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Messages From Enki: Humanity's Father
by Sasha Lessin, Ph. D. Based on the works of Zecharia Sitchin
"ISRA-EL [he who fought a god]. Israel, who limped into Esau’s camp,
became the patriarch of Enlil’s loyalists, and his tribe were "the
Children of Israel." [Sitchin, Z, 1995, Divine Encounters, page 250 - 256]
Rachael’s older sons hated their half-brother, Rebecca’s
youngest son, JOSEPH (born in 1870 B.C.), for his obsession with
dreams and their interpretation. The half-brothers sold Joseph as
a slave to caravaners, who took him to Egypt.
In Egypt an official of the pharaoh’s court worked Joseph as a
household slave. The official’s wife tried to seduce Joseph. When
Joseph rebuffed her, she said he put the make on her, and the
official jailed Joseph.
J became renown for his continued interpreting dreams.
Pharaoh Amenemhet III of the Middle Kingdom’s XII dynasty
ascended the throne of Egypt in 1842 B.C.. Amenemhet dreamed
of seven skinny cows ate seven fat cows and seven scorched
ears of grain ate seven healthy ones. He asked Joseph to interpret
the dreams. Joseph meant seven years of plentiful harvest, then
seven of famine. Impressed, in 1840 B.C. Amenenhet made
Joseph Overseer of Egypt. His job: store water and grain from the
seven good years for the
seven lean ones.
ey pro
Joseph channeled Nile
water at high flood level to
a natural depression to
create an artificial lake near
Hawara. He, with
canals and
underground pipes for
miles in the Fayam area. This area became the breadbasket of
Then drought and famine struck the Near East, and refugees
pored into Egypt, where vegetables, fruit and fish still, thanks
to Joseph, abounded. Among the refugees from Canaan in
1833 B.C.: Jacob/Israel (now 130 years old) and his sons,
including Joseph’s half-brothers who’d sold him as a slave.
dispered and multiplied, till there were 600,000 of them and a
new regime, hostile to the Enlilites with whom the Children of
Israel were allied, took power. [Sitchin, Z., 1985, Divine Encounters, pages 289 - 291;
2007, pages152 -153; 1995, Divine Encounters, page 289].
[Main source: Sitchin, Z., 1995, Divine Encounters, pages 290 - 314].
In 1650 B.C., after years of civil war, new rulers
the New Kingdom pharaohs, conquered Egypt. Pharaoh
Thothmose I of the new regime invaded Enlilite Mesopotamia to the
Euphrates River, where Abraham’s relatives and their descendants
lived. Thothmose expected Enlilite retaliation. He feared the
descendants of Israel/Jacob in Egypt–all 600,000–could take Egypt
from within.
Thothmose I jettisoned the Middle Kingdom’s promise that
Egypt honor the now dangerous "Children" of Israel. He’d work
them to death and stop their breeding. He "ordered that any
newborn Israelite male should be killed at birth."
To save their newborn son, in 1513 B.C., a couple descended
from Jacob/Israel laid the boy son in a box and floated it down
a stream where Thothmose’s daughter bathed.
She named the boy MOSES and adopted him.
In 1482 B.C., Thothmose III renewed hostilities against the
Enlilites abroad and the Israelites in Egypt. Moses, now grown,
killed an Egyptian overseer who was brutalizing Israelites.
Thothmose III ordered Moses killed, but Moses escaped to the
Sinai peninsula, where he married the daughter of a Midianite
Thothmose III died in 1450 B.C.. AMENHOTEP became
Pharaoh and let Mose’s death sentence expire. Enlil as Yahweh,
"from inside the Burning Bush" told Moses to return to Egypt
and show Yahweh’s magical powers Amenhotep to convince
him to free the Israelites.
The 80-year-old Moses tried to intimidate Amenhotep with a magic
show. But Pharaoh resisted. Instead of caving in to Moses' demands
to free the Israelites, Amenhotep tripled the Israelites’ brickmaking
quotas. Yahweh escalated the pressure on the Egyptian King. The
Nibiran god engineered a series of plagues, infestations, cattle
diseases, three days of darkness and weather disturbances (all easily
within the range of modern military arsenals), followed by murder of
all non-Israelite firstborn children and cows in Egypt. Finally, in 1433
B.C., Pharaoh told the Israelites, Go.
But, when they’d gone, they seemed to Pharaoh to be trapped
between the desert’s edge and the lakes, then the Red Sea, Pharaoh
sent his chariots to re-capture Moses and his people.
Yahweh used his
HAARP-type climate control devises to sweep aside a path
through the Red Sea or he showed the Israelites a safe route a
way to cross. In any event, the Israelis crossed.
When the Egyptians pursued, Yahweh let the sea, which
sweep over and drown them.
Nights, Yahweh lit the Israeli’s way with a "fiery beacon,"
days, he led them with a dark cloud to the edge of the Sinai
Peninsula. He made sure they were fed and protected from
Amalekite enemies. He guided the Israelites through the desert
forty years, till they camped at the base of Mt. Sinai. Then he
showed his full intolerance and cruelty.
Yahweh had the Israelites kill three thousand people for
not declaring exclusive loyalty to him and kill 23,000 Israelites
for having premarital sex. [Exodus 32:26-28; Corinthians10:8] .
He ordered Moses
up Mt. Sinai and commanded him to relay his demands to the
Israelites. Down the mountain Moses went. He told the Israelites
what Yahweh said. They said they'd obey (they had no choice).
Yahweh landed his rocket atop the mount and called Moses up
From the peak, Yahweh spoke with an amplifier to the crowd
of 600,000 at the base of the mountain.
He ordered the Israelites reject all other Nibiran gods, "not
even say the names of these 'gods.'" He ordered the Israelites spend
every seventh day worshiping him. The Israelites must, said Yahweh,
subjugate women and kids to male family heads. He commanded they
refrain from murder, adultery, theft and false witness. They must not,
he demanded, crave others’ homes, wives, slaves and property. Such
were Yahweh’s Ten Commandments.
Yahweh gave Moses stone tablets he’d inscribed with his
commandments. For forty days on the mountaintop he showed
Moses how to make a temple and a box (Ark of the Covenant) for the
tablets. Above the drawer in the Ark for the tablets, Moses must bui d
a Talk-To-Yahweh communicator (sporting two gold cherubs) for the
Israelites to voice-message. Through the Ark, they could bing
Yahweh, pose their questions, and get Yahweh’s "Yes" or "No"
He designated Moses’ brother AARON and Aaron’s sons as
priests. He specified the protective clothes the priests had to wear to
approach the radioactive Ark. Yahweh was so protective of
the Ark that he killed fifty thousand people of Bethshemesh for
looking into it [1 Samuel 6:19].
Aaron, worried that Moses died in the weeks he spent with
Yahweh on Mt. Sinai, tried to attract the Nibiran’s attention.
Aaron had men built a golden calf, a symbol of Enlil/Yahweh, to
signal the god. But the calf infuriated Moses, who killed its
builders and destroyed tablets and the calf.
Yahweh too raged, threatened to
abandon the Israelites. But he relented.
He produced a "pillar of cloud" in front
of Moses’ tent and from a UFO (called a
"Kabod") inside the cloud, broadcast
that he forgave the Israelites for the calf.
He told Moses to engrave new tablets.
Yahweh refused to let Moses see his
face but dictated the new tablets as
Moses engraved for forty more days.
When Moses returned to his followers,
he glowed with radiation from his
exposure to Yahweh’s shuttlecraft.
Moses died and his general,
JOSHUA, aided by Yahweh’s
knowledge of astronomical
events and weapons conquered
much of Canaan for Yahweh. In
the process, Yahweh killed
120,000 men and enslaved
200,000 women and children. He
had a million Ethiopians killed
as well. With terrible technoweapons and engineered
plagues, he killed 10,000
Canaanites an Perizzites and 10,000 Moabites [Judges 1:4, 3:28-29;
Tellinger, M. 2006, Slave Species of God, pages 173 -191]. Some "god."
Marduk gave Hammurabi, his
king at Babylon, "a powerful weapon, called "Great Power of Marduk",
with which he subdued all Mesopotamia, save the Enlilite strongholds of
Adad in Assyria and Ninurta in Lagash. In the 12th Century B.C., the
Assyrians, led by King Tiglat-Pileser I, conquered Lebanon.
In the 9th century B.CAdad and Nergal sent the Assyrian king
Shalmaneser III with technologically-advanced artillery against
Marduk’s Babylonians. With these weapons, Shalmaneser prevailed.
Then, in 689 B C. Sennacherib, using, this time, "rocketlike missiles"
Adad gave him, sacked Babylonon the pretext that the Babylonians
had disappointed Marduk, their erstwhile god. Sennacherib
sentenced the Babylonians to seventy years of Assyrian occupation
and domination. Commander Enlil watched Assyria’s Sennacherib
subjugate Phoenicia, Gaza and Judea
But to Sennacherib--on hiswn without knowledge of
authorization of his Nibiran handlers--attacked Jerusalem. Enlil
controlled Mission Control Jerusalem. He zapped the his erstwhile
Assyrian slave army with a techno-weapon that killed 185,000 men.
Sennacherib fled back to Nineva in Sumer, where he declared his
younger son Esarhaddon, his successor
Sennacherib’s older sons killed the King, but the Nibirans hid
Esarhaddon. Enlil sent Inanna to Assyria. She disarmed the
Ninevan army and destroyed their weapons. Esarhaddon rules,
she proclaimed.
