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RE: Marriage Decisions at the 221st General Assembly
Dear Sermon Readers,
Before leaving for the 221st General Assembly meeting in Detroit I intended to preach upon my return
generically about God’s grace as referred to in the lectionary passage from Romans, chapter 6. Then GA
happened where I was tracking the “hot button” issue about marriage. So, the sermon for June 22nd took on a
whole new focus.
Attached are the:
1) Sermon about the marriage decisions
2) Pastoral Letter to the church from the Moderator, Stated Clerk, and PMA
Executive Director -- and responses off the PCUSA website
During Joys & Concerns I asked for prayers for the church after reading the response from David Kester
which says, “Paul also said all things are legal but not all things are prudent. Prudentially, I think this was
not wise. I pray God gives the Body of Christ the Mind of Christ, as we wrestle with this erroneous decision
in the time to come.” It is clear that not everyone agrees with the decisions made in Detroit this past week.
As we move forward as a congregation, presbytery, and denomination in light of recent GA decisions – may
we all pray that the church be delivered from further division – taking seriously our charge to bestow the
same grace and love on one another that God bestows upon us.
May God’s grace abound!
Cynthia L. Walton-Leavitt (Rev. Dr.)
Pastor, First United Presbyterian
(aka The "Red Door" Church)
2 Walling Avenue
Oneonta, NY 13820
(607) 432-7520 church; 267-4333 study
(607) 437-9350 cell
[email protected]
1) Sermon about the marriage decisions
SERMON – 12th Sunday of Ordinary Time
First United Presbyterian Church, Oneonta, NY
Scripture: Romans 6:1b-11
June 22, 2014
Rev. Dr. Cynthia L. Walton-Leavitt
Let us pray. O God, you have the power to make a desert a place of renewal
and a cross a sign of redemption.
Send your Holy Spirit so that we can hear you and entrust ourselves completely
to you, for the sake of Jesus Christ our Savior. Amen.
Before leaving for General Assembly 10 days ago -- I looked at the lectionary
passages and decided to focus on Romans 6 because it opens with a question
that asks, “Should we continue to sin in order that grace may abound?”
Sermon (06/22/2014)
Since I often end my emails with a favorite phrase, “May God’s grace
abound!” -- I thought, “Great! When I come back I’ll explain what I mean by that…”
Then General Assembly happened…
The commissioners who gathered to deliberate and pray about many, many
issues -- made some significant decisions on two “hot-button” issues. One issue is
divestment of PCUSA stocks relating to Israel. The other issue -- the one I
followed most closely -- is marriage.
The General Assembly has been struggled with the issue of marriage since
2008 when only two states had approved same-gender marriage (MA and CT).
As we often do -- a commission was formed to study the matter.
A Churchwide Marriage Study was sent to the Church in 2012 -- which only a
few presbyteries -- and fewer churches undertook. It is NOT looking at samegender marriage or how to strengthen marriage -- but at the basic theological
beliefs of Presbyterians about marriage as found in the Bible, our Book of
Confessions, Book of Order, and our Christian Marriage Rites.
The Commission reported their findings -- now with 19 states and the District
of Columbia all having marriage equality laws -- and overtures were sent to GA
from presbyteries to address various aspects of marriage.
Two of the commissioners’ decisions made national headlines:
1) The commissioners overturned a long-standing Authoritative Interpretation so
that now teaching elders (i.e. ministers) are allowed to perform same-gender
weddings where it is legal by state law.
2) Presbyteries will be asked to vote on changing the definition of marriage in
the Directory of Worship FROM “between a man and a woman” TO “between
two people, traditionally a man and a woman.”
Let’s pause at this point to hear from Paul’s letter to the Romans.
Paul is in the middle of a treatise about GRACE. He has just finished comparing
Adam and Christ in chapter five -- saying that one man's trespass led to
condemnation for all (i.e. Adam). BUT that through Christ -- through the
obedience of one man -- many people were made righteous.
Sermon (06/22/2014)
The bottom line is that just as sin ruled death -- now grace will rule through
God’s righteousness -- leading to eternal life through Jesus Christ.
This is where our passage picks up the discussion of grace.
Reading from the New Revised Standard Version of the Bible, listen now for
God’s Word to us today as found in Paul’s Letter to the Church in Rome,
chapter 6, beginning at the verse 1b:
Should we continue in sin in order that grace may abound?
