transmission of data by
wire, radio or other means from remote sources (like
space stations) to receiving stations.