Inanna continued protecting Assyria. She loosed " an
intense, blinding brilliance" on her headgear to blind Enemies
of Esarhaddon’s successor, Ashurbanipal both in battles in
Arabia and in an attack on Marduk’s Egyptian forces. Inanna
"rained flames upon Arabia." [Sitchin, Z. 1985, The Wars of Gods and Men pages 12-19]
Enlil decided to end Assyrian power. He let Babylonians
conquer Assyria from 614 - 616 B.C. and sent Babylon's king
Nebuchadnezzar II to take Lebanon.
Jean Hudon (Veracity Series #22: Telling It As It Is!, (13 July 2008) archived at
warned "the Antarctic ice shelf collapse 'imminent.' Scientists
reported an Antarctic ice shelf the size of Northern Ireland verged on
disintegration. The European Space Agency said new satellite
pictures showed the Wilkins shelf- the largest threatened so far--hung
"by its last thread".
The Wilkins shelf extends 5,600 square miles. A
thin ice bridge binds Wilkins to an island. But the bridge is cracking
because Earth's heating faster than the Agency had believed.
Warm water wells up from the sea and attacks shelves from underneath.
Seven shelves on the
peninsula already collapsed as Earth heats. This happened 13,000 years
ago, as Ziusudra's (Noah's) Flood and has the same cause: the perigee
(part of Nibiru's 3,6000 year orbit around our sun that's closest to the sun)
of Nibiru (the 10th planet in our solar system). The current perigee of
Nibiru, would be 2012 if orbit remained constant or 2900 if the orbit sped in
10,900 B.C.E., when Nibiru arrived earlier pulled Uranus further from the
sun and hastened Nibiru's perigee. Uranus' gravity sped Nibiru's orbit.
Uranus captured Miranda, one of Nibiru's moons, as Nibiru and Uranus
pulled at each other. From 10,000B.C.E. on, Nibiru's revolution sped to
3.450 Earth years; which makes Nibiru's next return 2900A.D.Sitchin, Z., 2007, The
End of Days, pages 315 - 317. ] [If this re-calculation's correct, Nibiru's closest passes to Earth since
10900BC Nibiru would arrive in Earth's neighborhood 7450bC, 400BC and 550BC. The End of
Days, page 316, says this "Slows" Nibiru's orbit. But if Nibiru rounds the sun in 3450 years rather
than 3600 years., it SPEEDS rather than "slows." Perhaps the proofreader got mixed up and
typed "slows" where she should have typed "speeds".]
Whatever the actual precise perigee of Nibiru, the decades
surrounding Nibiru's return to the inner solar system, it can,
depending on where the other inner-solar system planets are in their
obits, create solar storms, global warming, ice ages and floods. As
Enki puts it, "The past the future shall be."
"The icesheet on Antartica had built up from an Ice Age from
62,000 years ago. When Nibiru neared Earth for Nibiru's perigee,
13,000 years ago, the ice on Antarctica far exceeded the amount of ice
there nowadays. "s the ice sheet grew thicker, it trapped more of the
earth's heat beneath [and] created (by pressure and friction) a slushy,
slippery layer at its bottom."
Whenever the Anunnaki of Nibiru next rocket to Earth, we can now,
thanks to Zecharia Sitchin's exposure of our past, greet them as
partners. Slaves no more. But thanks for the genes and technology.
Essay 1
The Celestial) Battle: Nibiru meets Solaris and
Tiamat (Proto Earth
Cultures express their understandings of the cosmos in their
idiosyncratic metaphors. Sumerian scribes left clay-tablet writings and
drawings they say were dictated by the "gods"–tall, long-headed
goldmining expedition personnel from the planet Nibiru who engineered
our species some 300,000 years ago, hybridizing their genes with those
of Homo Erectus devolved from ancient human settlers of Earth.
The Sumerian "god" Thoth/Ningishidda, actually a son of Enki (the
Nibiran goldmining and science boss on Earth). Ningishzidda was
known in Mesoamerica as Quetzlcoatl. He dictated the Mayan Calendar,
which shows 2012 as a time of Nibiru's return to Earth's vicinity. Thoth
based the Mayan Calendar on the cosmological tale, the Enuma elish-the Creation Epic--below.
The cosmology the "gods" dictated anthropomorphized the planets
(as do Lovelock and Russell nowadays). That is, the Nibirans regarded
planetary bodies as having consciousness, will and ability to act. I
extracted the tale below from clay tablet inscriptions Mining Chief Enki
and dictated to his scribe, Endubscar. My late teacher, Zecharia Sitchin,
translated Enki's tablets. You can peruse the tablets in
detail in "The Lost Book of Enki," 2002, pages 46-55.
Six thousand years ago, Nibiran astronauts dictated
Enuma elish--the Creation Epic--to the Sumerians (folk in
Iraq 10,000 years ago). The Sumerians pressed the
Enuma elish into clay tablets how the solar system
Sumerian Clay Tablet
The Creation Epic says Solaris, our Sun (then a
solitary star) first created a planet the Nibirans called
Tiamat. Tiamat, the proto-Earth, orbited Solaris
Next, Solaris, which the Nibirans called Apsu, created
Mercury and propelled Mercury with water and gold to Tiamat.
Planet-pairs formed: Venus with Mars, Jupiter with Saturn,
Uranus with Neptune. These planetary
partners orbited the Sun
counterclockwise, the same direction
Tiamat followed.
Tiamat lacked a partner-planet, but one of
her moons, Kingu, enlarged. Kingu
prepared to partner with Tiamat. Then
Kingu could orbit the Sun, rather than
Tiamat. But, four billion years ago, before
Kingu could attain planetary orbit around
Solaris, the planet Nibiru, adrift since the star around which it had been
orbiting, exploded, invaded our Solar System clockwise.
The gravitational pull of Nibiru pulled a piece of Neptune into
space. That’s how Neptune’s moon, Triton, formed. Triton,
unlike other moons in the System, orbits its planet clockwise.
As Nibiru pierced our Solar System, Nibiru lost three of its
moons but Nibiru gained four from Uranus. Nibiru tore four
moons from Uranus. Not only that, but Nibiru's passing also
tilted Uranus’ orbit.
Nibiru pulled Gaga, Saturn’s largest moon,
into clockwise orbit (between Neptune and
Uranus). We call Gaga P
On one of Nibiru’s orbital
perigees around Solaris (four
billion years ago), one of Nibiru's
moons slammed into Tiamat and
gouged out huge chunks. These
chunks of Tiamat careened into
space. We call the gouge in
Tiamat where Nibiru’s moon hit
"the Pacific Basin," the chunks of
Tiamat "asteroids and comets,"
and the remainder of Tiamat
"Earth". In the Pacific, waters and
life-seeds of Nibiru and Tiamat
evolved together.
Nibiru's gravity took with it all Tiamat’s other moons; these
moons now circled Nibiru, not Tiamat. kept
Nibiru stabilized into a clockwise orbit (Nibiru at the time
revolved around the sun once for every 3,600 times Earth
circled the Sun; one Nibiran year equaled 3,600 Earth years).
Millennia passed after Nibiru and the solar system stabilized
around Solaris. Sumerian tablets describe Nibiru as “a radiating
planet.” They show Nibiru as a cross since Nibiru, moving toward its
perigee, passes between the orbital paths of Mars and Jupiter and
“crosses” the plane of the orbit the Earth-remanant of Tiamat where
the unbroken Tiamat had been before Niburu hit it. When Earth's also
near perigee, people on Earth see Nibiru without telescopes.
Ancient drawings of Nibiru show "radiation heat emerging from
Nibiru. Its thick atmosphere” due to volcanic action, protects it
against its long cold periods deep in space and hot periods when it
nears Solaris. [Sitchin, Z., 2010, There Were Giants Upon The Earth, page 116]
Nibiru evolved a violent, technologically-sophisticated,
long-lived (but mortal) Homo Sapiens Sapiens-- the
humans of Nibiru--whose level of development then approximates ours
now [Tellinger, M., 2006, Slave Species of god, page 98].
500,000 years ago, Nibiru’s protective atmospheric shield
weakened. Its thick air thinned.
Nibirans, we'll see, sent miners to Earth for gold to powder Nibiru’s
air with golddust, save their atmosphere, and keep the heat they
needed. [Tellinger, M., 2006, Slave Species of god, page 88]
Sumerian Depiction of Nibiru
Essay 6
Anu Sends Enlil to Rule Earth, Verify Gold
Story So Far
King Anu of Nibiru sent his Firstborn, Ea, to Earth to deal with his (Ea's) father-in-law,
Alalu. On Earth, Ea and his pilot Abgal hid Alalu's Nukes. Ea sent Abgal to Nibiru in
Alalu's rocket. The rocket carried gold samples from Earth to Nibiru
On Nibiru, scientists processed the gold "to make of it the finest
dust, to skyward launch it was hauled away. A Shar [one orbit of Nibiru
around the Sun, equal to 3,600 Earth years; Nibiruans live so long they seem immortal by
our standards] did the fashioning last, a Shar did the testing continue.
With rockets was the dust heavenward carried, by crystals’ beams
was it dispersed.
"[But] when
Nibiru near the Sun came, the golden dust was by its
rays disturbed; the healing in the atmosphere was dwindled, the
breach to bigness returned." [Sitchin, Z., 2002, The Lost Book of Enki, page 86]
King Anu sent Abgal back to Earth for more gold.
When he got to Earth, Abgal learned Ea’d extracted little gold.
Water extraction yielded pitifully little. Ea again sent Abgal to Nibiru
with the Persian Gulf’s yield.
Ea flew over Africa, prospecting for gold. Then Ea found gold,
huge veins of it, in southeast Africa (Abzu). Jubilant, he announced
his find to Nibiru.
