Download NAME: PERIOD: ______ DATE: ______ PLATE TECTONICS

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NAME: ____________________________________ PERIOD: ________ DATE: _______
Click on the
to take you to the first website. Once you are there, press play, watch
the animation, and answer the following questions.
1. What does the color red represent?
Hot mantel rising
3. Which “color” is more dense?
Click on the
2. What does the color blue represent?
Cold mantel
The blue
to take you to the next website. Read the section and fill in the blanks below.
Hot air expands , becomes less dense, and rises. Cool air becomes more dense, and sinks.
This picture represents a
Circular convection current.
Circular currents are called convection cells.
Earth's surface is made up of giant plates that fit together like a moving spherical jigsaw. These plates can be
made from two types of crustal material: oceanic crust and continental crust. Which crust is more dense?
Fill in the 6 blanks on the diagram
NAME: ____________________________________ PERIOD: ________ DATE: _______
Click on the
and watch the video which illustrates how convection cells within the
earth's mantle are thought to drive tectonic plate movement.
Click on the
Watch the convection currents demo and answer the following questions.
What are the four layers of the earth?
Inner core, outer core, mantel, crust
In the demo, what does the teacher use as his heat source?
Light bulb
Which layer of the Earth produces the most heat?
Inner core
Which layer of the Earth has convection currents?
The crust is broken into large pieces called
tectonic plates.
1. There are 15 major tectonic plates
2. Oceanic plates are made of oceanic crust
and underlying rocky mantle
3. Continental plates are made of continental
and oceanic crust and underlying rocky mantle
Below is a list of the major tectonic plates. Decide whether each plate is oceanic, continental, or both.
African Plate
Arabian Plate
Antarctic Plate oceanic
Caribbean Plate
Australian Plate both
Cocos Plate
Eurasian Plate
Juan de Fuca Plate
Indian Plate
Nazca Plate
North American Plate both
Philippine Sea Plate oceanic
Pacific Plate
Scotia Plate
South American Plate
NAME: ____________________________________ PERIOD: ________ DATE: _______
There are three main types of plate movement:
2 plates spreading apart
2 plates coming together (subduction or collision)
2 plates sliding past each other
Click on the
? and fill in the blanks below.
1. What forms at divergent boundaries? New crust
2. Sea floor spreading is an example of what type of boundary? divergent
3. In a convergent boundary, what plate gets subducted? oceanic
4. What can result as a process of oceanic crust colliding with continental crust? volcasim
5. Which fault is the most well known transform boundary? San Andres fault
6. What can result as two plates transform past one another? earthquake
Click on the
and sing along!
Click on the
The Great Rift Valley forms what type of boundary? divergent
Click on the
The Himalaya mountains form what type of boundary? convergent
Click on the
The Aleutian Islands were formed because two oceanic plates converged.
Click on the
The famous rift valley found in Thingvellir National Park was created because of
a divergent boundary.
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