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Possible Questions
How have different mythologies shaped today’s world in regards to
agriculture, moral beliefs, military, communication and everyday life.
Have different mythologies ever made contact or conflict?
How is mythology different to Religion?
Has different mythologies ever influenced each other?
How did Mythology start and die?
Were there any people during the time that rejected the ideas of Myths
and legends?
Discuss the impact (or legacy left by) that Roman and Greek mythology/religion
has had on modern society
The areas that will be dealt
 Entertainment
 Architecture
 Moral Values
 Art
 Literature
 Military
 Mathematics and Science
 Olympics
 Days, months, planets
 Famous names
 Expressions
The ancient Greeks invented different genres within English literature such as epic
poetry, lyric poetry, tragedy and comedy. Literature played a very important role to
the ancient Greeks because they performed most of these on stage to honor gods
Maths and Science
Days, moths, planets
Famous names
Language (Expressions)
 A "Herculean task," for example, is one that requires great effort. This phrase
comes from a myth about the Twelve Labors of Hercules.
 The drug morphine takes its name from the Greek God of Sleep, Morpheus.
"Venereal disease" is a rather unflattering reference to Venus. The goddess of
love fares better in the term "aphrodisiac", referring to any substance or
circumstance that arouses sexual desire.
We call computer viruses "Trojans," a rather unfair comparison with the
Trojans, as we're actually referring to the Greek-built Trojan horse, used by
the Greeks to infiltrate Troy and end the Trojan War.
an Achilles heel (a single fatal vulnerability)
having the Midas touch (everything turns to gold)
lying in the arms of Morpheus (sleeping)
opening Pandora's Box (unlocking a world of trouble)
rich as Croesus (Croesus was known for his wealth)
the face that launched a thousand ships (a woman worth going to war for).
 Greek architecture is well known as the beautiful temples raised to glorify the
Gods and Goddesses.
 Ancient Greek Architecture was very well constructed and more scientific
such as the theatres.
 Most buildings constructed were in honour for the gods, the theatre was
constructed for plays to represent gods and historical events.
Today’s society has a strong foundation in the principles of mythology.
The word mythology refers to a body of folklore/myths/legends that a particular
culture believes to be true and that often use the supernatural to interpret natural
events and to explain the nature of the universe and humanity.1 Many aspects of
society such as technology, religion and education which dominate the way we live
have a basis in mythology. The ancient Greeks and Romans have left a significantly
impacting legacy for our modern society to follow. During the mythological times, in
order to establish moral guidelines and societal structure came the creation of gods,
legends and heroes and their related tales. Ancient stories about gods and goddesses
have been orally and literally passed down from generation to generation, and have
still been passed down into today and interoperate the origins to many fields that we
use and see today.
The fields and areas that ancient Greek and Roman mythology has impacted greatly
would be our own moral values and intentions, all forms of entertainment, artworks
and drama, literature, mathematics and science, the Olympic games, days of the week,
months of the year and planets of the solar system, famous names and famous
expressions. All these areas have had a cause and effect from the Mythological times
and have had an impact and initiated a change or influence from the Greeks and
Body 1 – Moral Values
As stated, the purpose of the creation of Mythology and myths was a guideline to
society to have order and faith. The ancient civilization was very strong towards their
faith; they represented this with significant sacrifices, prayers, good deeds and idols.
Society used gods as role models such as Zeus for justice and Hera for marriage,
which has influenced them greatly on how to live and the do’s and don’ts of life. The
Greeks believed that the Gods would offer protection and guide their
city-states.2 The people in ancient Greece used Gods and Heroism as an influence
for sacrifice for the common purposes, duty, dignity, pride and honesty.
Every city state had their own god such as Athena for Athens, and every person
worshiped gods, only a few such as philosophers rejected the idea. The origins of
Mythology and its creation have been engraved into today’s world in terms of
respecting ourselves and others, and the purpose of Religion. In today’s society,
people are believed to worship only 1 god who created heaven and earth, rather than
multiple gods for every purpose. Mythology was lost because of the uprising of
Religion such as Christianity and Islamic. People still use Religion and the beliefs of a
supreme being so society has their own guidelines. The famous quote from the bible
“treat others as you would want to be treated” has also had an influence on people.
The idea of guidelines and morals has originated from the origins of Mythology, order
and respect has initiated from Supreme beings so society is able to follow them. If it
weren’t for faith and religion, there will be no respect, no acceptance, no love and no
value within our Morals and good deeds.
Body 2 – Art
During the mythological times, art was used to perceive artists and poets perspective
on the god’s identity. Artworks were created on pots rather than canvases to tell
myths or historical events. The way we see art today is a form of entertainment,
relaxation and an artists feeling, but during the ancient times they used art as a respect
for the gods. Art from ancient Greece has made a significant impact on the present
society by originated from caves to pots to canvases and changing the subject matter
from respecting gods, to respecting our own feelings. Coins is another example where
the ancient Greeks and Romans printed gods who are significant for their city such as
Athena for Athens, Apollo for Corinth and Demeter at Thebes. We use this technique
today such as Queen Elizabeth on our coins to represent that we are under British
Greek architecture is well known as the beautiful temples raised to glorify the Gods
and Goddesses. There are hundreds of temples throughout Ancient Greece and
Ancient Rome; each individual god had their own temple such as the Temple of
Saturn and the Temple of Poseidon. This idea of temples as a sign of respect to
worship the gods has influenced today’s society on how we also worship god, we use
churches and mosques as the house of the lord.
Discuss the impact (or legacy left by) that Roman and Greek mythology/religion
has had on modern society