Drawing form Sitchin,Z., 2004,
The Earth Chronicles Expeditions, page 26,
(Sitchin drew in pilot; originally it was headless in the [Museum of Archaeology, Istanbul, Turkey]
Back on Nibiru, King Anu and Enlil received Ea's news of vast
veins of gold. Enlil, angry still that brother Ea led the Earth Mission,
demanded proof, not just of gold, but of lots of gold. Said Enlil, False
hope Ea gave already that gold enough could from Earth’s waters
could Nibiru’s atmosphere save.
Then You take charge on Earth, Anu replied. Assess the gold there.
Enlil made landfall on Earth and examined Ea's find. Enlil beamed
back to Nibiru that, despite his initial doubts, Earth probably had gold
enough to save Nibiru’s atmosphere.
But the basic rivalry between Ea and Enlil (that plagues Earth to this day)
surfaced again.
Previous: Ea Blasts to Earth with Water, Hides Nukes,
Sends Anzu & Gold to to Nibiru
Next: Anu, Enlil, Ea Draw Lots for
Nibiru, Earth, Seas & Mining
Anu, Enlil & Ea Draw for Nibiru, Earth, Seas & Mining Story So
King Anu
King Anu of Nibiru sent his dynastic heir, Enlil, to Earth to rule it and check Ea's claim of
vast gold to send back to Nibiru to save that planet's atmosphere
Father Anu, Enlil beamed from Earth to Nibiru,
Affirm, by the law of succession, that I, your son by your own halfsister Antu, precede and have authority over Ea, though, he, your
eldest son, be. On Earth, he put three straws in his right hand, held
them out to Ea and Enlil: Whoever draws the long straw rules Nibiru.
Draw the short straw and you command Earth. Middle-sized straw:
Narrative Resumes
run mining and sea transport.
Come to Earth, Enlil begged Anu, Make Enki obey me.
Enlil warned Anu he'd have to deal with Alalu too: He yells he's King of Earth and
So, 416, 000 years ago, Anu flew to Earth. Anu flies from Nibiru to
Earth"By their lots the tasks they divided; Anu to Nibiru to return, its
ruler on the throne to remain.
"The Edin [Mesopotamia] to Enlil was allotted, to be Lord of
Command, more settlements to establish, of the skyships and their
heros charge to take. Of all the lands until they the bar of the seas
encounter, the leader to be.
"To Ea the seas and the oceans as his domain were granted, lands
beyond the bar of the waters by him to be governed, in the Abzu
[southeastern Africa] to be the master, with ingenuity the gold to procure."
[Sitchin, Z., 2002, Lost Book of Enki, pages 92 -93]. Enlil’d already displaced by Enlil as
Anu’s successor on Nibiru, now Enlil, “this rival, this robber of Ea’s
birthright” commanded him on Earth.
But Enlil’s first act conciliated Ea. Enlil forever gave Eridu (the
settlement Ea’d created on the Persian Gulf) to Ea. Enlil bestowed the
title, EN.KI, EARTH’S LORD, on Ea
Previous: Anu Sends Enlil to Rule Earth, Verify
Next: Anu Defeats Alalu, Banishes Him &
Anzu to Mars
Our Story: Anu, Enlil and Ea drew lots. Anu drew the lot for rule of Nibiru. Enlil
drew Command of Earth. Ea drew responsibility on Earth for Seas, Mining and
Lands beyond the Straits of Gibraltar. No sooner did Anu
and his sons divide rule of Nibiru and Earth,
"Forward toward Anu Alalu stepped, shouted,
‘Mastery of Earth to me was allotted; that was the
promise when the gold finds to Nibiru I announced!
Nor have I the claim to Nibiru’s throne forsaken.’"
[Sitchin, Z., 2002, The Lost Book of Enki, page 93]
Anu wrestled Alalu. They grappled. [Sitchin
"Anu on the chest of Alalu with his foot pressed down, victory in
the wrestling thereby declaring, ‘I am King.’"
But when Anu lifted his foot from Alalu, "swiftly he the manhood of
Anu bit off, the malehood of Anu Alalu did swallow.!"
Enlil tied Alalu up while Ea gave Anu first-aid. "Alalu," Anu
groaned, "will slowly die from my seed." [Sitchin, Z., 1985, The Wars of Gods and Men,
page 94]
Anu condemned the sickened and doomed Alalu* to spend his last
days on Mars. The Nibirans knew Alalu would die soon from biting
Anu's penis. "There was apparently something in the "flesh" of others
that killed anyone who consumed it." [Tellinger, M. 2006, Slave Species of god, page 438]
So Anu, on his way back to Nibiru, stopped on Mars, where he
freed the dying Alalu with food and tools. Anu also left Alalu's
kinsman Anzu--the interplanetary pilot Ea had discharged--to tend
Alalu’s until he died.
When King Anu got back on Nibiru, he told the Council his plans to
hunt throughout the Solar System. He ordered continuous freight
rockets to and from Earth. He said rockets would shuttle among waystations on Mars, Earth’s Moon, other planets and satellites between
Nibiru and the Sun.
King Anu sent his daughter Ninmah with female health officers to
Earth. Stop on the way, at Mars, he said. If Anzu lives, give him men
to start a base there.
On Mars Ninmah found Alalu and Anzu dead. She revived Anzu.
To commemorate
Alalu who discovered
the gold that can save
Nibiru, Ninmah and
Anzu, "The image of
Alalu upon the great
rock mountain [Cyndonia]
with beams they
carved. They showed
him wearing an eagle's
helmet; his face they
made uncovered."
Alalu’s face on
before the
NASA coverup
[Sitchin, Z., 2002,The Lost Book of
Enki, page 104].
Before she left Mars for Earth, Ninmah gave Anzu twenty of the astronauts
from her company and ordered him to build the first way station for the
gold freighters.:
The Face: Staring Out Into Space
Unmistakably Human features on a giant mound, reminiscent of the Sphinx,
beckoning us to its home planet, where who knows how many other mysteries await
our attention.
A mountain, a quarter mile high and two miles across, strongly resembling a
Human face,
has been ridiculed by NASA officials and the media at large as "a trick of light and
But the Face has brought our attention to a very special archaeological site on the
planet Mars.
Could the builders of Cydonia have actually designed the site to be a timeless
message in stone ?
Could they have intended for the Face to be instantly recognized by their distant
descendants ?
Could the Face possibly have been altered, and purposely damaged by our own
astronauts ?
What one piece of substantial evidence would possibly cause people to believe that
life, Human life, was once thriving on the planet Mars? Of all the amazing things
discovered in the 20th century this one chance find could prove to be the pinnacle
turning point in our modern history. But NASA officials and the media at large
dismiss the Face - easily poking fun at the many, once esteemed, scientists who dare
to analyze it. And analyze it, they have - but what they've
found goes against everything our society is founded on.
Most Cydonia investigators have put their careers on the line,
and even their health in jeopardy, searching for a truth too
possible to ignore - and too important to write off as fantasy.
Even admitting their arguments are well based, that the
inescapable conclusions may possibly have some merit, and
that the whole subject warrants further investigation, can put
a colleague in the column of dissent. Thus, many do not - and,
the sham goes on.
A veil of secrecy also remains around the recent controversial redating of the
Sphinx - and thus, likely the entire Giza complex, pyramids and all, putting its
construction at approximately 10,500 BC. This date figures in with pre-existing
Atlantis "myths" and the Great Flood of Noah's Ark as well. Thus, Cydonia has
since become a landmark find for serious Atlantis theorists, as it further lends
support to their theories of Man being much older than our history allows.
The main reason why people usually can't subscribe wholeheartedly to the Face
being a real artifact is their struggle with the implications. What it means is: that
there was life on Mars long ago, Humanoid life, and probably our distant ancestors
- thus, our entire view of history must be rewritten. But many of our current
institutions, from government to religion, have a stake in the status quo - hence the
Most scientists are not on the cutting edge of research, just regular people doing
their jobs. Dedicated and sincere though they may be - as a group, they're not
particularly excited about any fascinating new discoveries or paradigm shifts, thank
you. Besides, anything extremely off the beaten track, that also contradicts their
research: if proven, could leave them quickly out of a job. Another reason why
guessing wrong early can leave a species perpetually planetbound - the inability to
go where the science leads.
If the Face were an aerial shot of some place on Earth, no one would have any
problem with it. Teams of scientists would immediately be dispatched to the site to
determine its origins - and many believe that this is in fact what has happened. But
even if black project technologies are not yet advanced enough for this to have
occurred as yet, this is most assuredly why it's being kept a secret. In fact, once we
finally get to Mars, as a settling force, these sites will likely be strictly off limits to all
unauthorized personnel.
It is a certainty that Viking I saw what it did, in two different images, on two
different sunny days - one in the mid afternoon, the other closer to early evening.
But even if it is an optical illusion, or as they say, "a trick of light and shadow,"
imagine flying over the Face as a tourist or settler a hundred years from now. The
skies over Cydonia might be very crowded on sunny afternoons, if that turns out to
be the only time of day when a Face can be made out from the contours of the
mound. Until then, Carlotto's colorful 3D renderings (below), taken from the cover
of The Case for the Face, may have to do.
The Face of Truth
Three dimensional renderings by Mark J. Carlotto, PhD
Interpolated from his famous Shape From Shading technique
which analyzed the original Viking photos in 256 color grayscale
and determines a pixel's altitude in relation to the ones surrounding it
very much like we are able to tell the shape of an object with one eye closed.
