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CCSS Mathematics Assessment Task
Even or Odd?
Grade Level: 2
Mathematics Domain and Cluster:
Domain: Operations and Algebraic Thinking
Cluster: Work with equal groups to gain foundation for multiplication.
Common Core standard(s) being assessed (if the task is intended to assess only one part of the
standard, underline that part of the standard):
2.OA.3 Determine whether a group of objects (up to 20) has an odd or even number of members; e.g
by pairing objects or counting them by 2s; write an equation to express an even number as a sum of
two equal addends.
Student Materials:
 Pencil
Teacher Materials:
 Even or Odd? assessment sheets
Directions (for teacher to administer assessment task):
Teacher may choose whether to assess students in small groups, or as a whole class.
 Hand out Even or Odd? assessment sheets (one per student)
 Tell students “You will be identifying numbers as either even or odd, and explaining how you
 Read the problem aloud to the students at least two times.
 Tell students “Remember to draw a picture and write to explain whether each number is even
or odd.”
 Have students work independently on task.
Differentiation option: If needed, provide counters or other small objects for students to manipulate.
See attachment.
Correct or Model Answer:
Answer may look similar to this.
16 is an even number because I can group
the objects into two equal groups.
16 is an even number because I can
group the objects into pairs without
any leftovers.
CCSS Mathematics Assessment Task
19 is an odd number because when I
group the objects into pairs, there is
one leftover.
Scoring Guide/Rubric (a score should be awarded for each criterion below)
Criteria (CCSS code)
0 points
1 Point
Determine whether a
Student does not
Student correctly
group of objects (up to correctly identify either identifies both the even
20) has an odd or even the even or odd
and odd numbers, but
number of members;
number and does not
does not clearly explain
e.g by pairing objects or explain (or show
(or show through the
counting them by 2s.
through the drawing)
drawing) why the
why the number is
number is even/odd.
Student correctly
identifies either the
even or the odd number.
2 Points
Student correctly
identifies both the
even and odd
numbers AND clearly
explains (or shows
through the drawing)
why the number is
CCSS Mathematics Assessment Task
Even or Odd?
Mr. Robert asked Anna to help another second grader learn about even and odd numbers. He
handed Anna 16 red counters and 19 blue counters to help her show and explain ways to identify even
and odd numbers to her classmate. What could Anna show and say to her classmate?
Is 16 an even or odd number?
Draw and explain.
Is 19 an even or odd number?
Draw and explain.
16 is an ___________ number because _________
13 is an ___________ number because _________
(even or odd)
(even or odd)
Scoring Guide/Rubric (a score should be awarded for each criterion below)
Criteria (CCSS code)
0 points
1 Point
Determine whether a
Student does not
Student correctly
group of objects (up to correctly identify either identifies both the even
20) has an odd or even the even or odd
and odd numbers, but
number of members;
number and does not
does not clearly explain
e.g by pairing objects or explain (or show
(or show through the
counting them by 2s.
through the drawing)
drawing) why the
why the number is
number is even/odd.
Student correctly
identifies either the
even or the odd number.
2 Points
Student correctly
identifies both the
even and odd
numbers AND clearly
explains (or shows
through the drawing)
why the number is