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Townsend Harris High School
A.P. European History
Mr. Barbatta, Principal
Mr. Stonehill
Homework Sheet #4- Eastern and Western Europe 1648-1740
HOMEWORK 1: Read pages 210-217 and answer the following questions.
1) Describe the H.R.E., Republic of Poland, and Ottoman Empire.
2) How did Western and Eastern Europe differ from the 16th-18th centuries?
3) Describe the H.R.E. in 1648. Why was it in economic decline?
4) Why were foreign powers willing to support “German liberties”?
5) Why were the Habsburgs weak rulers?
6) Which 2 states emerged as dominant in the H.R.E.?
HOMEWORK 2: Read pages 217-221 and answer the following questions.
1) What were the effects of Poland’s large size?
2) Describe Poland’s government.
3) What eventually happened to the Republic of Poland?
4) What made the Turks militarily strong?
5) How did the Ottomans handle religion within their empire?
6) Describe 17th century Turkish government.
Terms: szlachta, liberum veto
HOMEWORK 3: Read pages 221-226 and answer the following questions.
1) How did the Austrian Habsburgs change from the 16th-19th centuries?
2) Describe Austria’s struggle with the Turks. How was this conflict “international” in character?
3) Who were the peoples of the Austrian Empire?
4) Describe the Austria Empire’s government.
Terms: Prince Eugene of Savoy, Peace of Belgrade, Pragmatic Sanction
HOMEWORK 4: Read pages 226-234 and answer the following questions.
1) Why during the 17th century, were very small states able to influence European affairs?
2) How long did the Swedish Empire last?
3) Describe the extent of Prussia and its expansion from the 15th-18th centuries.
4) How did Frederick William turn Prussia into a major power?
5) Describe the economic situation in Prussia.
Terms: Hohenzollern, Frederick William (Frederick I), Junkers, Silesia
HOMEWORK 5: Read pages 234-245 and answer the following questions.
(Peter the Great video-look in libraries & then copy)
1) Why hadn’t Russia been part of the general development of Europe?
2) Compare and contrast Russia and Prussia.
3) Describe pre-1700 Russian culture. What parts were European and what parts Asian?
4) What was Peter the Great’s main contribution to Russia? In foreign policy? Conquest of territories?
5) Why did Peter the Great try to Westernize Russia? How did he do this?
6) What were the results of Peter’s Revolution?
Terms: Time of Troubles, Stephen Razin, Old Believers, Treaty of Nystadt
HOMEWORK 6: Read pages 245-249 and answer the following questions.
1) Why was Poland partitioned?
2) How was Poland partitioned?
3) How did the partitions of Poland unite Prussia, Russia, and Austria?
(Lecture comparing Prussia, Russia, Austria, and Poland- fill in chart)
HOMEWORK 7: Read pages 250-257 and answer the following questions.
1) What were the most important changes that occurred in the 17 th and 18th centuries?
2) How were the “elite” and “popular” classes different?
3) What did people eat and drink in the 17th and 18th centuries?
4) How did the role of religion change in the 17 th and 18th centuries.
5) How did etiquette differ between the elite and popular classes? In what was read?
HOMEWORK 8: Read pages 257-264 and answer the following questions.
1) What was the outstanding development of the 18th century?
2) What dominated 18th century economics and caused an increase of wealth?
3) Describe people’s occupations. 4) Describe cities.
4) Why were the Dutch so influential in the World Economy?
5) Why did France and Great Britain dominate commerce in the 18 th century?
6) What role did Asia, America, and Africa play in the global economy?
7) How did slavery affect British economics?
8) Describe intra-European trade.
9) Who controlled the world’s wealth? How?
Terms: Thomas “Diamond” Pitt, Jean Joseph Laborde
HOMEWORK 9: Read pages 264-273 and answer the following questions.
1) How did this allow Great Britain to become the most dynamic Atlantic power?
2) What happened to Spain after Utrecht? The Dutch? How were Great Britain and France similar
after the Peace of Utrecht?
3) Describe the views of “Whigs” and “Tories”.
4) What were the “South Sea bubble” and the “Mississippi bubble”? Why did they burst? What
were their effects?
5) What were Walpole’s policies and why were they successful?
Terms: Treaty of Utrecht, War of Jenkins Ear, Cardinal Fleury, Robert Walpole, Jacobites
HOMEWORK 10: Read pages 273-285 and answer the following questions.
1) What were the 2 principal issues of the Great War of the Mid-18th Century?
2) What did Frederick the Great do once he was in power?
3) Describe the Austrian Habsburg Empire at the time of Maria Theresa.
4) How did Maria Theresa survive and the French lose?
5) How did alliances change for the Seven Years War? Why?
6) How did British mercantilism differ from French mercantilism?
7) How did the British defeat the French in America?
8) Describe the state of India in the 17th century.
9) Describe European capitalism in India.
Maria Theresa, Frederick the Great, Silesia, German dualism, Hyderabad, Robert Clive, Treaty of Paris,
Treaty of Hubertusburg