Images from the cover of "The Case for the Face" ~ edited by McDaniel and
The object in question is approximately 2.5 kilometers long, one kilometer wide, and
400 meters high. That translates to roughly a mile and a half long, just over half a
mile wide, and a quarter mile high. Of equal megalithic proportion, in the
immediate vicinity of the Face, are many other curious structures of similar size and
interesting arrangement. So, one might easily say: that absolute proof of Human
existence outside of Earth's protective atmosphere has been leaked to the public
from NASA archives. But, until manned missions are sent to the Cydonia region
Mars, and possibly even after, there will always be skeptics to say that it's just a
bizarre coincidence. In the meantime, all we have to go by are a handful of satellite
images - the enhanced versions hotly disputed my
mainstream science.
While the images are enhanced, they are not fake. In
image processing terms, "enhanced" means: to bring
out more detail not easily seen in the original image.
The human eye can see about 32 shades of gray, while
the raw binary data from Viking was four times more accurate, at 128. This higher
number is especially helpful in image processing, when more detail becomes visually
clear by simply increasing the contrast in 256 grayscale.
The first step in the Shape From Shading technique, developed and utilized by
Carlotto, is to convert the raw data into pixels. Bear in mind that each pixel covers
an area about 50 meters across (over 160 feet), a total of 250 square meters. In order
to bring out details smaller than this, Pixel Replication replicates each pixel, thereby
making the image larger, - although some "appropriate" contrast is applied, it does
not yet increase the effective resolution. The next step is Pixel Interpolation, which
applies an algorithm to the data to determine the slope, and therefore the physical
shape of the substance recorded by the imager - in effect, "a statistical analysis of
the data provided by the pixel relationships" which is often able to derive "unseen"
values and thereby recover the original shape of the subject of the photograph.
There are various types of techniques, using different algorithms, taking into
account different groupings of adjacent pixels - each with unique characteristics and
success rates when applied to known objects. These techniques are otherwise widely
accepted as credible, and are basically just "reverse engineering" the way the
camera gathers its data in the first place. The Starburst Pixel Interleaving
Technique (SPIT) was developed by NASA scientists and Viking frame
"rediscoverers" Vincent DiPietro and Gregory Molenaar, and takes a total of twelve
surrounding pixels into account while converting each pixel into nine of more
accurate detail, and thereby tripling the resolution.
Image enhancement and extrapolation techniques of this sort, and more advanced,
are used extensively today by security and intelligence agencies, and even the
entertainment industry, for anything from clearing up static, to satellite
photography, to (ironically) facial recognition. Even in "the face" of supposed
ridicule for validating observations that the Face on Mars is an artificial artifact, the
science is not being put to question (after all, our world has been made brighter and
clearer because of it). The only thing that people seem to be bothered by is the
inescapable conclusion that there is something intelligently constructed on the
surface of Mars.
"Isometric plot of the 3D reconstruction obtained using the single image
Shape From Shading algorithm on NASA Viking frame 70A13.
A similar result was obtained for frame 35A72."
~ Dr. Brian O'Leary, space scientist
Anu, Enlil & Ea Draw Lots for Nibiru, Earth, Seas & MiningNext:
More Than Meets the Eye
Upon further investigation of the original Viking
frames and later enhanced images, other more
"subliminal" features eventually presented
themselves to several squinting researchers,
working independently. Not all of these curiosities
showed prominence in the high resolution MGS
photos released by NASA in 1998, however - and
all are summarily dismissed as merely products of
enhanced noise, somehow coincidentally in both
original Viking images.
Closer looks at the Face revealed several
interesting and seemingly contextual artifacts: such as a Pupil, Teeth, a Teardrop
(above right), the very noticeable parallel Stripes or Notches at the side of the
helmet (below left). and especially exciting center symmetrical cross-hatched
etchings at the top of the helmet (below right). The outer shape of the Face mound is
a symmetrical oval with flattened sides, possessing further symmetry and apparent
contextual overall design. In addition, these further details, painting a more detailed
portrait, do tend rule out chance erosion as a likely cause for the increasingly
improbable shape of the mound.
The Pupil did in fact turn out to be a grouping of
very dark pixels in the original data; but the
Teardrop (above right), is shown to be an actual
surface feature in recent photos (inset below) - a
molehill upon a mountain, of sorts. Roughly the
size of an average suburban dwelling, it too stands
out from the general area, being by far the most
prominent object in its local area. The Teeth
remain even more a subject of controversy - but
the feature is shown in modern images to be a
ridge parallel to the Lips marking the top and
bottom of the Mouth area. Contextual references
will apparently have to be authenticated by manned archaeological missions. In this
case, beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Prominent Crossed Lines over the eyes, on the
Helmet's top (left), also refused to vanish upon
closer, more modern inspection; and strengthen
the initial impression that the Helmet appears
reminiscent of a Pharaonic head-dress, as seen
throughout ancient Egyptian art, the theme of
which also being associated with giant pyramids.
Perhaps another outlandish if controversial
connection is to the many depictions of Ancient
Astronauts from various cultures worldwide - only
realized as these obvious depictions in modern
times, after the invention of space suits. The side
Notches, or Stripes (right), are also shown to be valid geological features in the MGS
images, although perhaps somewhat less prominent than expected.
Perhaps it is fortunate that Viking flew over and photographed Cydonia, twice - and
both at just the time of day when the Face would be most apparent - otherwise we
may not know about this ancient, fascinating and likely archaeological site. Who
knows how many other sites like this exist on the planet Mars, showing signs of
ancient Human occupation, that we simply haven't found out about yet? Some, like
Elysium (also seen to have the almost requisite giant pyramidal shaped mounds),
are being looked into - but none so far are as intriguing as the region surrounding
the Face.
Head of the Class
In 1996, a small group of students at North Kelvenside Secondary School in
Glasgow, Scotland undertook an independent investigation of the Cydonia
anomalies - and got a Martian mound, the NK Pyramid, named after them in the
process. Chris O'Kane, an audio visual
technician at the school and the award
winning developer of the Vistamorph
panoramic photography system, along with
computer science department head Mike
Turner, acquired extensive original image
data from NSSDC, Viking I orbits 3 thru 70
- and recruited prominent Mars anomaly
investigators Stanley McDaniel, Ananda
Sirsena and Erol Torun to serve as scientific
advisers for the project.
Working on ordinary PCs, that by today's
standards can be considered quite primitive,
they were easily able to discern further details of the Cydonia Complex, and focused
their attention on several anomalies. One of the first things that they noticed, when
examining the 22,000 square mile area, was that the other objects of Cydonia
became more noticeable when the image was tilted so that the Face could be viewed
right side up. While this could be an "artifact" of the shading provided by the
afternoon sun in both images, it could also have been an intended effect in the site's
The Face itself was discovered to be extremely eroded, or damaged, on the eastern
(shaded) side - as if by the very disaster that transformed the entire planet. The five
sided D&M Pyramid was also examined closely, and observed to be symmetrically
pointing north towards the Face, and to also have a damaged eastern facet. A
number of other anomalies were investigated, all of which are now being given
closer attention by Cydonia investigators.
That spring, they presented their conclusions at the Edinburgh International
Science Festival, which was warmly received by both the audience and the national
media, whose coverage was described by O'Kane as being "on the whole accurate
and responsible." In an email to Dr. Michael Malin, of Malin Space Science Systems
and in charge of Mars Global Surveyor imaging, they requested that the newly
christened NK pyramid be imaged in the upcoming mapping mission. Malin wrote
in his reply to the group that: "we cannot expect to 'hit' any specific target on Mars.
Rather we hope to acquire representative images of many areas, including Cydonia."
This was taken by many as being politely dismissive - and it was clear that the
findings for the group were not being taken openly seriously by any official source.
From: "A Picture's Worth" by Chris O'Kane - from: The Case for the Face, p. 77
Ea, Enlil & Ninmah
The students concluded that the face is not symmetrical but that the left [east] side is
collapsed, eroded or damaged and does not closely resemble the right [west] side.
The Face does however have clear symmetrical markings in the form of lines on the
A dark circular feature next to the eastern side of the
structure is very unusual in that it does not resemble any
other crater in the region which was studied. It seems to be
a deep, dark hole which the sunlight does not illuminate.
We could see the bottom of all craters in this region but we
could not see the bottom of this feature. It was also noted
that the axis of symmetry of the D&M Pyramid points
north to intersect the Face.
Saving Face
When we went to Mars this time around, NASA was supposedly looking for
something that we already knew was there. Despite the lack of seriousness
surrounding their official position, NASA has, on the surface, been making every
"reasonable" effort to photograph Cydonia. The only problem is, their data appears
to be altered to more reflect their view on the subject - which is, and has always
been, that the anomalies could not possible be artificial in nature and that "most
scientists" consider it to be merely an optical illusion.
In a somewhat successful attempt to diffuse the mounting public fervor surrounding
the Face on Mars, just one week before a new book by Cydonia investigative
scientists entitled The Case for the Face was released, this "faceless" Mars Global
Surveyor photo (above) was widely released by NASA on April 5, 1998. Mars Global
Surveyor flew over the Cydonia site one sunny Martian morning and snapped this
much clearer picture for us patient Earthlings. NASA promised they would pay
special attention to images gathered of the region, and it seems on the surface as if
they did. A national press release was issued that politely poked fun at the
monument, asking: "does this look like a face to you?" - but accompanying the
snide text were pictures that are out of contrast, and make the Martian mound
resemble a disaster area.
