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Personal Information:
Lin Ye, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Institute of Hydrobiology,
the Chinese Academy of Sciences
7# Donghu South Road,
Wuhan, 430072, P. R. China
Tel: (+86) 27-68780030
E-mail: [email protected] [email protected]
Hydrobiology, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan, P. R. China.
Biopharm, Wuhan University, Wuhan, P. R. China.
Professional Experience:
Feb., 08 - Present
Aug., 06 - Present
Jun., 07 - Jul., 07
Sep., 01 - Jul., 06
Sep., 97 - Jul., 01
Postdoctoral Researcher, Central Arizona - Phoenix LTER, Global
Institute of Sustainability of Arizona State University
Assistant Professor, Institute of Hydrobiology, the Chinese
Academy of Sciences (CAS).
Visiting Scientist, Ecoinformatics and Watershed Ecology
Laboratory at University of Adelaide, Australian. Do cooperative
researches on predictive modeling on eutrophication processes and
phytoplankton dynamics.
Ph.D candidate at Institute of Hydrobiology, CAS.
Studied and modeled the aquatic ecosystem of Three-Gorge
Reservoir with the Ph.D dissertation “Studies on the eutrophication
and the spring phytoplankton bloom in Xiangxi Bay of
Three-Gorge Reservoir”. And also worked as the database
administrator for the Aquatic-Eco Center of the Chinese Ecosystem
Research Network ( to manage and publish
long term ecological research data.
Student at Department of Biopharm, School of Life Sciences,
Wuhan University, Wuhan, P. R. China.
Computer Skills and Certifications:
 Familiar with statistic software (Matlab, R, etc.), GIS and RS related software
(ArcGIS, Erdas), and program language (SQL, Python and Java).
 Microsoft certified for “Designing and Implementing Databases with Microsoft
SQL Server 2000 Enterprise Edition”.
 Microsoft certified for “Analyzing requirements and defining solution
Research Interests:
My research uses the system ecology and limnology approaches to study the geochemical
cycle of pollutants in the watershed, and their effects on eutrophication process and
aquatic ecosystem dynamics with special emphasis on the spring phytoplankton bloom
problems. My current research interests in the following areas:
 GIS-based watershed modeling,
 Effects of nutrients on aquatic ecosystem,
 Hydrodynamic modeling.
1. Lin Ye, Qinghua Cai, et al. The influence of geology and land use on river water
quality in Xiangxi watershed in Three Gorges Reservoir region. (in revision)
2. LI Feng-Qing, YE Lin et al. 2007. Variations of the main nutrients input to Xiangxi
Bay, the Three-Gorge Reservoir. Acta Ecological Sinica (Accepted, in Chinese)
3. Lin Ye and Qinghua Cai. 2007. Spatial pattern of water quality and its relationship
with landscape in Xiangxi River watershed of the Three Gorges Reservoir region.
Abstracts. EcoSummit 2007: Ecological Complexity and Sustainability.
4. Lin Ye and Qinghua Cai. 2007. Forecasting Chl a concentrations in the Xiangxi Bay
(China) by means of a recurrent artificial neural network. Abstracts. EcoSummit 2007:
Ecological Complexity and Sustainability.
5. L. YE, X. Q. HAN, et al. 2007. Spatial analysis for spring bloom and nutrient
limitation in Xiangxi bay of Three Gorges Reservoir. Environmental monitoring and
assessment, 127(1-3): 135-145.
6. Lin Ye, Xu YaoYang, et al. 2006. Daily dynamics of nutrient and chlorophyll a during
a spring phytoplankton bloom in Xiangxi Bay of the Three Gorges Reservoir. Journal
of Freshwater Ecology, 21(2): 315-321.
7. YE Lin, Xu Yaoyang et al. 2006. The spatial and temporal distribution of nitrate and
phosphate in the Xiangxi Bay, Three - Gorge Reservoir region during the spring
bloom period. Acta Hydrobiological Sinica, 30(1): 75-79. (in Chinese)
8. YE Lin, Han Xinqin, et al. 2006. Kinetic study of the dissolved organic carbon in the
Xiangxi Bay, Three - Gorge Reservoir region during the spring bloom period. Acta
Hydrobiological Sinica, 30(1): 80-83. (in Chinese)
9. XU Yao-Yang, YE Lin, et al. 2006. Characteristic and regression analysis of the PAR
attenuation coefficient in Xiangxi Bay during spring bloom. Acta Hydrogiological
Sinica, 30(1): 84 – 88. (in Chinese)
10. XUE Jun-Zeng, YE Lin, et al. 2006. Variation of Cladocerans from Maoping to
Guizhou in the Three Gorges Reservoir Before and after impoundment. Acta
Hydrogiological Sinica, 30(1): 58-63. (in Chinese)
11. XUE Jun-Zeng, YE Lin, et al. 2006. Variation of copepod from Maoping to Guizhou
in the Three Gorges Reservoir Before and after impoundment. Acta Hydrogiological
Sinica, 30(1): 113 – 115. (in Chinese)
12. Qu X.D., Tang, T., Xie, Z.C. Ye, L. Li D.F., and Cai, Q.H. 2005. Distribution of the
macroinvertebrate communities in the Xiangxi River system and relationships with
environmental factors. Journal of Freshwater Ecology, 20(2): 233-238.
13. YE Lin, LI Daofeng, et al. 2003. Spatial distribution of water quality in Xiangxi
River, China. Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology, 14(11): 1959-1962. (in Chinese)
14. KUANG Qi-Jun, Hu Zheng-Yu, ZHOU Guang-Jie, YE Lin, CAI Qing-Hua. 2004.
Investigation on phytoplankton in Xiangxi River watershed and the evaluation of its
water quality. Journal of Wuhan Botanical Research, 22(6): 507-513. (in Chinese)
15. Ma Kai, CAI Qing-Hua, XIE Zhi-Cai, LI Dao-Feng, YE Lin. 2003. GIS simulation
on the distribution of submerged macrophytes in Baoan Lake. ACTA ECOLOGICAL
SINICA, 23(11): 2271 - 2277. (in Chinese)
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