2 By no means! How can we who died to sin go on living in it?
3 Do you not know that all of us who have been baptized into Christ Jesus were
baptized into his death? 4 Therefore we have been buried with him by baptism into
death, so that, just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, so we
too might walk in newness of life. 5 For if we have been united with him in a death
like his, we will certainly be united with him in a resurrection like his. 6 We know that
our old self was crucified with him so that the body of sin might be destroyed, and we
might no longer be enslaved to sin. 7 For whoever has died is freed from sin. 8 But if
we have died with Christ, we believe that we will also live with him. 9 We know that
Christ, being raised from the dead, will never die again; death no longer has dominion
over him. 10 The death he died, he died to sin, once for all; but the life he lives, he
lives to God. 11 So you also must consider yourselves dead to sin and alive to God in
Christ Jesus.
We must consider ourselves dead to sin -- and alive to God in Christ Jesus.
To be alive in God -- means to embrace God’s GRACE…
Or, to be more accurate -- to allow God’s grace to embrace US!
When I think about God’s grace -- I image God giving me big bear hug -enveloping me -- making all the worries of the world -- all the aches and pains of
the body -- all the hurts from relationships -- all the questioning of the spirit -- all
God’s grace offers forgiveness for our shortcomings and mis-steps…
It is another way of thinking about God’s love that is non-judgmental and
In chapter 6 -- I understand Paul to be saying that ALL of us baptized into
Christ -- share in his resurrection to a new life. We walk with him in a newness of
life. And sometimes that newness of life changes us from where we once were.
Sermon (06/22/2014)
One of the speakers I heard in Detroit was Mark Achtemeier. Mark comes
from a family of conservative Bible scholars. He has been a pastor, writer, and
professor of theology and ethics. He has also been well-known as an anti-gay
church activist. So, it came as quite a surprise to see his name as the keynote
speaker at the Covenant Network lunch -- a group started by tall-steeple pastors to
advocate for full-inclusion of LGBT people in the church.
Mark has recently written a book entitled -- The Bible’s YES to Same-Sex
Marriage: An Evangelical’s Change of Heart. He told us about a couple of things
that started him on this journey. The first is something that most of us know -- that
young people are leaving the church in droves because they think the church is
too judgmental and anti-gay.
The second experience that REALLY got Mark thinking about his stance on
gays is that he kept encountering evangelical pastors who had same-gender
attractions. Try as they might -- through counseling -- laying on of hands -prayers -- and other methods employed by groups that try to heal people of the
their homosexuality -- these pastors could NOT rid themselves of their samegender attractions.
Mark was driven back to the Bible to re-examine the seven scattered
passages that are traditionally used to denounce homosexuality. He discusses his
re-interpretations in his book -- which I purchased and have here (show book)…
Mark reminded us of John, chapter 15, in which Jesus says: “I am the vine,
you are the branches… abide in me as I abide in you…” He said our FIRST
PRIORITY is to nurture our vital connection with Jesus Christ -- because without
him we can do nothing.
Abiding in Jesus means being bound to our fellow disciples -- despite how
much we may disagree with each other. We are to treat each other as beloved
children of God. After all -- we have all been redeemed by Jesus on the cross…
And we are all joint heirs of the Kingdom. Let us rejoice for the opportunity to
abide with each other in service of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Sermon (06/22/2014)
When it comes to the marriage questions -- Mark “came out” to say that
teaching elders need to be able to pastor to ALL in their flocks without fear of
prosecution. We need a Directory of Worship, not a Directory of Litigation.
He ended his talk by saying that he intends to continue working for a church that is
as generous and just -- as God’s grace.
We must consider ourselves dead to sin -- the sin of judging or condemning
others -- especially our fellow disciples who have been baptized into Christ Jesus
some of whom we may profoundly disagree.
And be alive to God in Christ Jesus who teaches us about love and kindness
-- forgiveness and GRACE.
Let us pray.
Merciful God: we thank you for lessons from your Word
and for the leading of your Spirit to return again and again to you
so we might grow in faith and understanding.
Help us each to claim our baptism -- and to rejoice with each other in faith.
May your gentleness be shown through us in our treatment of all people.
May your peace -- which exceeds all our understanding -keep our hearts and minds on you.
We ask this in the name of Jesus. And let all the people say: Amen!
2) Pastoral Letter to the church from the Moderator, Stated Clerk, and
PMA Executive Director -- and responses off the PCUSA website
PC(USA) leaders issue pastoral letter to the church
on Assembly’s marriage actions
June 19, 2014
To congregations of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.):
Grace and peace to you in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Earlier today the 221st General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) approved a
recommendation from its Civil Union and Marriage Issues Committee allowing for
pastoral discretion to perform “any such marriage they believe the Holy Spirit calls them to
perform,” where legal by state law.
