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National Aviation University
Discipline: Foreign Language
(English Language)
Speciality 6.050202
Aerospace Institute
Mechanics and Energetics Faculty
Module 1
Electric Current. Electric Circuit. Electronic Circuit
Variant 1
I. Translate the text in writing:
A flow of electric charges constitutes an electric current. This flow of
charges is caused by a potential difference. In metallic conductors the charges are
electrons, in liquids and gases the charges are ions.
There are two types of electric current: direct current (DC) and alternating
current (AC). Direct current flows continuously in one direction, and alternating
current flows alternately in each direction. We measure voltage (or potential
difference) in volts, the rate of current flow in amperes and the power in watts. We
measure resistance to current flow in ohms.
The electric circuit is a path of an electric current. It consists of a voltage
source, electrical or electronic components and connecting wires through which a
current can flow. There are two types of electronic circuits: conventional and
integrated. Conventional circuits consist of separate electronic components
connected by wires. Integrated circuits have components and connectors.
II. Write 5 types of questions on the text: general, subject, special, alternative,
disjunctive (tag question).
III. Write English equivalents to the following word-combinations:
1) плавкий запобіжник
2) джерело живлення
3) потік електронів
4) послідовна/паралельна схема
5) підсилення
6) конденсатор
7) друкована плата
8) електропровідний матеріал
9) опір
10) котушка індуктивності
IV. Complete the sentences:
1) Сurrent carries electrical energy from …
2) Conventional circuits consist of …
3) Semiconductors are substances …
V. Translate into English:
1) Змінний струм використовується як джерело електричної енергії в
промисловості і вдома.
2) Пасивні елементи ніколи не віддають більшої кількості енергії, ніж вони
3) Типом інтегральної схеми є мікропроцесор.
VI. Answer the questions:
1) What are the effects of electric current?
2) What is an electronic circuit?
3) What can a microprocessor perform?
National Aviation University
Discipline: Foreign Language
(English Language)
Speciality 6.050202
Aerospace Institute
Mechanics and Energetics Faculty
Module 1
Electric Current. Electric Circuit. Electronic Circuit
Variant 2
I. Translate the text in writing:
Current carries electrical energy from a power supply to the components of
the circuit, where it is converted into other forms of energy. Electric current can heat
a conductor, it can have chemical action and it can produce magnetic effects.
Electric circuits are made up of interconnected components. There are two
categories in the classification of electric components: active and passive.
Active elements can supply more energy than they absorb. Active components
are: batteries, generators, electron tubes and transistors. Passive elements never
supply more energy than they absorb.
There are two basic types of circuits: series and parallel. In a series circuit the
components of the circuit are arranged in such way that they are connected end to
end, so that the entire current passes through each component without division or
branching into parallel circuits. The current flows through all the components one
after the other in a series circuit.
II. Write 5 types of questions on the text: general, subject, special, alternative,
disjunctive (tag question).
III. Write English equivalents to the following word-combinations:
місток, перемичка
змушувати, заподіювати
10) послідовна схема
IV. Complete the sentences:
1) The volt is … .
2) Direct current flows … .
3) The board is … .
V. Translate into English:
1) Електричний струм тече, якщо є різниця потенціалів.
2) Електрони містять негативний заряд, протони – позитивний заряд.
3) Коли ми обмежуємо кількість електронів, ми створюємо опір.
VI. Answer the questions:
1) What components does an electric circuit comprise?
2) What are chips?
3) What advantages do integrated circuits have over conventional circuits?
National Aviation University
Discipline: Foreign Language
(English Language)
Speciality 6.050202
Aerospace Institute
Mechanics and Energetics Faculty
Module 2
Computer .Types of Computers. Programming. Programming Languages
Variant 1
I. Translate the following text in writing:
The computer is an electronic device that can use a list of instruction, called
a program, to perform calculations or to store, manipulate, and retrieve information.