This is an unusual image, in that it was shot not from overhead, but at a 45° angle and in the bright lighting of the early morning sun, instead of the afternoon sunlight
and long shadows of the original Viking images. With the only available high
resolution images of the Face being lit from the southeast, easily obscuring many
details, NASA has again come under suspicion of trying to hide the truth from Face
investigators. Although undoubtedly given many opportunities to photograph the
site at multiple camera angles and at different angles of the sun, a modern high
resolution westerly perspective afternoon picture of the Face has yet to be
The 98 MGS image actually does look like it used to be a face, but somehow suffered
incredible damage - almost as if the evidence were conveniently destroyed. Some
conspiracy theorists charge that the mound was bombed by clandestine probes, or
even black project astronauts stationed on Mars. To be fair, top secret projects
involving manned missions in space would explain much about the Mars issue, and
beyond. But other research has confirmed that the east side of the Face appeared
damaged in the original Viking photos, which is curiously consistent with other
Cydonian monuments - and also with what we know, and can surmise, of ancient
Martian global catastrophes.
In any case, the Face in the new image does appear significantly different from that
in the original Viking photos, despite being the most conspicuous object in the
region. NASA is using this as simple proof of their calm claim: that the Face is
nothing more than "a trick of light and shadow" - thereby dismissing the entire
region from public attention. Even if it never was a Face, the right angles
incorporated in the object are still inconsistent with the rest of the surroundings and still by far the most unnatural object by fractal analysis, moreso than most
terrestrial man-made artifacts photographed from space. The investigation
continues, armed with more accurate observations of the Cydonia complex - and in
fact, the entire region.
High resolution images of the Face, made from the original 1998 MGS image.
False color added (left), and inverted to simulate lighting from the northwest (right).
Click here to see the larger original full-size, black and white version (72K).
...a realization of new operational constraints imposed by the new mapping scheme,
has caused two sequencing errors over the last week.
On 00-048 (2/17/2000) at about 00:00 UTC, the new Beta Supplement sequence,
mm014b, was scheduled to kickoff but never went active. Since that new sequence
controls the tracking of the HGA to Earth, no downlink was possible.... The net
effect of the anomaly was the loss of most of DOY 48 recorded science telemetry.
From: Cydonia: Two Years Later
MGS Status Report - February 23, 2000
The Viking Photos • The Investigation
Cydonia: Two Years Later
Detailing how mysterious MGS malfunctions
prevented a more detailed aerial scan of the face.
From: The Malin Space Science Systems Website
Essay 38
The Face • Pyramid Cities on Mars
Created by
Sasha Lessin, Ph. D.
based on
Study of Zecharia Sitchin's 2002 epic
The LOST BOOK OF ENKI: Memoirs and Prophecies of an Extraterrestrial God
Story So Far:
Marduk pondered Inanna's proclamation of immortality of Anunnaki
"gods." He contemplated the human longing for immortality that motivated
Gilgamesh's failed attempts to live forever. Marduk could use the Hybrids'
yearning for immortality to insure their loyalty to him. Marduk devised for
Egypt "a clever way wherewith the loyalty of kings and people to retain." His
Egyptian kings would journey after death to Nibiru to enjoy immortality among
the gods. The immortality cult he devised for the Egyptian pharaohs would,
Marduk believed, unify the People of the Nile behind him in his struggle with
Inanna. [Sitchin, Z., 2002, The Lost Book of Enki, pages 295]
Narrative (Essay 38) Resumes
Inanna and her line, the Enlilites, ran Mesopotamia. The
Council of Twelve put Inanna's Father's Brother, Uncle Adad, in
control of the landing place at Baalbek (Lebonon). The Council
put her father, Nannar, in control of the Sinai spaceport. To
Inanna, The Council transferred the energy source known as "The
Heavenly Bright Object."
Inanna with her weapons, armies and powers of immortality
held the kingship of Sumer, the First Region, for 1000 years. Here
she and her lineage--the Enlilites--who controlled the city-states
tributary to Inanna, encouraged the hybrid Earthlings to worship
and serve them.
But in Egypt (Second Region), where Marduk had retreated
and deposed Thoth, Marduk allowed worship of one supreme
deity: the god Ra aka Marduk, "So did Marduk, as Ra, above all
other gods himself emplace, their powers and attributes he to
himself assigned. ''What has you overpowered?' Enki to his son
Marduk said. 'Unheard of are your pretensions!'
''The heavens my supremacy bespeak,' Marduk answered.
The coming Age of the Ram," his sign, Marduk asserted,
proclaims my rule. [Sitchin, Z., 2002, The Lost Book of Enki, pages 290, 298]. The Nibirans
and their Earthlings examined the heavens and found the sun still
rose in the constellation the Bull, marking Enlil's rule; not the
Ram, Marduk's constellation. Marduk and his son Nabu
nevertheless, mobilized their humans to challenge the Enlilites.
The Enlilite leaders wanted a warrior king to unify the lands
In the First Region. "To Inanna, of Marduk the adversary, the task
of the right man to find they entrusted" [Sitchin, Z., 2002, The Lost Book of Enki,
page 300].
In 2400 B.C., Inanna chose her gardener, Sargon, the
Akkadian warrior king to lead her slave armies and Sumer. He
rose from gardener to king when he raped her and she enjoyed it.
Ferguson deduces that Enlil’s son Nannar fathered both Sargon
and Inanna, so Enlil easily ratified Sargon to rule Sumer. [Ferguson, V.,
"Inanna Returns," in Of Heaven and Earth, Z. Sitchin, Ed., page 95]
Sargon began his rise when he saw Inanna snooze in his
garden. He bent over her perfect face and lightly, then, as she-half awake--responded, kissed her savagely. He entered her as
she opened her eyes and her eyes shone with pleasure. She
declared Sargon her lover. Inanna repeatedly joined powerful
aggressive Adapite men to lead her armies.
Inanna convinced Enlil to ratify her choice of a warrior king.
So the strongman she choose was Sargon of course. Sargon
would unify the cities Sumer and protect the Enlilite lords for
whom the cities existed.
Sargon and Inanna built their capital, Agade in Akkad (near
Babylon). They subdued all Mesopotamia except Lagash, her
Uncle Ninurta’s fief. She shone a light from her plane to lead
Sargon’s slave army through Luristan in the Zagros Mountains.
With the army and her weapons of terror, Inanna and Sargon
united Sumer. Sargon spread the Akkadian language and its
cuneiform throughout the area, where it evolved into the Semitic
languages, including Hebrew and Arabic." [Sitchin, Z., 1985, The Wars of Gods and
Men, page 10 -11].
But in 2316 B.C., while Marduk and his son Nabu were in
Egypt, Sargon invaded Marduk's stronghold, Babylon, took soil
from the city, then withdrew to plant the soil in Agade. "to
understand the severity of this deed, recall the meaning of
Babylon/Bab-Ili--Gateway to the Gods--a title and function claimed
for Babylon by a defiant Marduk, it was symbolized by its
hallowed soil. Encouraged by Inanna, Sargon took away the
sacred soil to spread it as a new foundation for the new Bab-ili,
audaciously aiming to transfer the title and the function to
Agade." [Sitchin, Z.,1985, The Wars of Gods and Men, page 250]
Marduk and Nabu returned from Egypt to Babylon. They
fortified the city and diverted rivers from the other Sumerian
cities. Marduk said he'd build his spaceport in Babylon. "In the
heart of Edin, in the midst of the First Region, Marduk himself
"Inanna's fury no boundaries knew; with her weapons on
Marduk's followers death she inflicted. The blood of people, as
never before on Earth, like rivers flowed." She and Sargon fought
Marduk. Inanna and Marduk both loosed lazers on each other’s
slave armies [Sitchin, Z., 2002, The Lost Book of Enki, page 301.
"While Inanna remained gorgeous and enticing, Sargon
began to age and drink too much. Inanna watched helplessly as
the man she once loved passionately crumbled into a pathetic
drunk afflicted by insomnia, haunted by demons." In the end,
Marduk’s minions besieged Sargon and he died cursing Inanna.
[Ferguson, V., "Inanna Returns," in Of Heaven and Earth, Z. Sitchin, Ed., page 97]
The Anunnaki Council asked Marduk’s brother, Nergal of
Kuth, to disarm Marduk and Babylon. Nergal and his retinue of
Black Earthlings left south Africa for Babylon.
En route to Babylon, Nergal visited Inanna in Uruk. Though
she was Enlilite and he an Enkiite, Nergal (an Enkiite) allied
himself with her against his brother, Marduk (also of Enki's
lineage). Marduk ruled Egypt, above Nergal and Erkeshkigal's
realm in the South of Africa, and Marduk's claim to rule all Earth
alarmed Nergal. And Nergal found Inanna alluring. It was not
surprising then, that Nergal and Inanna became lovers. The
lovers, one of the house of Enlil, one of the house of Enki,
together planned Marduk’s defeat. They also planned to conquer
all Earth for themselves.
When Nergal left Inanna, he and his men continued to
Babylon, where Marduk greeted them.
Nergal promised Marduk, if he'd leave Babylon immediately for
South Africa, he could get weapons and computers hidden there since
the Deluge . Marduk took the bait and left for South Africa.
At Babylon, Marduk, on platform, holds both a weapon and a symbol of
welcome as he greets Brother Nergal (who's also armed) up from Kuth to
manipulate Marduk to leave his bastion for the weapons and computers hidden
in South Africa since the Deluge (drawing is by ancient artist, copied from Sitchin, Z.,1985, The
Wars of Gods and Men, page:252
As soon as Marduk left Babylon for South Africa, Nergal
broke into Marduk's control room and snatched his "brilliance"
(energy radiation source), which controlled the irrigation system
for all Mesopotamia.
