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Earth Science 11 Learning Guide – Unit 4
Name: _______________
4-1 Evidence of Plate Movement
1. What is plate tectonics? Name the major plates.
2. What is continental drift? List three pieces of evidence that Wegener used
to theorize that continental drift is happening?
4-2 Types of Plate Boundaries
1. What is the lithosphere? The asthenosphere
2. How are plates moving at a mid-oceanic ridge? What causes this type of
movement? Give an example of two mid oceanic ridges.
3. How the plates moving at a transform boundary? Give an example of this
type of boundary.
4. What is a convergent boundary? What surface features are associated
with this boundary? Give an example.
4-3 Earthquakes and plate boundaries
1. What is an earthquake? Approximately how many cause major damage
each year?
2. What cause earthquakes? What type of plate boundaries cause the
deepest earthquakes?
3. Describe how the earth moves in a P, S and L waves. Describe the
relative speed of each wave. Describe the destructive nature of the waves.
4. What is a seismograph? What are seismograms used for?
5. What is the Moho discontinuity? How was it discovered?
4-4 Volcanic Features and Plate Boundaries
1. Explain the similarities and differences between lava and magma.
2. What is the difference between intrusive and extrusive rock
3. What are the properties of mafic and felsic magmas?
ES11LG-Unit 4
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4. What type of eruptions happen at divergent boundaries? Where are most
of these located?
5. What causes volcanoes at convergent boundaries? Describe the volcano.
6. What are hotspots? What type of volcano is associated with them?
7. Describe the following volcanic features:
Cinder cones
ES11LG-Unit 4
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