Download World History Chapter 7 Study Guide Sec. 1 1. What does militant

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World History
Chapter 7 Study Guide
Sec. 1
1. What does militant mean?
2. During what years were the French Wars of Religion fought?
3. Who were the French Protestants during this time?
4. Who was the Catholic monarchy of France that opposed the Huguenots?
5. What was the name of the group that helped the French monarchy oppose the
6. Why did many townspeople side with the Huguenots?
7. Which leader of the Huguenots overtook the throne of France?
8. What did he change to his name to?
9. Why did Henry IV convert to Catholicism?
10. In order to keep the Huguenots and Catholics from rising up again, Henry IV issued
11. The Edict of Nantes established this as the official religion of France?
12. What did the Edict of Nantes do for the Huguenots?
13. Who was the greatest supporter of militant Catholicism?
14. During what years did he rule over Spain?
15. What did he insist on in order to consolidate the Spanish territories?
16. How did Philip II see Spain?
17. Why did the nobles in Spain resent Philip II?
18. Who ascended to the throne of England in 1558?
19. What two things did Elizabeth’s reign do for England?
20. What were some of the religious aspects of Elizabeth’s reign?
21. Why did Philip II want to invade England?
22. What is an armada?
23. Why did the Spanish Armada lose?
24. How did the Spanish try to get home?
25. Why was this a bad decision?
World History
Chapter 7 Study Guide
Sec. 2
1. One economic problem that the people of Europe faced was what?
2. What is inflation?
3. How was it caused?
4. A belief in what led to one of the social crises in Europe?
5. What happened to the people that practiced witchcraft?
6. What was the worst religious war in Europe?
7. What were the things that played a role in this war being fought?
8. What two groups of people began the fighting in this war?
9. Where did the fighting of this war mainly take place?
10. Which European country did not participate in this war?
11. The most important struggle of this war placed _______ against ________ and the
12. Which treaty ended this war?
13. When did the war end?
14. What did this treaty do for Europe?
15. What two things that appeared in this war meant that armies had to be better
disciplined and trained?
16. By 1700, how big was the French army?
17. What was another name for the English civil war?
18. What was the English civil war a struggle between?
19. What was the “divine right of kings?”
20. What was the group of people that supported the king?
21. Which group supported the Parliament?
22. Who was the man that led the Parliament to victory?
23. What two things did this leader do once he gained power in England?
24. When did this leader die?
25. As the English king, James II named Catholics to high positions in what three areas?
26. Rather than allow James II’s son to take over the throne of England, the Parliament
invited which two people to take over their country?
27. How did James respond to the invasion of William and Mary?
28. When James fled, England underwent what?
29. What did the new Bill of Rights do for the English Parliament and the citizens of
30. What did the Toleration Act of 1689 do?
31. As a result of overthrowing one king and replacing it with another, the English
Parliament effectively did what?
World History
Chapter 7 Study Guide
Sec. 3
1. One response to the crises of the seventeenth century in Europe was to seek stability by
increasing what?
2. The result of this effort to increase the monarch’s power became known as what?
3. Absolute monarchs in Europe could do what?
4. How old was Louis XIV when he rose to the throne?
5. What was the name of the royal minister that assisted Louis XIV before he was old enough to
6. What was Louis XIV nickname?
7. Why did he have this nickname?
8. In what city did Louis XIV create his royal court?
9. What three purposes did this city serve?
10. What three traditional areas did Louis XIV have absolute control over?
11. How many wars did Louis XIV wage with foreign countries?
12. How many Protestants fled France under the rule of Louis XIV?
13. Whose mercantilist policies did Louis XIV follow to have enough money to run his
14. In what year did Louis XIV die?
15. What two former German states became European powers after the Thirty Years’ War?
16. What leader laid the basis for the Prussian state?
17. Frederick William set up a commission to oversee the army that was known as what?
18. What was the nickname of the aristocrats that made up this commission?
19. In what year did Frederick William’s son become king?
20. The core of the new Austrian empire was in what present day cities?
21. After 1687, Austria took control of what cities?
22. What positions did the Hapsburg emperor of Austria held three different positions for three
different countries? What were the positions and in what countries were they?
23. Ivan IV became the first Russian ruler to take which title (Russian for “Caesar”)?
24. He was given a nickname because of his ruthlessness. What was that nickname?
25. One of the reasons he was given this nickname was because he crushed the Russian nobility,
which was called what?
26. Once the rule of Ivan IV was over, Russia entered into a period of anarchy known as what?
27. This period of anarchy ended in Russia when this man took the throne?
28. His ascension to the throne ushered in the Romanov Dynasty, which lasted until what year?
29. The most prominent member of the Romanov Dynasty was who?
30. What did he do to make Russia more like the other European countries?
31. How many years were peasants forced to serve in the Russian army?
32. What is a “police state?”
33. Which country originally controlled the Baltic Sea when Peter was in power?
34. What city was built on the Baltic Sea and served as the capital of Russia until 1917?
World History
Chapter 7 Study Guide
Sec. 4
1. Which artistic movement took over for the Renaissance movement in Italy in the 1520s
and 1530s?
2. The art of this movement focused on what?
3. Who was the most famous painter of this movement?
4. Which movement of art and architecture took over for the Mannerism movement?
5. What was this new style known for?
6. Court buildings in which four prominent European cities used this baroque
7. Who is the greatest architect and sculptor of the baroque period?
8. What famous building did he complete in Rome?
9. Writing for what style reached new heights in England and Spain between 1580 and
10. The most famous writer of the Elizabethan period of England was who?
11. In what theater were the majority of his plays performed?
12. Shakespeare owned the acting company that performed his plays. What was the name
of this acting company?
13. Shakespeare is viewed as a universal genius who combined what?
14. This writer set the standard for Spanish playwriting in the 1580s.
15. How many plays did this man write?
16. Which novel was another great achievement of the Spanish golden age of literature?
Who wrote this novel?
17. What was the name of the book that Thomas Hobbes wrote to deal with the disorder
that had overtaken England and Europe?
18. What is the “state of nature” that Hobbes referred to?
19. To save people from destroying each other, Hobbes suggested that people do what?
20. John Locke argued against the absolutist form of government in which book?
21. Locke held to the idea that people lived with certain “natural rights.” What were these
22. According to Locke’s view of government, people and government held mutual
obligations. What were these obligations?
23. What did people have the right to do if the government did not uphold its obligation?
24. Locke’s ideas were important to which two countries’ revolutions?
25. Locke’s ideas were used for what three reasons during these revolutions?
26. In what two American documents can Locke’s views be found?