Enki, Nergal's father, banished Nergal back to Africa, but
Nergal left a garrison of his African men near Babylon, where they
could aid Inanna. Inanna then publicly, "to defy the authority of
Anu and Enlil, abrogated their rules and regulations and declared
herself Supreme Queen." [Ancient text, Queen of all the MEs; Sitchin, Z., 1985, The Wars of
Gods and Men, page 254]
In 2291 B.C., "In the First Region [Mesopotamia], Enlil and
Ninurta absent were, to the lands beyond the oceans Inanna and
Nergal went; In the Second Region [the Nile], Ra was away, as
Marduk in other lands he traveled; Her chance in her hands to
seize all powers Inanna envisioned." [Sitchin, Z., 2002, The Lost Book of Enki, page
Inanna, Naram-Sin ( Sargon's grandson) and the Akkadian
armies captured Baalbek, the spaceport in Lebanon. Then they
stuck out along the Mediterranean coast for the Sinai Spaceport
and Mission Control in Jerusalem. They marched across the Forth
Region, the region taboo to Earthlings (across the Jordan from
Tell Ghassul, the astronauts' private city). Ninurta's city, Lagash
[Tello], was able to hold out against Inanna and Naram-Sin.
Then Inanna and the Akkadians conquered
Jerico switched alliance from Inanna's father, Nannar, to
Inanna's armies, under Naram-Sin, joined Nergal's Kuthians,
and conquered Egypt.
In 2255 B.C., Inanna recaptured Uruk, destroyed Anu's
temple and sent Naram-Sin to attack Enlil's minions at Nippur.
She thus declared herself supreme to even Anu, King of Nibiru
and father of Enlil, her father's father.
Enlil commanded his son Ninurta and Ninurta's calvalry and
army of Gutiums (from the Zagros Mountains of northeast
Mesopotamia) to reconquer Sumer and kill all Earthlings in
Akkad/Agade. Ninurta's forces laid waste to most of Sumer; they
spared only Ninurta's city, Lagash.
Enlil ordered death for Inanna's strongman, King Naram-Sin,
for his attack on Nippur. Enlil's agents got a scorpion to sting and
kill the King.
Enlil also ordered Inanna arrested. But Granddaughter
Inanna claimed sanctuary with her parents--her father Nannar (a
son of Enlil) and Ningal, her mother. Inanna next fled to Nergal's
Lower Africa, where she and Nergal spent seven years plotting
new ways to overthrow the Council.
"Humans had little choice but to follow the instructions
from their brutal gods who showed no regard for human life.
Clashes between the gods almost always involved humans, who
never knew the reasons for warring against their neighbors.
Aggression of one group of earthlings against another initiated by
their god set the behavioral pattern for all future human conflict.
Humankind perceived this kind of activity as ‘the normal thing to
do’ to invade and conquer your neighbour’s [sic.: That's how South Africans spell]
"God would command his people to invade and attack,
giving his human armies the excuse that they were vile and evil
and they were sinful against god. But this god would differ from
land to land, demanding total obedience from humans, or they
would be punished. This led to the worship of many different gods
by people of the biblical lands as they worshiped the specific
gods who led them into battle or out of harms way. This
worshiping would lead to retribution from some other Anunnaki
god with a higher rank, demanding that people worship only him.
And so the clashes between groups of people continue..."[Tellinger, M.,
2008, Slave Species of god, pages 502 -503]
The Gutians who subdued Inanna's rebellion of 2255 B.C.
and Gutian calvary supported Ninurta's rebuilding of
Mesopotamia returned to the Zagros Mountains in 2160B.C.
Inanna's father Nannar, supported by Ninurta, the Enlilite
Champion, then ruled Sumer for ninety-one years, which Sitchin
calls "The Era of Ninurta"--an era of agricultural development.
Nannar appointed Ur-Nammu, son of the the "goddess" Ninsun,
as Supreme King. [Sitchin, Z., 1985, The Wars of Gods and Men, pages 262-264],
Ninurta consolidated the Enlil lineage's hegemony in
Mesopotamia. He recruited an anti-Marduk ally from the rival
Enki lineage--Ningishzidda/Thoth. Marduk had deposed Thoth
from rule of Egypt in 3100 B.C.E..
Ninurta had Thoth design build a temple-observatory (as a
paean to zodiacal time) in Lagash (next to the hangar for
Ninurta’s airplane). The observatory sight-lines showed the sun
would, for the next 200 years, continue to rise against the
backdrop of the constellation, The Bull, Enlil's logo. As long as
the sun rose in The Bull, Enlil and Ninurta ruled Earth. The
temple, called the Eninnu, propagandized zodiacal time and
asserted Enlilite rule another 200 years.
In 2160 B.C.Thoth's craftsmen finished the Eninnu. In bold
stone, it challeged Marduk's demand: abide by mathematical
celestial time and each constellation in the zodiac of twelve
constellations and the namesake twelve senior Nibiran gods on
Earth each of the gods succeeded to equal tenure as Earth's
Honor celestial time, Nabu preached, and the Age of The
Ram--Nabu's father's Marduk's constellation--approached.
Celestial time mandates reign for Enlil and Ninurta (The Age of
the Bull) ends two centuries shorter than does zodiacal time.
Though The Bull remains the dawn constellation longer than the
Ram in zodiacal time, rule of Earth in celestial time progress
through twelve equal zodiacal spaces. Marduk must rule,
regardless of The Bull’s lengthier perseverance as the
constellation visible at dawn.[Sitchin, Z., 2007, The End of Days, pages 40 - 49].
* Ferguson deduces that Sargon was Inanna's half brother. Sargon's father was also
Inanna's: Nannar Sin. Inanna's grandfather, Enlil, was Nannar's father. Thus Enlil
found it easier to ratify his hybrid descendant Sargon as ruler of most of
Mesopotamia. [Ferguson, V., "Inanna Returns," in Of Heaven and Earth, Z. Sitchin, Ed., page 95
Next: Essay 39: Enlil Sends Abraham to Stop Marduk
by Sasha Lessin, Ph.D.
Based on the works of Zecharia
Story So Far
Around 3800 B.C. King Anu of Nibiru rocketed to Earth to settle Inanna's claims to
Dumuzi's African domains. Anu and his pioneer children, Enlil, Enki and Ninharsag, who
comprised the council collectively called The Great Anunaki, created three administrative
regions for the Nibiran Astronauts and their respective Earthlings. They also created the
Sinai as a region for Astronauts and their descendants only. The Astronauts and their
Earthlings would first rebuild the First region, Mesopotamia, for the Enlilites. Next, they'd
develop the Enkiite region, Egypt and Africa. Finally, they'd civilize the Indus Valley region
for Inanna to administer.
The Nibirans would, the Council declared, henceforth be "gods" for the Earthlings,
who'd serve them through kings. The council ordered Enki to share his "MEs"--computer
programs (for handicrafts, city-building, brickmaking, temple construction, justice
administration, harbor, canal and irrigation-system design) with the other Astronauts,
whose Earthllings would build cities using the programs.
Narrative (Essay 32) Resumes
"Anu to his great-granddaughter Inanna took a liking; he drew
her closely, he hugged and kissed her." [Sitchin, Z., 2002, The Lost Book of Enki, page
At Anu's temple at Uruk (Erech), Sumer's sacred precinct, Anu's
wife, Antu, gave Inanna sexual instruction, then ceremonially gave
Inanna to Anu. Antu and the Nibiran elite meditated outside the lovechamber as Anu and Inanna conjugated. As the King and his new
consort coupled, his wife and elite group shared ecstasy, epiphany and
satori. "The sexual experience was a merging of energies which
enhanced the creative powers of both parners and the aggregate of
their race." [Ferguson, V., "Inanna Returns," in Of Heaven and Earth, Z. Sitchin, Ed., page 92]
Delighted, Anu gave his great granddaughter the name Inanna,
"Anu's Beloved;" She'd been called Irnini before this. The King
declared Inanna his bedmate on his visits to Earth.
Anu gifted Inanna with the Uruk temple and the skyship he used to
survey Earth. Inanna’d administer the temple district in Uruk through a
priest/king, the son of her brother Ute/Shamash by a Terran
female.) [Sitchin, Z., Divine Encounters, pages166 -176]
Inanna fumed while the leading men of her (Enlilite) lineage built
domains in Mesopotamia. "All the while the domain of her own she
demanded. The Third Region [India] after the second one well come! her
leaders thus assured her." [Sitchin, Z., 2002, The Lost Book of Enki, page 279]
Rather than just wait, Inanna wanted to expand her temple at Uruk
into a city like Ninurta's city, Kishi. Ninurta built Kishi with fifty MEs-programs for mathmatics, beermaking, smithing, pottery, wagon and
wheelmaking and law--Enki gave him. Inanna, too, needed great-uncle
Enki to give her MEs too.
Enki flirted with her when he came to his villa on the Persian Gulf.
She wanted his MEs for weaponry, statecraft, mathematics, writing,
metallurgy, masonry, arts, courts. He could thrill her with advanced
sexual practices too.
So she visited him at Abzu, his palace in southeast Africa. She got
him drunk, seduced him. He gave her the MEs, which she immediately
had her pilot take back to Uruk. Enki sobered, locked her up at Eridu
and tried to get the MEs back.
Inanna's grandfather Enlil flew to Eridu to confront Enki.
"By right the MEs I have obtained, Enki himself placed them in my
hand placed them! So did Inanna to Enlil say; the truth Enki meekly
admitted."[Sitchin, Z., 2002, The Lost Book of Enki, page 281].
In 3760 B. C., Inanna chose the first two Lugals, the second of whom
was her nephew’s son Emmerkar, to rule the gods to the slaves. 23
successive Lugals ruled for 24,510 years [Sitchin, Z., 2012 There Were Gods Upon the Earth,
pages 255-257]. Enlil ordered kingship of Sumer transferred to Inanna's city
of Uruk and she activated the MEs to run her empire.
