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Name: _______________________________________ Date: ____________ Class:___________________
Moving through the Membrane
Color in the cell membrane according to the parts in the key. Ignore the lines to label things on the picture.
Cell Membrane Part
□ Cell interior
□ Cell exterior
□ Phospholipid (hydrophobic region)
□ Phospholipid (hydrophilic region)
□ Carbohydrates
□ Protein Channel
□ Receptor Protein
□ Structural Protein
This is the inside of the cell, where the cell’s cytoplasm is. Color this area
or highlight the words.
This is the outside of the cell. Color this area or highlight the words.
This is the hydrophobic area of the phospholipid molecule. It is the two
lipid “tails”
This is the hydrophilic area of the phospholipid molecule. It is the “head”
There are many carbohydrates attached to the membrane. Carbohydrates
are made out of sugars (six-carbon ring shaped molecules). These usually
serve as receptors that identify what kind of cell the cell is.
These are proteins that allow big molecules to pass through the cell
membrane. They have a passageway through them for letting molecules
through and can use either active or passive transport to do this.
These are the large proteins imbedded in the cell membrane that are
involved with sending and receiving signals. They often have
carbohydrate chains attached to them, but not always.
These proteins give the cell shape and make it more sturdy. They also
might help attach cells to each other. They are usually long and look like
sticks or threads.
M. R. Lawton 2017
Color in these pictures according to the parts in the key. Also, label the parts of the diagram as directed.
Cell Membrane Part / Area
□ Phospholipid bilayer
□□□ Molecules moving (3 different ones)
□ Transport protein (passive)
□ Transport protein (active)
Cell interior
Cell exterior
High concentration
Low concentration
Passive Transport
Active Transport
Function / Description
These molecules make up the cell membrane in a bilayer (meaning
that there are two layers of phospholipids)
These are three different molecules that are moving through the
cell membrane.
This is the large protein in the middle of the cell membrane. This
one allows diffusion to happen through it, passively.
This is the other large protein in the middle of the cell membrane.
This one pumps molecules against diffusion.
This is the inside of the cell (on the right). Label it as “Cell
This is the outside of the cell (on the left). Label it as “Cell
In the areas that have high concentrations of molecules, write “high
In the areas that have low concentrations of molecules, write “low
Of the three examples, write “passive transport” by the two that are
passive transport.
Of the three examples, write “active transport” by the one that is
active transport.
M. R. Lawton 2017
Color in the pictures according to the parts in the key. Also, label the parts of the diagram as directed.
Cell Membrane Part / Area
Function / Description
□ Cell membrane
□ Vesicle membrane
□ Molecules being transported
□ Cell interior
□ Cell exterior
□ Bacteria cell
□ Lysosome
This is the selective barrier that separates the inside and outside of
the cell, and controls what enters and leaves.
This is the outside of a vesicle. It is made out of phospholipids,
just like the cell membrane.
Label the picture that is endocytosis by writing “endocytosis” by it.
Label the picture that is exocytosis by writing “exocytosis” by it.
Label the picture that is phagocytosis by writing “phagocytosis” by
These are the particles that the cell is transporting.
This is the inside of the cell. (in the pictures on the left-hand side,
the inside of the cell is towards the bottom)
This is the outside of the cell. (in the pictures on the left-hand side,
the outside of the cell is towards the top)
In the picture on the right-hand side, there is a bacteria cell, which
gets eaten and digested.
In the picture on the right-hand side, there are lysosomes in the cell
that join up with the vesicle, to digest the bacteria inside.
M. R. Lawton 2017
M. R. Lawton 2017