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30.09.2009 ж. №2 басылым орнына
2012 ж. № 3 басылым
40 бет 1-ден
Рогачева Л.Ф.
P 592 Английский язык. Учебное пособие по развитию навыков устной речи для студентов
неязыковых вузов / Л.Ф. Рогачева; ПГСХА. – Уссурийск, 2007. – 119 с.
Unit One - Environmental protection …………………………………5
Unit Two - Community structure and diversity ………………………18
Unit Three - Siberia’s fauna ………………… ……………………….28
Unit Four - Bright wings in the Blue …………………………………36
Unit Five - Mammals …………………………………………………47
Unit Six - Wildlife management ……………………………………...57
Unit Seven - The relations between wildlife and habitat ……………..66
Unit Eight - Reforestation …………………………………………… 75
Unit Nine - Siberian cedar …………………………. ………………..87
Unit Ten - Wood supplies in the future ………………………………96
Unit Eleven - World’s forests ………………………………………..109
Words to be remembered
environment [in´vaiərənment] n – окружающая среда
diversity [dai´və:siti] n - разнообразие
become aware v – осознавать
relationship [ri´lei∫n∫ip] n – взаимоотношения, связь
surround v – окружать
depend on (upon) v – зависеть от
pollution n – загрязнение
detrimental [ֽdetri´mentl] a – вредный
affluence [ ´æfluəns] n – изобилие, богатство
available [ə´veiləbl] a – имеющийся в распоряжении
amount [ə´maunt] n – количество
include v – включать
cut down v – рубить
drain v – осушать
harmful a – вредный
substance [´sΛ bstəns] n – вещество
discharge [dis´t∫a:dз ] n –сток, слив, выброс
acid rain – кислотный дождь
rare a – редкий
disappear v – исчезать
clearance n – очистка леса под пашню
cause v – вызывать, служить причиной
flood [flΛ d] n – наводнение
drought [draut] n – засуха
issue n – проблема
garbage [´ga:bidз] n – мусор, отбросы
dump n – свалка
carbon dioxide [dai´oksaid] – углекислый газ (двуокись углерода)
prevent v – препятствовать
escape v – улетучиваться
melt v – таять
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40 бет 2-ден
preserve v – охранять
dustbin n – мусорный ящик
Exercise (Pre-reading tasks)
1. Practice the pronunciation of the words from the text.
environment, plough, nuclear, chemical, discharge, acid, quality, amount, rare, species, disappear,
clearance, cause, erosion, flood, drought, measure, biological, desert, industrial, user, create, issue,
garbage, dumps, deficit, dioxide, amount, preserve, numerous, campaign, destruction, whale,
wildlife, aware, alternative
2. Give words of the same root in Russian. Compare the meanings:
problem, radio, ecology, planet, flora, fauna, individual, form, factor, industry, atmosphere,
substance, gas, erosion, international, biological, deficit, centre, global, effect, territory,
organization, campaign, alternative, product, nature
3. Translate the following sentences. Pay attention to the if-clauses.
1. If people recycle glass, they will save energy and raw materials.
2. If you don’t think of the future, you will not have it.
3. If each family throws out 4 glass bottles a week, the people in towns will create mountains of
4. If we continue to pollute rivers with industrial wastes, we will have no pure water.
5. If we are not careful, we will lose our planet soon.
6. If measures are not taken, the oceans will become biological deserts.
7. If the depletion of the ozone layer continues, it will damage all living organisms on the Earth.
8. If you love everything, you will perceive (постигать) the divine (божественный) mystery in
9. f you perceive the divine mystery in things, you will begin to comprehend the world better.
10. The polar bears would have nowhere to live if polar ice melted.
11. If I were you, I would never leave fire in the forest.
12. If we cared for habitats, we would save the planet’s wildlife.
13. If people stopped destroying nature, they would be healthier.
4. Read and translate the text.
Environmental protection
Environmental protection is one of the most important problems for everyone because we all live in
this world. The problems of the environment are much spoken about on TV, radio, in the
newspapers. Not only ecologists but also common people become aware of ecological problems.
So, what is ecology?
Ecology is a science that studies the relationship between all forms of life on our planet with its
environment. Environment is everything that surrounds a person: air, flora, fauna, water, soil. A
man is a part of environment. So he depends on it.