Ferguson suggests much of the tantric knowledge of sacred coupling to uplevel
individual and group consciousness was concealed from the hybrids till Inanna
began sharing it with her human intimates. [Ferguson, V., "Inanna Returns," in Of Heaven
and Earth, Z. Sitchin, Ed., page 97]
by Sasha Lessin, Ph.D. (Anthropology, U.C.L.A.)
Abraham was the superslave toady of the Nibiran Enlil,
Commander of the goldmining expedition from the planet
Nibiru to Earth.
A vision led Enlil to choose as general of his cavalry
Abraham descended from the line of hybrid Homo ErectusNibiran Homo Sapien superslaves created by the Nibiran
scientists on Earth–Enki, Ninmah and Ningishzidda--and
trained by Nibiran expatriates to serve in their temples,
gardens, harems and armies. Abraham descended directly
from Enki’s son Ziasudra (Noah) and Ziasudra’s son Shem. In
8650, Enlil had ordered Shem’s descendants to rule Canaan,
the area north of the Sinai Spaceport. But descendants of
Shem’s brother Ham, who were supposed to stay to the south
and west–in Africa--the area designated for the rival Enkiite
lineage, had nonetheless occupied the Canaan strip of the
Arabian Peninsula. Enkiites Marduk and his son Nabu
recruited allies among these Hamites for Marduk’s push to
wrest the Sinai Spaceport from Enlil's son's son, Utu, the
Enlilite boss of the astronauts and scientists running the port.
Abraham, a royal descendant of Shem, was to perfect to reestablish Enlil’s rule of Canaan and protect Sinai.
Abraham’s father Terah served as High Priest in charge of
Astronomical knowledge at the temple of Enlil’s son Nannar in
Sumer’s capital, Ur. Terah trained son Abraham for
unquestioned obedience to Enlil, who, you’ll remember, in
addition to running the gold transshipment to Nibiru, also led
the ENLILITES, the dominant lineage on Earth, the senior
lineage in Nibiru’s Royal Clan descended from King ANU. Enlil
commissioned Abraham to defeat the hybrid armies of Enlil’s
rivals–the ENKIITE lineage (also within the Anu clan) on Earth
led by Enlil’s half-brother Enki, his sons and their
descendants. Regain control of Canaan and keep Marduk and
the Enkiites from the Spaceport, ordered the Commander.
The vision that motivated Enlil to commission Abraham: Enlil
saw GALZU, Emissary of the Creator of All. Galzu ordered
Enlil to choose a general loyal to the Enlilites to stop
advances and preaching in Canaan and the Mediterranean
ports by Marduk’s son NABU (also known as Ensag) that
could lead to Enkiites from overrunning the Spaceport. Enlil
kept his vision secret, but chose Abraham to rule “all the
lands from the border of Egypt to the border of Mesopotamia.”
[Sitchin, 1985, The Wars of Gods and Men, pages 289 - 297]
In 2095 B.C., to give Abraham a base, Enlil ordered him and
Terah to HARRAN [Turkey] at the foothills of the Taurus
Mountains near the Syrian Border, where the Euphrates
flowed to Ur. Abraham’s base, Harran, dominated trade with
Hatti, land of the Hittites, on whose trade Sumer depended.
Harran straddled the trade and military land routes to the
Spaceport as well."
Enlil gave Abraham land and riches until he was the richest
man of his time. In 2048 B.C., Enlil then ordered him to
Canaan and to save Sinai [Sitchin, 2007, The End of Days, page 73]. The
Commander bought Abraham the best chariots, finest horses,
380 well-trained soldiers and weapons that "could smite an
army of ten thousand men in hours. Enlil sent Abraham, then
75 years old, and his nephew Lot to the Negev drylands
bordering the Sinai.
In 2047 B.C. Enlil dispatched Abraham and Lot to Egypt for
more men and camels. In 2041, with this force, Abraham
blocked Enlil’s eldest son Ninurta’s Elamites from the
Spaceport, then he rescued Lot, whom the Elamites, as they
retreated west of the Jordan River, had taken hostage from
the Nabu-friendly city of Sodom.
Enlil, as a reward to Abraham for his help controlling Canaan,
promised him, at age 86, countless descendants. But
Abraham’s old wife SARAH didn’t conceive with him. So she
told him to begat a child with her Egyptian maid, HAGAR, who
there by became a secondary wife to Abraham.
But as soon as Abraham impregnated Hagar, she insulted
Sarah. Sarah punished her and she ran into the desert. Enlil
sent one of his emissaries to Hagar, who then returned to
Abraham’s camp and bore ISHMA-EL. [Sitchin, Z., 1995, Divine Encounters,
page 256]
Then Abraham moved to bock Nabu and his slave armies
advancing on the Sinai.
Marduk occupied Harran when Abraham left Harran for Sinai.
For the next twenty-four years, Marduk made Harran
headquarters and planned his take-over of Earth. When he
occupied Harran, Marduk took it from Enlil’s son Nannar.
Marduk’s control of Harran cut Sumer from the trade it needed
from the Hittites to the North. Control of Harran also let Nabu
marshal the cities west of the Euphrates. Despite Abraham
and his army, Marduk and Nabu threatened the Spaceport
[Tilmum]" [Sitchin, Z., 2002, The Lost Book of Enki, pages 302 - 306; 2007, The End of Days, page 78].
Enlil bade Ninurta to keep his Elamite legions and go
supervise an alternate spaceport in Peru. But unsupervised,
the Elamites ran amok in Sumer.
Enlil summoned Ninurta, even though he’d been on duty in
South America, to account for his Elamites' crimes in Sumer.
But Ninurta blamed Marduk and Nabu. Enlil ordered a council
to try Nabu. In the council meeting, Utu, the Spaceport
Commander, accused Nabu of aggression. "Nabu blamed
Ninurta and revived old accusations against Nergal in regard
to the disappearance of the pre-Deluvial monitoring
instruments and the failure to prevent sacrileges in Babylon.
Nabu got in a shouting match with Nergal. Then Nabu accused
Enlil of telling the Elamites to violate Marduk's temples in
Babylon. ''There is no justice, destruction was conceived"
Nabu shouted. Nabu's outburst, "an unheard-of accusation
against the Lord of Command."
Enki defended Marduk and said that in Celestial Time (rather
than the Zodiac Time Enlilites favored), Marduk should rule
Earth. But Enki's other son, Marduk's jealous brother Nergal,
blamed Marduk and Nabu for the turmoil. Enki told Nergal to
shut up and stop obstructing Marduk and Nabu.
Enki and Nabu "argued so much that Enki shouted to Nergal
to get out of his presence. The gods' council broke up in
disarray." [Sitchin, Z., 2007, The End of Days, pages 87-88].
Enlil's emissaries/angels--Ninurta and Nergal--sent Abrajam
"and his nephew" [Lot] to spy on Sodom and Gomorra, cities
Marduk controlled. From Sodom and Gomorra, Enlil feared,
Marduk "would marshal his large number of human followers
and control of all establishments on Earth, including the Sinai
spaceport." [Tellinger, M. 2006, Slave Species of god, page 506]
Marduk proclaimed to the senior Anunnaki gods, "In my
temple house let all the gods assemble, my covenant
accept....By his appeal for their submission, the Anunnaki
gods were disturbed and alarmed."
"To a great assembly, council to take, Enlil them all
summoned. Opposed to Marduk and Nabu they all were." All
the senior Anunnaki except Enki agreed: leave Earth to
Marduk keep the Spaceport from Nabu; nuke it. [Sitchin, Z., 2002, The
Lost Book of Enki, pages 308].
Enki says he, "angry and distraught, the council chamber left,
in his heart was Enki smiling: only he knew where [In Africa] the
weapons were hidden, so did Enki think. For it was he, before
Enlil to Earth had come, who with Abgal in a place unknown
the weapons did hide. That Abgal, to the Exiled Enlil, the place
disclosed, that to Enki was unknown. Thus it was that without
Enki needing, Enlil to the two heros [Ninurta and Nergal] the hiding
place disclosed. " [Sitchin, Z., 2002, The Lost Book of Enki, page 306 - 307].
The Anunnaki Council on Earth radioed King Anu back on
Nibiru: would he authorize nukes against the spaceport and
against Nabu and his armies? Marduk, after all, believed he
should rule Nibiru, as per the dynastic agreement between
King Alalu and Anu. Marduk threatened Anu in every way. So
Anu gave his okay: nuke away.
Enlil evacuated the Igigi Astronauts from the Sinai and
appeared with two other Nibirans to confirm from with spies
Abraham (then 99 years old) and Lot that Nabu had infiltrated
Sodom and Gomorra. “Angels” Enlil ordered Abraham, then
99, and his male followers to cut off their foreskins so they'd
be clearly marked for Enlil and his sons and have phalluses
like those of the Nibirans. Enlil told Abraham that after
circumcision, he’d conceive a son by Sarah, who was his half
sister, and who, by Nibiran succession practices, would
produce a son who would supercede Is-mael, Abraham’s son
with his secondary wife, Sarah’s erstwhile Egyptian slave.
Abraham clearly recognized Enlil (“Yahweh), Nergal and
Ninurta as people who had flight capacities whom he fed and
whose feet he washed. [Sitchin, Z., 1995, Divine Encounters: pages 259, 288]
Ninurta and Nergal came to Abraham later the same day and
ordered him and Lot to flee. Then Enlil ordered the attack [Sitchin,
Z., The End of Days, 2007, page 91].
