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Computer Science Notes
Chapter 10
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Chapter 10: Inheritance and Polymorphism
These notes are meant to accompany Introduction to Java Programming: Brief Version, seventh edition by Y.
Daniel Lang.
Programming Skills in a Nutshell:
At the end of this chapter you should have the following programming skills:
1. To recognize when you should break up a class into superclasses and subclasses.
2. To correctly use constructors from a superclass.
3. To correctly overload or override methods of a superclass in one of its subclasses.
4. To correctly implement some of the fundamental methods in the Object superclass.
Book’s Statement of Skills:
1. To develop a subclass from a superclass through inheritance. (10.2)
2. To illustrate inheritance by creating a custom frame that extends JFrame. (10.3)
3. To invoke the superclass’s constructors and methods using the super keyword. (10.4)
4. To override instance methods in the subclass. (10.5)
5. To distinguish differences between overriding and overloading. (10.6)
6. To explore the methods toString(), and equals(Object) in the Object class. (10.7)
7. To discover polymorphism, dynamic binding, and generic programming. (10.8)
8. To describe casting and explain why explicit downcasting is necessary. (10.9)
9. To store, retrieve, and manipulate objects in an ArrayList. (10.10)
10. To implement a Stack class using an ArrayList. (10.11)
11. To restrict access to data and methods using the protected visibility modifier. (10.12)
12. To prevent class extending and method overriding using the final modifier. (10.13)
Section 10.1: Introduction
 Inheritance is the programming technique where new classes are derived from existing classes by
“inheriting” data fields and methods from those existing classes.
 For example, classes to model circles and rectangles could inherit some data fields and methods from a
general object for geometric objects.
 The general geometric object might include methods and data fields that would be common to all
geometric objects in general, like the color to use when drawing the object. These methods would
be inherited by the circle and rectangle classes, because they both need a color choice for graphing.
 Additional data fields like a radius for a circle object and side lengths for a rectangle object
would be specified in those classes, because that is additional info particular to those objects, and are
not generally applicable to any geometric object.
 Additional methods like computing the area and perimeter would be in the rectangle and circle
classes only, because those calculations are not the same for any general geometric object.
 Adding subclasses to a given class is called extending the given class.
 All the classes we have used or implemented ourselves up to this point implicitly extended the
java.lang.Object class.
 In fact, the structure of the Java language is that all classes must either implicitly or explicitly extend the
class java.lang.Object.
Computer Science Notes
Chapter 10
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Section 10.2: Superclasses and Subclasses
In Java terminology, if a class C1 is extended from another class C2, then the class C1 is called the
subclass, and the class C2 is called the superclass.
Synonyms for superclass: parent class, base class
Synonyms for subclass: child class, extended class, derived class.
A subclass inherits accessible data and methods from its superclass, and may also add new data fields
and methods.
Subclasses are denoted in UML diagrams with an arrow pointing from the subclass to the superclass.
To declare that a class is a child of a superclass, use the extends keyword when implementing the class:
class SubclassName extends SuperclassName
//new data fields
//new methods
//overridden methods
//overloaded methods
Some design concepts worth considering when working with inheritance:
A subclass is not a subset of its superclass. In fact, a subclass usually contains more information and
methods than its superclass.
Inheritance is used to model the “is – a” relationship.
o For example, a circle “is a” geometric object.
o Do not blindly extend a class just for the sake of reusing methods. For example, do not have a
Tree class extend a Person class just to use methods like getHeight() and
getWeight() that might be common to both classes.
Only “is – a” relationships where the subclass contains more detailed information than the superclass
should be modeled using inheritance.
o For example, even though a rhombus “is a” parallelogram, a rhombus does not contain any more
detailed information than a parallelogram does, and so a Rhombus class should extend a
geometric object class (and not a Parallelogram class).
Java only allows one parent class when the extends keyword is used. This is called single
Section 10.3: Extending the JFrame Class
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Chapter 10
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Section 10.4: Using the super keyword
The super keyword is used to refer to the superclass of the class in which super appears.
o Contrast to the this keyword, which refers to the calling object itself.
The super keyword can be used to call a superclass constructor.
The super keyword can be used to call a superclass method.
The super keyword can be used to refer to a superclass’s visible data fields.
Section 10.4.1: Calling Superclass Constructors
The statement super() invokes the no-arg constructor of the superclass.
The statement super(arguments) invokes the constructor of the superclass with the matching
The call to the superclass’s constructor must be the first line of the subclass’s constructor.
Constructors of the superclass are not inherited by the subclass.
Section 10.4.2: Constructor Chaining
If you don’t explicitly invoke one of the superclass’s constructors, the compiler inserts a super() as
the first line of code in your constructor for you.
