Download Knowing God Chapter 18 part 2 This is Paul`s classic statement of

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Knowing God
Chapter 18 part 2
This is Paul’s classic statement of the rationale of God’s _________
of sinners.
But now apart from the _____a righteousness of God has been
manifested... even the righteousness of God through ________ in
Jesus Christ unto all them that believe.
For there is no _______________, for all have sinned and fall short
of the glory of God.
Being justified freely by his grace through the ____________ that is
in Christ Jesus.
Whom God sent for it to be a propitiation, Through faith, by his
_________, to show his righteousness.
Because of the passing over of the sins done ___________, in the
forbearance of God.
For the shewing, I say, of his righteousness at this __________
That he might himself be just, and the ____________of him and
Have faith in Jesus. Rom. 3:21-26
The second is part of the exposition in Hebrews of the rationale of
the _______________of God the Son.
It behooved him in all things to be made like unto his_________,
that he might be a merciful and faithful high priest, in things
pertaining to God, to make propitiation for the sins of the people.
Heb 2:17.
The third is John’s testimony to the heavenly _______of our Lord.
God is love. And this was manifested the love of God toward us,
because that God sent his only begotten son and into the world,
that we might _________through him.
Here in is love, not that we love God, but that he loved us, and sent
his Son to be the_______________for our sins. 1Jn 2:1-2
Has the word propitiation any place in your ______________?
In the face of the New Testament it is central.
The love of God, the taking of human form by this Son, the
meaning of the cross, Christ’s heavenly __________, the way of
salvation– –all are to be explained in terms of it.
Any explanation from which the thought of propitiation is missing
will be ___________, and indeed actually misleading, by New
Testament standards.
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18. In saying this, we swim against the stream of much modern
teaching and ____________ at a stroke the views of a great number
of distinguish church leaders today.
19. Paul wrote, even if we or an angel from heaven––let alone a
minister, _________, college lecturer, University professor or noted
author––should preach a gospel other than the one we preach to
you, let him be _____________ condemned!
20. And a gospel without propitiation at its _______ is another gospel
than that which Paul preached. The implications of this must not
be _____________.
21. If you look at the RSV or NEB Versions of the four texts quoted
above, you will find that the word propitiation does not _________.
22. In both the first John passages, NEB has “__________for the
defilement” of our sins.
23. These versions replace the thought of propitiation by that of
24. The difference is that expiation means only _______of what
propitiation means.
25. Expiation is an _______it has sin as its object; it denotes the
covering, putting away are rubbing out of sin so that it no longer
constitutes a barrier to friendly fellowship between man and God.
26. Propitiation in the Bible, denotes all that expiation means, and the
___________of the wrath of God thereby.
27. Christian scholars have maintained since the Reformation, when
these things first began to be studied with ________, and the case
can still be made compellingly today.
28. C .H. Dodd, revised the view to the effect that there is in God no
such thing as ___________ occasioned by humans sin, and
consequently no need for propitiation.
29. Dodd has labored to prove that they propitiate in word group in
the New Testament does not carry the sense of appeasing God’s
anger, but only denotes the _____________away of sin.
30. Therefore expiation is a ___________ rendering.
31. Dodd has shown that his Word group need not mean more than
expiation if the __________ does not require a wider meaning.
32. He has not shown that the word group cannot mean propitiation in
contacts where the meaning is called for.
33. This is the critical point in the Romans passage. The context
_____call for the meaning propitiation in Romans 3: 25.
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34. Romans 1:18 Paul sets the stage his declaration of the gospel by
__________that the wrath of God is being ____________ from
heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of men.
35. The wrath of God is dynamically, effectively operating in the world
of men and it is____________from heaven, the throne of God.
36. Paul traces out the present activity of God’s wrath in the
_______hardening of apostate hearts, expressed in the phrase “God
gave them up.”
37. In Romans 3, Paul carries on his argument to prove that
________person, Jew and Gentile alike, been understand sin,
stands expose to the wrath of God both in its present and future
38. All of us in our _________state, without the gospel, the finally
controlling reality in our lives, is the active__________of God.
39. Paul says acceptance, pardon, and peace are freely given to those
who hitherto were ______and God’s ________but who now put
faith in Christ Jesus, whom God sent forth to be a propitiation…
by his blood.
40. The wrath of God against us, both present and to come, has been
41. Through the death of Christ, God’s anger against us is
_______________and that his treatment of us forever after would
be propitious and favorable.
42. What does the ________ “a propitiation by his blood” express?
43. That by his sacrificial death for our sins Christ _____________ the
wrath of God.
44. To regard this term wrath merely as a description of the
________________ process of cause and effect in a moral universe
or as another way of speaking of the __________of sin.
45. It is rather a personal quality, without which God would cease to
be fully righteous and his love would degenerate into
46. The wrath of God is as personal, and as ________, as his love.
47. Just as the blood shedding of the Lord Jesus was that direct
manifesting of his father’s love toward us, so it was the direct
_____________of his father’s wrath against us.
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