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You will research and present your findings on a topic related to biology - You have Monday,
Tuesday and Wednesday - presentations must be submitted to me (by
email:[email protected]) by 8:10 Wednesday, February 8.
You will present your research this Thursday, Feb 9
The power point should be 7 slides:
Slide 1 - The name of your topic
Your name
Slide 2 - 6 - the information outlined for the topic
The information must be in your own words
It should be bulleted or short sentences
You should have written notes to talk about each slide
Slide 7 Your sources
These are some suggestions if you want to research something else, please ask me and we will develop your questions:
What causes gastrointestinal gas?
Why do some foods cause more gas than others?
Why does it smell (Does it always smell?)
What do relief medications like “Beano” do?
Why do we sweat?
Where does sweat come from?
Why does sweat smell? (Does all sweat smell?)
What do deoderants and anti-persperants do?
Why are leaves green?
Why do they change color?
Why don’t all leaves change color?
Poison ivy
What is poison ivy?
What makes it itch
Does it make everyone itch?
What other kinds of poisonous plants are there?
Venus fly traps
What are some related plants - where are Venus Fly Traps found?
Why are some plants Carnivorous
How do carnivorus plants “eat”?
What do Venus Fly Traps eat?
What are the characteristics of plants called “Cactus”?
How are they adapted to live in the desert?
Why do cactus have spines?
How tall can they grow?
Elephant ears
Why do elephants have such big ears?
Why are the ears of Indian elephants and African Elephants different?
How do elephants communicate?
Snake sex
How do snakes have sex?
How long before the egg is laid?
How do they carry and lay eggs?
What kind of care do snakes give their eggs and hatchlings?
Pharmacology of Marijuana
What is the active ingredients in marijuana
What conditions does Marijuana relieve?
What is the biology of marijuana in the brain?