Download Bill Nye-Electricity - Creston Middle School

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Bill Nye-Electricity
Name ____________________________________
Period ____ Date ___________________________
Write the letter of the BEST answer in the blank.
1. _____ Electricity is simply a ___
A. flow of electrons
B. chemical reaction
C. unexplained force
D. magnetic force
2. ____ Which word relating to electricity literally means “go around”?
A. generator
B. electrocute
C. circuit
D. induction
3. ____ Electricity is very often compared to a ___.
A. tornado
B. flow of water
C. windstorm
D. black hole
4. ____ Which of these statements is FALSE?
A. It’s better to keep batteries in the refrigerator.
C. Warm metal conducts electricity better.
B. Your brain used the energy of a 10 watt bulb.
D. All electricity is made of the same thing: e-
5. _____ In 1831, Michael Farraday (also a character on “Lost”) noticed that electricity was flowing ___
A. in a coil.
B. through his hair.
C. in a toaster
D. in a light bulb.
6. ____ The hybrid electric car in this program is a mix between ___ and ___.
A. electric, solar, methane
B. electric, gas
C. solar, gas
D. electric, nuclear
7. ____ Bill Nye compares electrons to ___.
A. sesame seeds
B. bb’s
D. bees
C. bullets
8. ____ A substance that acts neither as a total conductor or insulator can be called a(n) ___.
A. deadbeat
B. resistor
C. generator
D. turbine
9. ____ In comparing the flow of electricity to the flow of water, water pressure can be compared to the ___.
A. voltage
B. amperage
C. resistance
D. power
10. ___ The number of water molecules that flow by in the hose can be compared to the ____ of electricity.
A. voltage
B. amperage
C. resistance
D. power
11. ___ When you take voltage x amperage, you get what measurement?
A. work (joules)
B. power (watts)
C. resistance (ohms)
D. mass (kg)
12, ___ A machine that can create/generate electricity is called a ___.
A. generator
B. power plant
C. turbine
D. magnet
TRUE-FALSE: Please write out the entire word.
13. _____________ Whether it’s from a chemical change in a battery, wires from an outlet, or energy from a
solar cell, all electricity is made of the same thing.
14. _____________ If you put two hands in a tank with an electric eel, you could be electrocuted.
15. _____________ When a magnet or coil moves back and forth generating electricity, it’s called direct
16-17. Why aren’t birds standing on a power line electrocuted?
17-18. Name two things that would be different without batteries.
19-20. What was your favorite part of the program? Why?
Potential Energy:
1. Gravitational potential (weight x height or mass x gravity x height)
2. Chemical (batteries, food)
3. Elastic (ball bouncing, rubber band stretching)
Kinetic Energy (same root word as ‘cinema’) KE = ½ mv2
How does this apply to a roller coaster? Throwing up a ball?
At the top of a hill or throw:
Before it gets to the bottom:
At the very bottom:
Why is the first hill in a roller coaster the highest one?
Why can’t the roller coaster go up as high as it started again?
Ohm’s Law and the Magic Triangle:
So, V (voltage) =
(it’s like the water pressure; sometimes it’s designated as ‘E’)
I (amperage) =
(it’s like the number of water molecules going by)
R (resistance )=
(it’s like banging against the sides of the garden hose)