Pollution is any detrimental change in an ecosystem. Most kinds of pollution are the results of
human activities. When human populations are large, and affluence demands more and more goods
and services, pollution problems are compounded. Pollution was not a serous problem as long as
there was enough space available for each individual. With the establishment of permanent human
settlements pollution became a problem. Six million people living in our planet need more food,
land, goods. The production of these in large amounts includes cutting down forests, draining
wetlands, ploughing up grasslands. There are many forms of pollution in our world today, for
example, the pollution of air and the world ocean, nuclear waste, chemical waste. Air pollution is
one of the most important examples and a result of many factors. Every year world industry pollutes
the atmosphere with dust and other harmful substances. The discharge of dust and gases into the
atmosphere returns to the Earth in the form of “acid rains” and affects crops, the quality of forests,
and the amount of fish. As the result of the environmental pollution some rare species of animals,
30.09.2009 ж. №2 басылым орнына
2012 ж. № 3 басылым
40 бет 3-ден
birds, and fish disappear forever, a number of rivers and lakes dry up. Forests clearance causes
long-term problems such as soil erosion, floods, and droughts.
Water pollution is becoming an international problem nowadays. If measures are not taken, the
oceans will soon become biological deserts. Pollution of water by both industrial and domestic
users creates the problem of water deficit.
Litter is another issue that people face in big cities. As a result of it bioindustrial centres today look
more like garbage dumps.
Of all the environmental problems facing our planet today the most pressing is global warming,
better known as the “greenhouse effect”. The “greenhouse effect” is caused by carbon dioxide
which prevents heat from escaping. Global warming can cause melting of the polar ice caps, rising
of the sea level, and flooding of the coastal areas. Vast territories will become too hot for farming. It
won’t be possible to grow the same amount of food.
Beginning with the 1960-s the pollution problems have received great publicity. Green Peace
organization was created in 1987. The international organization Green Peace is doing much to
preserve the environment. This organization carries out numerous campaigns against the global
environmental pollution, draws the people’s attention to the destruction of wildlife (whales, seals,
tigers) by hunters and the pollution of oceans by nuclear waste turning them into nuclear dustbins.
Green Peace believes that actions speak louder than words.
It is important that everyone should be aware of the problem that we should continue to find
alternatives to the products that harm the environment and that every individual should do what he
can to protect nature not only for the sake of the present but also for the future generations.
1. Give English equivalents:
простые люди; осознавать экологическую опасность; пагубные (вредные) изменения; до тех
пор; пока было достаточно места; нуждаются во все большем количестве пищи; вырубка
лесов; отходы атомной промышленности; вредные вещества; кислотные дожди; загрязнение
окружающей среды; редкий вид; очистка леса под пашню; эрозия почвы; наводнения; засуха;
пустыня; проблема дефицита воды; мусор; свалка; глобальное потепление; парниковый
эффект; вызван углекислым газом; препятствовать; таяние льда; подъем уровня моря; дикая
природа; привлекать внимание людей; защищать окружающую среду
2. Give Russian equivalents:
the problems of the environment; a part of environment; enough space; available for each
individual; in large amounts; cutting down forests; to plough up grasslands; nuclear waste; the
discharge of dust and gases; to affect crops; to cause long-term problems; soil erosion; to take
measures; problems facing our planet; the most pressing problem; flooding of the coastal areas; to
carry out campaigns; global environmental pollution; destruction of wildlife; nuclear dustbins; to
harm the environment; to protect nature; for the sake of the present
3. Supply the prepositions where necessary.
1. Common people become aware … ecological problems.
2. Ecology is a science that studies the relationship … all forms of life … its environment.
3. Pollution affects … everyone every day.
4. Pollution … air is a result … many factors.
5. World industry pollutes the atmosphere … dust and other harmful substances.
6. Acid rains affect … crops, the quality of forests.
7. Many large cities are polluted … industrial wastes.
8. Some factories and plants discharge harmful substances … the atmosphere.
9. The “greenhouse effect” is caused … carbon dioxide.
10. Green peace organization carries out numerous campaigns … the global environmental
11. This organization draws the people’s attention … the destruction of wildlife.
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40 бет 4-ден
12. Today about 60000 different species of plants are … danger.
13. We must protect our environment … the sake … the future generations.
4. Translate the following sentences. State if the underlined words are nouns or verbs.
1. Serious measures should be taken against waste of fresh water.
2. Don’t waste the time!
3. A great damage has been done to agriculture.
4. Several houses were damaged by the hurricane.
5. Plants are nature resources which man always used and uses now.
6. We planted trees and bushes in our new garden.
7. The disappearance of forest areas harms the environment.
8. If we think of the harm that the Chernobyl nuclear power station explosion has done, it may be
considered the greatest disaster of the 20th century.