A superclass’s constructor is called before the subclass’s constructor. This is called constructor
chaining. This happens all the way up the inheritance chain.
If a class is defined to be extended, then you should provide a no-arg constructor.
Section 10.4.3: Calling Superclass Methods
The syntax super.methodName(parameters) invokes the method called methodName from
the parent class.
Chaining of supers is not allowed in java…
o i.e., super.super.p();
Section 10.5: Overriding Methods
When overriding a method of a superclass:
Supply a different implementation of a method that exists in the superclass
Must have same signature (same name and same parameter types)
If a method is applied to an object of the subclass type, the overriding method is executed
Private data fields in a superclass are not accessible to subclasses. They can only be accessed through
accessor/mutator methods of the superclass.
Private methods in the superclass can not be overridden, because only accessible methods can be
Static methods in the superclass can not be overridden. If you try, then the static method in the
superclass is hidden, and can only be accessed by calling the static method of the superclass explicitly.
Data fields in the superclass can not be overridden.
Section 10.6: Overriding vs. Overloading
To overload a method of the superclass:
Supply a different implementation (with a new signature) of a method that exists in the superclass.
(Same as before…)
Overridden methods have the same signature (list of parameters) and same return type.
Overloaded methods have a different signature or different return type.
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Chapter 10
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Section 10.7: The Object Class and Its Methods
Every class in Java is descended from the java.lang.Object class.
If no inheritance is specified, then the superclass of the class is Object by default.
Thus, all classes inherit the following behavior from the Object class:
Class Object is the root of the class hierarchy. Every class has
Object as a superclass. All objects, including arrays, implement
the methods of this class.
Constructs a default Object.
Creates and returns a copy of this object.
+equals(obj: Object): boolean
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
+finalize(): void
Called by the garbage collector on an object when garbage
collection determines that there are no more references to the
+getClass(): Class<?>
Returns the runtime class of this Object.
Returns a hash code value for the object.
Wakes up a single thread that is waiting on this object's
Wakes up all threads that are waiting on this object's monitor.
Returns a string representation of the object.
Causes the current thread to wait until another thread invokes
the notify() method or the notifyAll() method for this object.
+wait(timeout: long): void
Causes the current thread to wait until either another thread
invokes the notify() method or the notifyAll() method for this
object, or a specified amount of time has elapsed.
+wait(timeout: long, nanos: int):
Causes the current thread to wait until another thread invokes
the notify() method or the notifyAll() method for this object, or
some other thread interrupts the current thread, or a certain
amount of real time has elapsed.
Two familiar-looking methods:
 toString()
o System.out.println(object) is equivalent to
 equals()
 default implementation in the Object class is:
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
return (this == obj);
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if(obj instanceof Circle)
return this.radius == ((Circle)obj).radius;
return false;
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Chapter 10
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Section 10.8: Polymorphism, Dynamic Binding, and Generic Binding
Pillars of object-oriented programming:
o Encapsulation
o Inheritance
o Polymorphism
The type of a variable is object type it is declared as.
Every instance of a subclass is an instance of the superclass (but not vice-versa).
o Every circle is a geometric object but not every geometric object is a circle.
Therefore, you can always pass an instance of a subclass to a parameter of its superclass type.
Polymorphism: a variable of a supertype can refer to a subtype object.
The JVM can search “up a tree” of superclasses to find the correct method to use without the class that
the method belongs to being specified before the program is run. This is called dynamic binding.
A huge benefit of dynamic binding is that new classes can be loaded on the fly without recompilation.
Generic programming involves writing code that takes advantage of polymorphism so that a method can
be used generically for a wide range of objects.
Section 10.9: Casting Objects and the instanceof Operator
Casting can not only be used to convert primitive variables from one type to another, but can also be
used to convert an object of one class type to another within an inheritance hierarchy.
Implicit casting (when a more generic object is set equal to a subclass) example: Object o = new
Explicit casting (when a more subclass-typed variable is set equal to a superclass that was initialized as a
specific subclass) example: Student b = (Student) 0;
Upcasting: casting an instance of a subclass to a variable of a superclass (always allowable, because a
subclass is always an instance of its superclass)
Downcasting: casting an instance of a superclass to a variable of a subclass (only allowable when the
object to be cast is an instance of the subclass)
The instanceof operator can be used to determine when an object to be cast is an instance of the subclass
Section 10.10: The ArrayList Class
Section 10.11: A Custom Stack Class
Section 10.12: The protected Data and Methods
 Can only be accessed by any classes in same package, or by subclasses.
Section 10.13: Preventing Extending and Overriding
 Modify as final...