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Chapter 15 Questions
1) Describe the water cycle.
2) What is evapotranspiration?
3) Define condensation.
4) What is precipitation?
5) What are the three parts of the Earth’s water budget?
6) List 4 factors that can affect a local water budget.
7) On average, how many gallons of water does each person in the United States use in a year?
8) What is desalination?
9) What is a tributary?
10) What is a watershed?
11) What are divides?
12) What is headward erosion?
13) Define a stream load.
14) Differentiate between suspended load, bed load and dissolved load.
15) What is stream discharge?
16) What is a stream gradient?
17) Differentiate between the headwaters and the mouth of a stream.
18) Describe the gradient of a river with lots of bends.
19) Describe the gradient of a straight river.
20) What is a meander?
21) What is a bar?
22) What is an oxbow lake?
23) What is a braided stream?
24) Why do braided streams form?
25) As load carrying ability decreases, what happens to part of the stream load?
26) What determines shape and size of a delta?
27) What is an alluvial fan?
28) How do alluvial fans and deltas differ?
29) What is a floodplain?
30) How are natural levees formed?
31) What happens to finer sediment during a flood?
32) Why do people choose to live on floodplains?
33) How does vegetation protect the ground surface from erosion?
34) How does human action, such as logging or building housing developments, affect runoff?
35) What is the most common method direct flood control?
36) What are the benefits to humans of dams?
37) What is the most common problem artificial levees face?
38) Where are lakes formed?
39) Where does lake water come from?
40) How does sediment affect lakes?
41) What happens when organic sediment accumulates in a lake?