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* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project

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Each student will draw a picture of the circuit, write the
observations and do the calculations. Use the equations for series
and parallel circuits when necessary. Also, use Ohm’s Law equation.
Measure voltage drop, resistance, and total amperage for each
circuit. Record values in table form for each task.
Construct a series circuit using a battery, battery holder, light bulb,
light bulb socket, switch, one resistor (blue, pink, or green) and wires.
Make attachments on circuit board. Check results with light bulb
brightness with and without the resistor.
Construct a parallel circuit using a battery, battery holder, 2 light
bulbs, light bulb socket, switch (in series), resistor (blue, pink, or
green) and wires. Make attachments on circuit board. Place resistor
both in series and parallel with bulbs. Consider all possibilities.
Check results with light bulb brightness just like #1,
Construct a parallel circuit using a battery, battery holder, 2 light
bulbs, light bulb socket, switch (in series), variable resistor (disk with
numbers), and wires. Make attachments on circuit board. Place
resistor both in series and parallel with bulbs. Consider all possible
arrangements with light bulbs and variable resistor. Check results
with light bulb brightness just like #1,
Construct a series circuit using a battery, battery holder, light bulb,
light bulb socket, switch, one resistor (blue, pink, or green) and wires.
Make attachments on circuit board. Check results with light bulb
brightness with and without the resistor. Now test other 2 resistors
separately. Determine which resistor provides the greatest number of
Ohms, which is intermediate, and which is smallest.
Construct a circuit that has at least 3 light bulbs, both types of
resistors, a switch and only one battery. Draw a diagram of the circuit
with an explanation of how it works.
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