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Shasta County Mental Health, Alcohol, and Drug Programs
Next Steps Study Team Meeting
October 11, 2007
Attendance: Terry Baker, Erin Ceccarelli, Nancy Greer, Susan Hacking, Connie Harrah, Todd
Harris, Frank Mello, Elaine Minami, Connie Murray, Marie Osborne, David Reiten, Iris Sanders,
Allison Scroggins, Jill Ward, Maxine Wayda, Jeff Woods, and Jayne Accetta.
Chairperson Todd Harris opened the meeting and roundtable introductions were made. The
October 2 and October 4, 2007, minutes were reviewed.
Change Agent Team and Focus Groups
The Change Agent Team is viewed as internal team whose members have been empowered to
make system changes, as well as to develop the charter document. The charter document is the
written document that integrates the Shasta County Mental Health and Shasta County Alcohol
and Drug Programs. Programmatic changes would be made with existing resources.
Focus Groups could be developed to include clients, families, providers, and interested people.
Ad Hoc Committees could be developed to study specific issues with membership from the
Change Agent Team and Focus Groups, with the information from the Ad Hoc Committees
forwarded back to the Change Agent Team for discussion. The Change Agent Team would
continually solicit input from the Focus Groups with information flowing between the groups.
For client feedback, it was suggested that during each client’s yearly treatment plan update the
client be updated about all the groups that are available and asked their feedback about their
experience in the treatment system. The information provided by the clients during the treatment
plan updates is a good resource to find the flaws of the system and what works in the system.
Mission Statement
After developing the Vision Statement for integrating the programs, then move forward to
develop a Mission Statement.
Vision Statement
Questions were asked: What do we mean by integrated services? What do we want the
integrated program to look like? Where do we want the integrated program to go in the future?
The vision statement will act as the guiding principle. Ideas discussed included:
Provide services to people with substance abuse and mental health challenges
Develop a recovery oriented program
Provide access/referral to services for all individuals, a resource for people of all incomes
Tie workforce development into the Mental Health Services Act
Shasta County Mental Health, Alcohol, and Drug Programs
Next Steps Study Team Meeting
Page 2
October 11, 2007
Integration with Mental Health Services Act
The Vision Statement could drive concepts in the upcoming, new Mental Health Services Act
Family Involvement
In the Riverside County model, clients are asked on their first visit whether they want family
involvement and there is a form to check off this information. When family involvement is
indicated, a release of information is promptly completed to facilitate family involvement in the
client’s treatment. Family involvement is helpful in providing additional information regarding a
client’s illness.
Homeless Population Involvement
It was suggested that a little extra time be spent with homeless clients. Information amongst
homeless people travels fast. There is a church by the Alano Club that serves lunches to the
homeless people each day that a program representative could attend in order to provide
information about services.
Program Mascot
Create a mascot for the program to develop a new healthy look to help people realize that having
mental illness is acceptable, e.g., a person wearing many hats (construction worker, nurse, a
service person) walking upright and straight, an identity that people can relate to in order to get
acceptance level by clients to walk in the door for treatment.
Concepts and objectives for the vision statement will be focused on during the next meeting.
Bring to the next meeting ideas regarding concepts, principles, values, and objectives for the
integrated program and what these concepts, principles, values, and objectives mean to
integrating the programs. Ideas will be written on the white board and a draft vision statement
will be developed.
Next Meeting and Location
The next meeting is scheduled on October 18, 2007, from 11 a.m. to noon, in the Administrative
Conference Room.
Todd Harris, Chairperson