9. There are many forms of pollution in our world today.
10. Information about the problems of pollution in many countries formed the basis of the report.
5. Fill in the blanks with suitable words from the following list:
animals, pollute, environment, waste, pollution, substances, ecological, danger
1. We are doing enough to protect … from pollution.
2. The huge amounts of chemical fertilizers and pesticides used on these farms … the water.
3. People should be more concerned about the continuing … of the environment.
4. The Japanese recycle more than half of their industrial ….
5. Harmful … are found in many rivers.
6. The destruction of the rainforests is an … disaster that threatens the future of life on the Earth.
7. About 60000 different species of plants are in … today.
8. Today the giant panda is one of the rarest … in the world.
6. Match each word with its definition.
1. wildlife
a) cutting down the trees
2. pollution
b) trash
3. flora
c) the killing mixture of water in the air
4. fauna
d) poisoning of land, water and air
5. atmosphere
e) all the plants of a particular place
6. ecology
f) pollutant gases trapping the heat like glass
7. ozone layer
g) wild animals, birds, insects, etc.
8. green house effect
h) the mixture of gases surrounding the earth
9. clearance
i) all the animals of an area
10. acid rain
j) surroundings
11. waste
k) upper layer of the Earth
7. Answer the questions on the text.
1. What does ecology study?
2. What is environment?
3. Why do we call a man a part of environment?
4. When did the pollution of the Earth become a problem?
5. Does forest clearance cause any problems?
6. What forms of environmental pollution do you know?
7. What is the most important problem? What do you think about it?
8. What is acid rain?
9. How does acid rain influence wildlife?
10. What are the main reasons and results of air pollution?
11. Why is the warming of the climate called “green house” effect?
12. When was Green Peace created and what are the aims of this organization?
13. What should we do to protect nature?
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40 бет 5-ден
8. Agree or disagree with the following using the phrases:
I quite agree with you – я вполне согласен с вами
I think so too – думаю также
I doubt that – я сомневаюсь, что
It’s unlikely that – маловероятно, что
You are mistaken – вы не правы
1. We are facing some global environmental problems today.
2. The greenhouse effect is a dangerous phenomenon.
3. I don’t think people should recycle things.
4. Special ecological education should be introduced at schools.
5. When you go shopping use metal baskets.
6. Every civilized person should do without sprays and soap.
7. People are getting ecologically wise.
8. Green Peace organization hasn’t done anything useful for the life of common people.
Words to be remembered
сommunity n – сообщество
explore v – исследовать
however cj – однако, тем не менее
interaction n – взаимодействие
consider v – рассматривать
discover v – обнаружить
surroundings [sə´raundiηz] n – среда, окружение
stream n – ручей
carbon n – углерод
phosphorus n – фосфор
nitrogen [´naitridзən] n – азот
alter v – изменять(ся)
reshape v – придавать новую форму или вид
dig (into) v – зарывать, рыть
matter n – вещество
bed n – русло
random a – случайный
mixture n – смешение пород
overriding a – главный, доминирующий
determine v – определять
rainbow trout [´reinbou´traut] – радужная форель
makeup n – структура, состав
invertebrate [in´və:tibrit] n – беспозвоночное животное
feed v – питать(ся), кормить(ся)
be responsible for – быть ответственным
nocturnal [nok´tə:nl] a – ночной
avoid v – избегать
predator [´predətə] n – хищник
diurnal [dai´ə:nl] a – дневной
keen a – острый, проницательный
temporal a – временный
spatial [´spe∫əl] a – пространственный
layering n – ярусность
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40 бет 6-ден
upper a – верхний
eventually [i´ventjuəli] adv – в конечном счете, в конце концов
reflect v – отражать
promote v – способствовать
predation n – истребление
moderate [´modərit] a – умеренный
disturbance [dis´tə:bəns] n – нарушение, повреждение
Exercises (Pre-reading tasks)
1. Practice the pronunciation of the following words:
community; surroundings; supplies; phosphorus; nitrogen; contributing; unique; determining;
invertebrate; cycles; nocturnal; predator; diurnal; spatial; photosynthesis; eventually; variety;
diversity; energy; moderate; disturbance
2. Read these words, define the parts of speech and give their Russian equivalents:
explore – explorer; ecology – ecologist; differ – different; discover – discovery; surround –
surroundings; depend – dependence; nitrogen – nitrogenous; energy – energic; contribute –
contribution; mix – mixture; organize – organization; importance – important; establish –
establishment; active – activity; predator – predation; season – seasonal; moist – moisture; structure
– structural; occur – occurrence; reflect – reflection; diverse – diversity; nature – natural; human –
humanity; productive – productivity; climate – climatic; disturb – disturbance; pollute – pollution