In 2024 BC Ninurta attacked the Sinai. "The first terror weapon
[a missile called One Without Rival] from the skies Ninurta let
loose; the top of Mount Mashu [which housed the controlling
equipment] with a flash it sliced off, the mount’s innards in an
instant it melted. Above the Place of the Celestial Chariots
[Sinai Spaceport] the second weapon [called Blazing Flame] he
unleashed, with a brilliance of seven suns the plain’s rocks
into a gushing wound were made, the Earth shook and
crumbled, the heavens after the brilliance were darkened; with
burnt and crushed stones was the plain of the chariots
covered, of all the forests that the plain had surrounded, only
tree stems were left standing." The Bible, here, designates
Ninurta as “Yahweh.” The Bible, in other episodes, applies the
Yahweh label to Enlil, Enki, Adad and the ancient god of the
Nibiru. [Sitchin, Z., 2002, The Lost Book of Enki, page 310]
Nergal bombed his brother Marduk's forces in Canaan [Enki
sired both Marduk and Nergal]; [Sitchin, Z., 2002, The Lost Book of Enki, pages 315 - 316]:
Nergal nuked Sodom, Gomorra and three other cities
Abraham had identified as allied with Marduk. Nergal's nukes
made the Dead Sea dead. To this day, "the water of springs
surrounding the Dead Sea has been contaminated with
radioactivity, ‘enough to induce sterility ... in any animals and
humans that absorbed it...’" Archeologists confirm the
flooding, abandonment of the area and sudden deadening of
life in 2024BC. "Over the five cities ... Erra [Nergal] upon each
from the skies a terror weapon sent, the five cities he finished
off, all that lived there to vapor ["salt"] was turned. ... Mountains
toppled, where the sea waters were barred the bolt broke
open,down into the valley the sea’s waters poured, by the
waters was the valley flooded." [Sitchin, Z., 2002, The Lost Book of Enki, page 311].
Sitchin [] writes that, starting in 1999,
scientists found evidence that the depopulation of Sumer
coincided with abrupt climate change [See Science, April 27, 2001 and
Geology, April 2000]. DeMenocal, who wrote the article in Science cited
in brackets above, used as evidence for the abrupt changes in
the area’s vegetation, rocks called tephera. Tephera are
"burnt-through pieces of blackened gravel-like rock" usually
associated with volcanos. Tephera still cover Sinai--which
lacks volcanos. Sinai’s tephera result from Ninurta's bombing
of the spaceport. The bombing left a huge black scar on the
Sinai plain (where the shuttlecraft runway and launch platform
had been) so large it can only be seen from satellite. Millions
of black-blasted rocks, north northeast of the scar in an area
where all other color rocks--no black--are found. [See photos, The Wars
of Gods and Men, 1985, pages 332-334]
Nergal and Ninurta flew over the areas they'd just bombed.
"The Place of Launching, the Spaceport, obliterated: the
Mount within which the controlling equipment was placed was
smashed; the launch platforms were made to fade off the face
of the Earth. The plain whose hard soil the shuttlecraft had
used as runways were obliterated, with not even a tree left
standing." [Sitchin, Z. 1985, The Wars of Gods and Men page 331]
"By the darkening of the skies were the brilliances followed,
then a storm began to blow, gloom from the skies an Evil
Wind carried. From the Upper Sea, a stormwind began
blowing, the dark-brown cloud eastward toward Shumer the
death was carried. Wherever it reached, death to all that lives
mercilessly it delivered.
"The alarm Enlil and Enki to the gods of Shumer transmitted,
Escape! From their cities the gods did flee.
Enlil sent Abraham from the Negev desert on the border of
Sinai to an area near the Mediterranean coast, near the
Philistines [Sitchin, Z. 1995, Divine Encounters, page 288], who were in the
Enkiite camp.
"The people of the land by the evil storms hand were
clutched. Those who behind locked doors hid inside their
houses like flies were felled. Those who in the streets fled, in
the streets were their corpses piled up. Everything that lived
But Babylon, "where Marduk his supremacy declared , by the
Evil Wind was spared." [Sitchin, Z., 2002, The Lost Book of Enki, pages 312 - 313].
Enlil concluded that Marduk was now to be supreme on
Earth, as his vision of Galzu had predicted.
Some Enlilite gods "dispersed from Sumer, accompanied their
followers to far lands in the far corners of the Earth; others
remained nearby, rallying their supporters to a renewed
challenge to Marduk." [Sitchin, Z., 2007, The End of Days, page 122].
Maduk's "related extended family in Northern Mesopotamia,
the Aryans, invaded the lands to the east and Europe to the
west, conquering [Adapite] humans everywhere and imposing
their Aryan supremacy on them. And such is the remaining
status quo in the world today " [Tellinger, M., Slave Species of god, page116]
Nuclear fallout blew over Sumer after Ninurta and Nergal–the
Bible’s “angels” nuked Sodom, Gomorrah and the Sinai
spaceport lest spaceport and cities fall to the forces of
Marduk and Nabu. The fallout annihilated the hybrid
Nibiran/CroMagnon slaves in Mesopotamia loyal to Enlil.
Of slaves still loyal to the Enlilites (Ninuta, Nannar, Adad, Utu
and Inanna), only Abraham and his forces–the men branded
by circumcision--survived. Abraham's band lived because
Enlil had sent it out of Sumer, to the Negev and Canaan to
guard Sumer from Marduk's forces in Egypt and Lebanon.
Enlil wanted his surviving slaves branded as his.
Enlil ordered Abraham, then 99, and his male followers to cut
off their foreskins so they'd be clearly marked for Enlil and his
sons and have phalluses like those of the Nibirans. Enlil told
Abraham that after circumcision, he’d conceive a son by
Sarah, who was his half sister, and who, by Nibiran
succession practices, would produce a son who would
supercede Is-mael, Abraham’s son with his secondary wife,
Sarah’s erstwhile Egyptian slave. Sarah bore ISAAC in 2025
in Canaan [Sitchin, Z., 1995, Divine Encounters, page 288.]
Is-mael had been raised as Abraham’s heir, due to rule all
Canaan, but now he and his mother were sentenced to die in
the desert to make way for Isaac as Abraham’s successor.
Sarah told Abraham, “Get rid of that slave woman, for that
slave woman’s son will never share in the inheritance of my
son Isaac.”
Enlil told Abraham, “Listen to what Sarah tells you, because it
is through Isaac that your offspring will be reckoned. I will
make the son of the maidservant into a nation also because
he is your offspring.” Enlil told Abraham “to evict Hagar
personally. By doing this, Enlil tested his slave’s loyalty and
he drove a wedge between him and Hagar. Abraham rose up
early in the morning, and took bread, and a bottle of water,
and gave it unto Hagar, putting it on her shoulder, and the
child and sent her away: and she departed, and wandered in
the wilderness of Beersheba. “When the water in the skin was
gone, she put Is-mael under one of the bushes. She thought, 'I
cannot watch the boy die.' ”No sooner has Hagar been left to
die in the unforgiving desert, than the god-master comes to
the rescue of the evicted young slave girl.” Enlil showed her a
well, saving her and Is-mael, winning her undivided loyalty.”
Is-mael became the genitor of the Arabs who to this day
compete with the descendants of Isaac for Canaan.
When Isaac grew, the apple of old Abraham’s eye, to
adulthood, Enlil decided to test whether Abraham was still
obedient. Enlil “ordered Abraham to take his son Isaac to a
distant mountain, far from the peering eyes of others, and
murder him in cold blood. Better there were no witnesses
around to add to the growing discontent among humans to
the gods.”
Abraham and Isaac “came to the place god had told him and
Abraham built an altar there and arranged the wood and
bound his son Isaac and laid him on the altar atop the wood.
Abraham stretched out his hand and took the knife to slay his
son.” But an Emissary of Enlil appeared and said, “Do not
stretch out your hand against the lad, for now I know that you
fear god since you have not withheld your son from Me.
Because you have not withheld your son, indeed I will greatly
bless you and I will greatly multiply your sed and your seed
shall possess the gate of their enemies because you have
obeyed My voice.’”
Tellinger writes, “Recognize the absolute fear under which the
people lived. The gods were bloodthirsty and ruthless
manipulators. Man had grown visibly unhappy with their
abuse” by the Enlilite gods.” Marduk developed armies of
resistance in Harran and Nabu, in Canaan, recruited armies to
resist the Enlilite gods.
Abraham passed the test; he was now ready to perform any
task for the conniving gods. The gods made sure everyone
knew about their favorite boy, Abraham. Many tribal heads,
kings and priests came to seek his favor and suck up to him
to avoid acts of vengeance from the gods. [Sitchin, Z., 1995, Divine
Encounters: pages 259, 288; Tellinger, M., 2006, Slave Species of god page 202, 212, 234 - 236; Genesis,
21:10 -14]
In 1907 B.C., Abraham, worried Isaac would marry a local
Canaanites and dilute their Enlilite bloodline from Sumer, sent him
back to Harran on the Euphrates to marry daughters of their
relatives there. Isaac brought Rebecca back from Harran to
Canaan; there she bore him the twins ESAU and JACOB in 1963
Famine from drought struck Canaan when the twins matured.
Isaac thought to send them to Egypt (where the Nile’s waters
protected the people from famine) for brides. But Enlil warned
them not to cross the still lethally-radioactive Sinai to Egypt. He
ordered Isaac's family to an area of Canaan where wells tapped
water. There Esau married a local. But Jacob, like his father
fetched brides–Leah and Rachael–from Harran and returned with
them to Canaan. Rachael’s older sons sold one thei brothers,
JOSEPH, as a slave to caravaners, who took him to Egypt. [Sitchin, Z.,
1995, Divine Encounters, page 289]
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