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Chapter 10.1, 10.2 & 11.4: Cell Growth and Division
For this unit we will study the stages of development a cell goes through (the cell
cycle) with special emphasis on the two ways that cells divide (mitosis and meiosis).
Special attention will be paid to:
 whether the products are haploid or diploid
 what happens in each stage of each cell cycle
 recognizing each stage of each type of cell division in plant and animal cells
 comparing/contrasting mitosis and meiosis (and binary fission)
 comparing contrasting cell division in eukaryotes and prokaryotes
Assessment for this unit consists of a mixed format test (multiple choice, short
answer, diagrams, etc.) as well as a performance project where you act out cell
division. More about this project on another sheet
Pages in the book: 10.1 & 10.2: 274 – 285
Cards are due: Fri., Nov. 20
Vocab/Bookquiz: Tues., Nov. 24
11.4: 323-328
Vocab : Ch 10.1, 10.2 & 11.4
+ if you’re an expert (can explain to someone else)
 if you’ve heard of it (and know a little)
0 if you’ve never heard of it
_____ DNA
_____ chromosome
_____ chromatid
_____ centromere
_____ chromatin
_____ autosome
_____ sex chromosome
_____ homologous
_____ diploid
_____ haploid
_____ binary fission
_____ mitosis
_____ meiosis
_____ gamete
_____ interphase
_____ prophase
_____ metaphase
_____ anaphase
_____ telophase
_____ cytokinesis
_____ asexual reproduction
_____ sexual reproduction
_____ cell cycle
_____ centriole
_____ G1 phase
_____ S phase
_____ G2 phase
_____ M phase
_____ tetrad
_____ crossing over
_____ spindle fiber
_____ G0 phase
Skills/Learning Targets:
_____ Differentiate between sexual and asexual reproduction (10.1)
_____ Associate cell division with sexual and asexual reproduction (10.1)
_____ Describe the structure of a chromosome (10.2)
_____ Compare chromosome, chromatid and chromatin (10.2)
_____ Summarize the events of cell growth and mitosis (10.2)
_____ Explain what happens during interphase and cytokinesis, and why they are not
considered part of mitosis/meiosis (10.2)
_____ Describe how cell division in prokaryotes is different from eukaryotes (10.2)
_____ Distinguish between diploid and haploid cells (11.4)
_____ Explain the differences between sex chromosomes and autosomes and know
the number of each for humans (11.4)
_____ Identify stages of mitosis and meiosis (10.2 & 11.4)
_____ Compare the end products of meiosis and mitosis (10.2 & 11.4)
_____ Compare/contrast cell division in plant and animal cells (10.2 & 11.4)
_____ Summarize the events of meiosis (11.4)
_____ Discuss the importance of gamete formation (11.4)
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