Computers come in many sizes and shapes. Special-purpose, or dedicated computers
are designed to perform specific tasks.
General-purpose computers, such as personal computers and business computers, are much more versatile because they can accept new sets of instruction. The
three basic types of computers are digital, analog and hybrid computers. A digital
computer deals with values as numerical digits. An analog computer relies on
analogies between physical effects to make calculations. For example, the voltage in
an analogue computer may represent temperatures in a heat exchanger. The slide
rule is an example of an analogue computer. Hybrid computer use both continuously
variable techniques and discrete digital techniques in operations. Historically,
analogue computers were the first type to be produced.
II. Write 5 key-questions on the text: general, subject, special, alternative,
disjunctive (tag questions).
III. Give English equivalents to the following terms:
1) команда
2) операційна система
3) прикладна програма
4) опрацювання текстів
5) центральний процесор
6) кишеньковий комп'ютер
7) мережа зв'язку
8) основна пам'ять
9) клавіатура
10) цифровий символ
IV. Complete the sentences:
1) Conversion between analog and digital signals is often necessary for ....
2) For example, analog computers are used in ... .
3) Analog or hybrid computer reprogramming involves partial disassembly an
reconnection of components for ... .
V. Translate into English:
1) Комп'ютер містить центральний процесор, який виконує всі обчислювання.
2) Комп'ютери будуються для того, щоб виконувати обчислення швидко, надійно і легко.
3) Використання кольору у відео набуло великої популярності.
VI. Give extended answers:
1) What is the most widely used analog computer?
2) What is the difference between analog and digital computers?
3) What are five broad groups into which computers may be classified?'
National Aviation University
Discipline: Foreign Language
(English Language)
Speciality 6.050202
Aerospace Institute
Mechanics and Energetics Faculty
Module 2
Computer .Types of Computers. Programming. Programming Languages
Variant 2
I. Translate the following text in writing:
The fundamental principles of programming are connected with the stages of
programming, the flowcharting, using the subroutines, and the computer manual etc.
The term "coding" and "programming" are often used as synonyms. However, a
code is more specifically a short list of instructions that direct the computer to
perform only a part of the entire calculations, whereas the term "program" refers to
the complete list of instructions used for the problem. Hence the term
"programming" usually includes the over-all planning of the use of the computer for
a particular problem as well as the writing of the instruction lists, or codes whereas
"coding" is usually limited in meaning to the writing of the instruction lists.
Sometimes a code is called a routine.
There are five stages in programming. First, the computations to be performed
must be clearly and precisely defined. The over-all plan of the computations is
diagrammed by means of a so-called flow chart. The second stage is the actual
coding. In the third stage some procedure is used to get the code into the memory of
the computer. The fourth stage consists of debugging the code, i.e. detecting and
correcting any errors. The fifth stage involves running the code on the computer and
tabulating the results.
II. Write 5 key-questions on the text: general, subject, special, alternative,
disjunctive (tag questions).
III. Give English equivalents to the following:
1) прикладна програма
2) об'єктно-орієнтоване програмування
3) програмне забезпечення мережі
4) конкретна мова програмування
5) піддавати експлуатаційним випробуванням
6) програми, що написані мовою програмування
7) сучасні операційні системи
8) налагоджувати програму
9) керування базою даних
10) представляють операційні коди та адреси пам'яті
IV. Complete the sentences:
1. Smart programs enable a computer.....
2. Special programs called compilers and assemblers translate ....
3. An applications program is ... .
V. Translate into English.
1. Мови програмування відомі як мови високого рівня.
2. Машинна мова складається з двійкових цифр, які представляють собою
операційні коди, адреси (комірок) пам'яті та різноманітні символи.
3. Комп'ютер не може безпосередньо працювати з програмами, що
написані мовою програмування.
VI. Give extended answers to the questions:
1. What kind of languages do computer programmers use?
2. What ways of writing programs are there?
3. What types of programs do you know?