3. Translate the sentences into Russian. Pay attention to the modal verbs.
1. Trees and shrubs should be planted at the same depth at which they were growing in the
container or field nursery.
2. Wood products made from trees can be reused and recycled.
3. By controlling the density of trees through thinning, we can control the size of branches and thus,
knot sizes.
4. The base of the plant should not be covered with more than about one inch of soil.
5. Too many deer could seriously impact limited available habitat and prolong winter range
rehabilitation efforts.
6. Cleanliness is particularly important, because contaminated resting areas and poor water quality
may lead to disease.
7. Caution must be observed to prevent damage to the residual stand during the logging operation.
8. A great deal of work need to be done in this area.
9. This view ought to be accepted.
10. Overpopulation may result in disease and parasite outbreaks that reduce the herd and damage
the habitat.
11. Compared to livestock, deer can go for extended periods without water, as long as succulent
plants are available.
4. Translate the sentences. Define the function of the Gerund.
1. Culture has also played an important role in transmitting information about harmful plants.
2. Burning tends to stimulate the production of many desirable forbs like native legumes that are
very important to most wildlife species.
3. Preparing the planting area properly before planting is very important.
4. Planting too deep is a major cause of plant failure, especially in poorly drained clay soil.
5. Ringtails act a great deal like cats, in their quiet movement and ambush method of attacking prey.
6. Blue bush seed requires careful handling after harvesting.
7. Many of the existing groves are in need of thinning to reduce competition.
8. Moreover sika deer prefer staying on steep slopes and it makes them inaccessible for tigers.
9. Clearcutting is generally our best alternative for efficient harvesting, replanting and quick
30.09.2009 ж. №2 басылым орнына
2012 ж. № 3 басылым
40 бет 7-ден
10. The idea of recycling waste materials is not new.
11. We thought of starting another series of experiments.
12. It is worth discussing this phenomenon.
13. They could not help seeing the importance of the process.
14. They continued experimenting with the substance.
15. The purpose of the method is determining system stability.
16. We succeeded in building a flexible system.
5. Read and translate the text.
Community structure and diversity
All populations living in an area make up a community. When we take off our shoes to
explore the animals living in streams we enter a foreign environment. However, we may have some
ideas about what we will find because ecologists have found that community interactions, even in
very different communities, have common themes.
Communities cannot be considered apart from their physical environment. Communities and
their physical environment are called ecosystems, and by studying ecosystems, ecologists discover
how communities are influenced by their physical surroundings. A stream community, for example,
depends on supplies of carbon, phosphorus, nitrogen, water, and energy. At the same time,
however, populations alter their physical environment. Stream animals reshape the stream by
digging into its banks or by moving substrate. Even in the act of dying, a stream animal changes the
characteristics of its environment by contributing organic matter to the stream bed.
Stream communities are not just random mixtures of species; instead, they have a unique
organization. Most communities have certain members that are of overriding importance in determining community characteristics. For example, a stream may have a large population of
rainbow trout that helps determine the makeup of certain invertebrate populations on which the
trout feed. Species that are responsible for establishing community characteristics are called
dominant species.
Communities are also characterized by cycles of activity. Stream invertebrates are most
active around sunset and sunrise. In other communities, some animals are nocturnal (night active).
Nocturnal animals may avoid predators and the hot dry conditions of the daylight hours. Most birds
(except owls), on the other hand, are diurnal (day active) and are dependent on keen vision for
gathering food and avoiding predators. Other patterns of activity may follow the seasons, or
conditions of temperature or moisture. Thus, communities are said to have a temporal structure.
Many communities also have a spatial structure, which is most obvious in the layering that
occurs in a forest or a lake. Most photosynthesis occurs in the upper layers of forests and lakes.