They also approved a recommendation to change language in the Book of Order to indicate
that “marriage involves a unique commitment between two people, traditionally a man and
a woman.”
Both decisions came with much thought, discussion and prayer, and clearly the entire body
that is the PC(USA) will be interpreting these actions for some time.
Please know that the same triune God in whom we place our hope, faith and trust in is still
in control, and that the Assembly’s action today is the result of deep discernment to hear
God’s voice and discern God’s will.
We concur with the feelings expressed by Teaching Elder Commissioner Jeffrey
Bridgeman, moderator of the Civil Union and Marriage Issues Committee, during his
presentation to the Assembly.
“The apostle Paul tells us that ours is, in fact, ‘the ministry of reconciliation’ as
‘ambassadors of Christ,’ and he died for us so that we might be reconciled, that we might
become reconcilers,” Bridgeman said.
In this season of both happiness and sadness over the Assembly’s decisions, we call on you
to remember the overflowing grace and love God gifts us with, and to take seriously our
charge to bestow the same grace and love on one another.
In the name of Jesus Christ our Lord,
Ruling Elder Heath K. Rada
Moderator, 221st General Assembly
The Reverend Gradye Parsons
Stated Clerk of the General Assembly
Ruling Elder Linda Bryant Valentine
Executive Director, Presbyterian Mission Agency
Responses to Marriage Decisions at the 221st General Assembly (2014)
1. This was a very divisive issue for the United Church of Canada, first in 1988 when it
was declared that "homosexuality 'is not in itself a barrier' to becoming a minister, and
again to a lesser extent in 2003 when our General Council General Council of The United
Church of Canada presented evidence in favour of same-sex marriage to the House of
Commons Justice Committee, and later welcomed court decisions that legalized same-sex
marriage in certain provinces. It is now very much a non-issue. by David Root, 06/20/2014
2. The time is right for this decision about all inclusive LOVE.
by Jerry Pittsenbarger
3. I am a 65 year old member of a Presbyterian USA church in Florida. I am presently an
Elder and have been very active in the church since joining. I am also a gay man who also
has a male partner of 15 years, who is also active in the church. I appreciate our
denominations present decision to allow ministers to do weddings for same sex partners in
states where it is legal. My partner and I will have to wait for Florida to be one of those
states. We know that God looks favorably on our being a couple. And look forward to
making our commitment legal when possible! I can only hope that it is within our lifetime.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
by Norm Stevens, June 20, 2014
4. Paul also said all things are legal but not all things are prudent. Prudentially, I think
this was not wise. I pray God gives the Body of Christ the Mind of Christ, as we wrestle
with this erroneous decision in the time to come.
by David Kester, June 20, 2014
5. I know I struggle with certain sins. But the Holy Spirit's work in progressive
sanctification of my soul helps me to move from my sin into a likeness of Christ. It is a
slow process because of my depravity. But sins I once committed against God, by the
sanctifying work of the Spirit, are no longer apart of me. It is my understanding that one
who is saved will find sins repugnant and be repentive. Now, the bible is very clear on the
imperatives of our Creators Laws, so, how can we, the created, change the Laws of the
creator. You can't get around that marriage is to be of one man & one woman. I would
seek an open professional dialogue on this. I'm completely confused how Scriptures can
be, in what appears to me, to twisted!
by Jamey Garrett, June 20, 2014
6. Our daughter Martha will be married tomorrow. She and Sean requested we sing Take
my Life and Let It Be as a congregational hymn. Let's sing together...
by Bobbie McGarey, June 20, 2014
7. Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Grace, Mercy and Peace be to you from God, our
Father and from our Lord, and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen. What excitement and joy fills
my heart knowing that another church body has approved the definition of marriage from
"man and woman" to "two people". Praise God! I understand that this amendment to the
constitution was highly debated upon but, with fervent prayer all of those who were
opposed to this, will understand that this was done to include ALL into the life of the
church not to take away from what the church already has. I attend a small Presbyterian
Church and, this church has been very welcoming to myself and to my partner and, for that
I Thank Almighty God for. It is obvious that the Holy Spirit is calling this church body to
be an inclusive Denomination for the good of the church. God's Richest Blessings to you;
by Tim Welther, June 20, 2014