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Homework Ch 10 – Sec 1
Chapter 10 – Section 1: The Byzantine Empire
Directions: On a separate piece of paper, with the proper heading, write the correct
answer next to the appropriate number. Please retain this handout and bring it to class
to use as a guide for notes.
1. ___ As the cities of the western Roman empire crumbled, __________ prospered.
A. Rome
B. Constantinople
C. Byzantine
D. Spain
2. ___ Constantinople’s daily income reached __________ gold pieces.
A. 2,000
B. 200,000
C. 200
D. 20,000
3. ___ In _______, Constantinople was made the new capital of the Roman Empire.
A. 330 BC
B. 33 BC
C. AD 330
D. AD 33
4. ___ In time, the eastern Roman empire became known as the _____ empire.
A. Byzantine
B. Holy Roman
C. Constantinople
D. Balkan
5. ___ Constantinople was located on a strait that linked which TWO Seas?
A. Mediterranean
B. Caribbean
C. Caspian
D. Black
6. TRUE or FALSE? Constantinople commanded the major trade routes that linked
Europe and Asia.
7. For years///centuries Constantinople’s location made it
Asia’s///Europe’s busiest
8. TRUE or FALSE? For 1000 years after the fall of the western Roman empire, the
Byzantine empire grew and remained strong.
9. ___ The Byzantine empire blended all of the following cultures and traditions
A. ancient Greek
B. ancient Roman
C. Ottoman
D. Christian
10. From 527 to 565, the Byzantine empire was greatest under the
11. ___ Under Justinian, the Byzantine empire reconquered all of the following
A. North Africa
B. Britain
C. Italy
D. southern Spain
12. Justinian’s successors
held///lost the land he won.
13. ___ Justinian wanted to recapture the glory of which empire?
A. Greek
B. Roman
C. Ottoman
D. Byzantine
Homework Ch 10 – Sec 1
14. Justinian’s greatest triumph was the
painting///construction of the Hagia Sophia.
15. ___ Justinian is famous for his reform of the _______.
A. church
B. government
C. law
D. economy
16. ___ Early in his reign, Justinian set up a commission to do all of the following to the
laws of ancient Rome EXCEPT
A. collect
B. discard
C. revise
D. organize
17. ___ Justinian’s “Body of Civil Law” became known as
A. The Laws of the Twelve Tables
C. The Eightfold Path
B. Hammurabi’s Code
D. Justinian’s Code
18. ___ The laws of Justinian reached __________ by the 1100s.
A. Africa
B. Asia
C. Eastern Europe
D. Western Europe
19. ___ Which TWO groups modeled their laws on the principals of Justinian’s Code?
A. The Eastern Catholic Church
B. The Roman Catholic Church
C. medieval lords
D. medieval monarchs
20. TRUE or FALSE? Justinian’s Code impacted the creation of the international law in
use today.
21. ___ Justinian was a sole ruler with complete authority or an
A. president
B. monarch
C. autocrat
D. emperor
22. Like///unlike the kings of medieval Europe, the emperor Justinian had great///little
control over the church.
23. As emperor, Justinian was considers Christ’s equal///co-ruler on Earth.
24. ___ Which shrewd politician enable Justinian to retain control of his empire?
A. Belisarius
B. Solomon
C. Hagia Sophia
D. Theodora
25. ___ After Justinian, all of the following made unsuccessful attempts to conqueror the
Byzantine empire EXCEPT
A. Persians
B. Europeans
C. Slavs
D. Vikings
E. Mongols
F. Turks
26. ___ Which two factors enabled the heartland of the Byzantine empire to remain
untouched by invaders?
A. a mighty army
B. a strong central government
C. a fanatical religion
D. a prosperous economy
27. ___ Which group of people were the backbone of the empire?
A. warriors
B. serfs
C. peasants
D. nobles
Homework Ch 10 – Sec 1
28. ___ A peasant did all of the following EXCEPT
A. ran the church
B. worked the land
C. paid taxes
D. were soldiers
29. The economic system of the Byzantine empire was the same///different as the
one used in Western Europe during the same time period.
30. ___ What is one item mentioned in the textbook that proves that the Byzantine
empire traded from England to China.
A. a book
B. a song
C. a coin
D. a painting
31. Christianity in Western Europe was the
Byzantine empire.
same///different as Christianity in the
32. In the Byzantine empire who appointed the highest church official?
A. the king
B. the emperor
C. the bishops
D. the patriarch
33. The pope had no///some///much
say in Byzantine Christianity.
34. In Western Europe priests could///could not marry while the Byzantine clergy
could///could not.
35. In Western Europe the chief holy day was Easter///Christmas while in the
Byzantine Christian Church it was Easter///Christmas.
36. In the masses of Byzantine Christianity Latin///Greek was the official language
while the western Christian clergy spoke in Latin///Greek.
37. ___ What time period did the two branches of Christianity split apart?
A. Roman empire
B. Byzantine empire
C. Dark Ages
D. Middle Ages
38. ___ A dispute over ______, or holy images, aided in the split between the two
A. icons
B. Communion
C. The Bible
D. Indulgences
39. TRUE or FALSE? Praying to holy images was forever outlawed in the Byzantine
40. Eventually, the Byzantine Christian Church became known as the
Roman Catholic Church///Eastern or Greek Orthodox Church.
41. By 1054, a permanent split between the two churches happened when the pope
and the patriarch _______ each other.
A. communicated
B. excommunicated
C. assassinated
42. From that point on, the pope and the patriarch treated each other as
friends///enemies///rivals rather than as branches of the same faith.
Homework Ch 10 – Sec 1
43. ___ By 1054, the Byzantine empire was in decline because of all of the following
reasons EXCEPT
A. struggles over succession
B. court intrigues
C. constant wars
D. religious differences
44. ___ Which group proved to be a major threat to the Byzantine empire?
A. Western Europe
B. the Normans
C. the Seljuk Turks
D. Asia Minor
45. ___ The religion of the people who proved a major threat to the Byzantine empire
was _________
A. Christianity
B. Islam
C. Judaism
D. Hinduism
46. ___ In the 1090s, the Byzantine emperor called for help against the invaders. This
led to the start of the ___________.
A. Trade wars
B. the Crusades
C. Christian supremacy
47. ___ In 1204, who persuaded knights to attack Constantinople?
A. the pope
B. the king
C. the patriarch
D. Venetian merchants
48. ___ Which group of people ruled Constantinople for the first half of the 13 th century?
A. the Seljuk Turks
B. Western Christians
C. the Ottoman Turks
D. the Balkans
49. ___ In 1453, almost one thousand years after the fall of the Roman empire, which
group of people conquered the Byzantine empire and ruled it for almost 500
A. the Seljuk Turks
B. Western Christians
C. the Ottoman Turks
D. the Balkans
50. ___ The Byzantine empire is responsible for the continuation of cultures, traditions,
and knowledge from of all the following peoples EXCEPT
A. Hellenistic
B. Greek
C. Incan
D. Christian
E. Roman