Animals feeding on this plant life must live in or visit these upper regions. Eventually, organic
matter falls to the forest floor, or lake bottom, where it supports other organisms.
Community structure is also reflected in the variety of animals present in a community,
called the community (species) diversity or richness. Forces of nature and human activities
influence community diversity. Factors that promote high diversity include diverse resources, high
productivity, climatic stability, moderate levels of predation, and moderate levels of disturbance
from outside the community. Pollution often reduces the species diversity of ecosystems.
1. Give Russian equivalents:
make up a community; foreign environment; to have some ideas about; community interactions;
common themes; physical surroundings; stream community; at the same time; alter physical
environment; reshape the stream; stream bed; random mixture of species; a unique organization; to
be of overriding importance; invertebrate populations; dominant species; nocturnal animals; avoid
predators; to be dependent on; keen vision; a temporal; spatial structure; upper layers of forests;
forest floor; variety of animals; productivity; levels of predation; community (species) diversity;
diverse resources; climatic stability
30.09.2009 ж. №2 басылым орнына
2012 ж. № 3 басылым
40 бет 8-ден
2. Give English equivalents:
в тоже самое время; зависит от снабжения азота; исследовать животных; называются
экосистемами; органическое вещество; русло; вместо (взамен); радужная форель; ночные
животные; с другой стороны; следовательно; временный; пространственная структура;
ярусность; в конце концов; силы природы; разновидность сообщества; климатическая
устойчивость (стабильность); лесная подстилка (опад)
3. Say whether you agree with the following. While answering use the following phrases:
Right you are – Вы правы
Just it – Именно так
I’m of the same opinion – Я того же мнения
It’s not quite so – Это не совсем так
Far from it – Это далеко не так
I don’t think so – Я так не думаю
1. All populations living in an area make up a community.
2. Ecologists have found that community interaction hasn’t common themes.
3. By studying ecosystems ecologists discover how communities are influenced by their physical
4. A stream community is independent of supplies of carbon, nitrogen, water, etc.
5. Populations alter their physical environment.
6. Stream communities have a unique organization
7. It is said that communities have a temporal structure.
8. Species that are responsible for establishing community characteristics are called dominant
9. Most photosynthesis occurs in the lower layers of forests and lakes.
10. Forces of nature and human activity have an effect on community diversity.
4. Match each word with its definition.
a) community
a) everything around and about a place;
conditions that may affect a person
b) environment
b) in relation to, existing in, space
c) surroundings
c) the people living in one place, district or
country, considered as a whole
d) spatial
d) make less; make smaller in size
e) contamination
e) variety
f) structure
f) circumstances, influences
g) diversity
g) framework or essential parts of a building, etc.
h) reduce
h) contaminating or being contaminated
5. Answer the questions.
1. What makes up a community?
2. What are ecosystems?
3. What does a stream community depend on?
4. How do stream animals reshape the stream?
5. What are dominant species?
6. What are communities characterized by?
7. When are stream invertebrates the most active?
8. What do “cycles of activity” mean?
9. What influences community diversity?
10. What are factors promoting high diversity?
11. What role does pollution play in ecosystems?
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Words to be remembered
vast a – обширный, широкий
expanse n – пространство
meadow [´medou] n – луг
mammals n – млекопитающие
reindeer n – северный олень
polar fox n – песец
mainland n – материк
skua [´skjuə] n – поморник большой
seal n – тюлень
wolverine [´wu:lvəri:n] n – росомаха
chipmunk n – бурундук
marten n – куница
sable n – соболь
lynx n – рысь
weasel [wi:zl] n – ласка
polecat n – хорек чёрный
badger [´bædзə] n - барсук
moose n – ам. лось
mole n – крот
musk-rat n – ондатра
beaver n – бобр, бобёр
to settle v – заселять
mink n – норка
grouse [graus] n –шотландская куропатка
white grouse – белая куропатка
black grouse – тетерев-косач
wood grouse – тетерев-глухарь
hazel grouse – рябчик
nutcracker n – ореховка
osprey n – скопа
owl [aul] n – сова
marsh n – болото, топь
crane n – журавль
snipe n – бекас
jack snipe – болотная курочка
gull n – чайка
stoat n – горностай
quail n – перепел
sturgeon [´stə:dзən] n – осётр
sterlet [´stə:lit] n – стерлядь
salmon [´sæmən] n - лосось
ide n – язь
dace n – елец
roach n – плотва
pike n – щука
perch n – окунь
crucian [´kru:∫ən] n - карась
relevant [´relivənt] a – насущный, актуальный
weave v – включать
40 бет 9-ден
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2012 ж. № 3 басылым
40 бет 10-ден
Exercises (Pre-reading tasks)
