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Review Sheet #5
Chapters 8 and 9
Learning and Memory
- Classical conditioning (Pavlov)
o Conditioned stimulus (CS)
o Unconditioned stimulus (UCS)
o Conditioned response (CR)
o Unconditioned response (UCR)
- Acquisition, extinction, spontaneous recovery, discrimination, overgeneralization
- Experiments: Pavlov’s dogs and the “Little Albert” experiment
Operant Conditioning (Skinner)
Shaping, Primary reinforcers, Secondary reinforcers, latent learning, cognitive
mapping, overjustification
Positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, punishment
Acquisition, extinction, spontaneous recovery, discrimination, overgeneralization
Partial schedules of reinforcement: fixed ratio, variable ratio, variable interval,
fixed interval
Key experiment: The Skinner Box
Observational Learning (Bandura)
Modeling, pro-social behavior, anti-social behavior
Experiment: “The Bobo Doll” experiment
- Flashbulb memories
- Episodic memories
- Repression
- The context effect
- Motivated forgetting
- Mnemonic devices
- Spacing effect
- Serial effect
o Primacy effect
o Recency effect
- Iconic memories
- Echoic memories
- Role of the hippocampus
- Proactive interference
- Retroactive interference
- Ebbinghaus curve
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