1. Practice the pronunciation of the words from the text.
tundra, meadows, reptiles, amphibian, reindeer, skua, wolverine, weasel, moose, energetically,
grouse, osprey, nutcracker, jack snipe, polecat, quail, sturgeon, sterlet, salmon, crucian
2. Read and guess the meaning of the following words:
fauna, tundra, polar, taiga, territory, region, reptiles, amphibian, lemming, letyaga, colony, zone,
steppe, commercial, sterlet, popular, gas, complex, anomalies, ecology, reproduction, nature,
international, Russian Federation, economic
3. Define to which part of speech these words belong:
numerous, coastal, richer, Siberian, Asiatic, survived, energetically, densely, populated, various,
constant, development, unfortunately, serious, habitats, attention, reservation, practically, nature,
relevant, conserving, further, local, temporary, particularly, utilization, scientific, educational
4. Translate the sentences paying attention to “there + to be”.
1. However, there is some evidence that a lack of management knowledge by woodland owners is
one reason why small woodlands are poorly managed.
2. There are many places in the Coast Range where elk can take refuge and hear anything that
approaches them, then slip away in the opposite direction.
3. Over the last century, there have been some major changes in land use and vegetation cover in
4. There is no end to evolutionary process.
5. There exists a number of general stimulation programs which deal with certain problems.
6. There is some conflict here between sensitivity and repeatability.
7. There is left an unexplored area as big as that explored.
8. There followed a new series of experiments.
9. There are, however, various doubts about the realization of these potentials and the continued
quality of wood available.
10. There remain many opportunities for partnerships and incentives to weave waterfowl
conservation into private and public land management.
11. There are 700 kinds of eucalyptus in Australia.
12. There have been attempts to make this process more systematic.
5. Read and translate the text.
Siberia’s fauna is amazingly rich
There are many species of fauna in the vast expanses of tundra, taiga and water-meadows, the
numerous rivers and lakes. Scientists have registered 74 species of mammals on the territory of the
region, more than 320 species of birds, and 4 species of reptiles, 5 species of amphibian and over 40
species of fish.
In the tundra there are reindeer, polar fox, lemming and many species of birds. On the islands and
mainland one finds the polar bear and skua, and in the coastal waters, the Bay of Ob and other bays
the sea hare, the ringed seal and the white whale. Further south in the tundra the wolf and the
wolverine are common.
The animal world of the taiga is even richer: the squirrel, white hare, chipmunk and letyaga, as well
as the brown bear, fox, marten, sable, lynx, weasel, Siberian polecat, badger, wolf and wolverine.
The pride of the taiga is the moose. The mole and musk-rat are widespread and there are many
colonies of the water rat and beaver. The zone is also being energetically settled with imported
American mink.
The taiga is full of birds. Here you will find the wood-grouse, hazel-grouse, black grouse,
nutcracker, kuksha, osprey, great grey owl and in the marshes one can find the willow grouse,
crane, great snipe and jack snipe. The old beds of rivers and lakes are densely populated with ducks,
snipe and gulls.
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The forest-steppe is the home of the stoat and fox, the mountain hare and Siberian polecat, the
steppe polecat, the badger, the musk-rat, the black grouse, the quail, the hazel-grouse and various
species of waterfowl. The wild goat and moose are also found here, and also their constant
companion – the wolf.
Many of the animals in Tyumen Region are hunted for commercial purposes. There is also a great
deal of commercial fishing here. There is worldwide demand for the Siberian sturgeon, sterlet,
white salmon, Siberian white fish. Ide, dace, roach, pike, perch and crucian are popular on the local
The development of the Western Siberian oil and gas complex has unfortunately led to some major
anomalies in the ecology of the area. For this reason serious measures to protect wild animals and
their habitats are being drawn up and implemented. Special attention is being paid to the
reproduction of the animal world.
With the help of temporary reservations the number of the sable and river beaver has been restored.
Many other animals such as the moose, the wild goat, the marten and the grey goose, are also being
Nature conservancy is becoming particularly relevant today. Preserves and reservations are
particularly important for conserving and restoring rare and disappearing species of fauna which are
included in the Red Book of the International Union for Nature Conservancy and the Russian
The preservation of the fauna in Tyumen Region and the utilization of its resources for economic,
scientific, cultural and educational purposes is a pressing task and it is our duty to fulfil it.
1. Give Russian equivalents:
species of mammals; reindeer; polar fox; chipmunk; marten; sable; lynx; weasel; badger; moose;
musk-rat; hazel-grouse; osprey; crane; stoat; sturgeon; dace; roach; nature conservancy; mainland;
coastal waters; as well as; colonies; nutcracker; marshes; beds of rivers; densely populated; on the
local market; to draw up; temporary; nature conservancy
2. Give English equivalents:
широкое пространство; луга; материк; белый медведь; поморник; морской заяц; тюлень; кит;
росомаха; водяная крыса; бобр; русла рек; чайки; горностай; водяная дичь; для
коммерческих целей; стерлядь; лосось; щука; карась; уделять внимание; заповедники;
постоянный спутник; исчезающие виды; особенно; мировой спрос
3. Say if the statements are true or false.
1.In the tundra there are only some species of birds.
2.The animal world of the taiga is not very rich.
3.The pride of the taiga is the moose.
4.The taiga is full of birds.
5.In the forest-steppe we may find only goat and moose.
6.Many of the animals in Tyumen Region are hunted for commercial purposes.
7.Special attention is being paid to the reproduction of the animal world.
8.Nature conservancy is of little importance today.
5. Answer the questions.
1.How many species of fauna are there in the taiga, tundra, in rivers and lakes?
2.What animals live in the tundra and taiga?
3.Is taiga full of birds? Name them.
4.What kind of animals live in the forest-steppe?
5.Why is special attention being paid to the reproduction of the animal world?
6.Nature conservancy is becoming relevant today, isn´t it?
7.Why are preserves and reservations important?
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Words to be remembered
endanger [in´deindзə] v – подвергать опасности
peregrine falcon [´perigrin ´f o:lkən] – сапсан
eagle n – орел
warbler n – певчая птица
flycatcher n – мухоловка (птица)
thrush n – дрозд
thrasher n – морская лисица
sparrow n – воробей
woodpecker n – дятел
hummingbird n – колибри
distressing a – внушающий беспокойство
ubiquitous [ju:´bikwitəs] a – вездесущий, повсеместный
assume v – предполагать
survey v – исследовать
uncover v – обнаруживать
evidence n – доказательство
haunt n – убежище
familiar [fə´miljə] a – привычный, обычный
trend n – направление, тенденция
gross a – крупный, большой
yet adv – однако
troublesome a – беспокойный
intact a – нетронутый
cerulean [si´ru:ljən] a – небесно-голубого цвета
steeply adv – круто
range n – зона, сфера, область; область распространения
grassland n – луг
bobolink n – тупиал рисовый
lark n – жаворонок
sagebrush n – разновидность полыни
crow n – ворона
cowbird n – воловья птица
thrive v – буйно разрастаться
overall a – всеохватывающий
specific a – точный
reliable a – надежный
status n – положение дел
foe n – враг
tip v – перевешивать
degrade v – приходить в упадок
breeding ground – место размножения
migratory a – перелетный
predator n – хищник
raccoon n – енот
take a toll v – наносить урон
prey v – охотиться
consume v – съедать
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disperse v – разбрасывать
pollinate v – опылять
stewardship [´stjuəd∫ip] n – управление
exponential a – показательный
hazardous [´hæzədəs] a – опасный
fumigation n – окуривание
Exercises (Pre-reading tasks)
1. Practice the pronunciation of the following words:
threatened, endangered, waterfowl, falcon eagle, warbler, flycatcher, sparrow, ubiquitous, mobile,
surveyed, haunts, subsequent, although, majority, cerulean, meadowlark, prairie, sagebrush, crows,
overall, reliable, foe, caused, Mexico, Caribbean, raccoons, dispersing, stewardship, survival
2. Define to which part of speech these words belong:
native, traditionally, manager, smaller, including, visible, ubiquitous, highly, easy, abundant,
healthy, observation, evidence, subsequent, majority, steeply, creating, specific, reliable,
conclusion, natural, caused, predator, dramatic, productivity, environment, visible, knowledge,
relatively, birdwatcher, familiar, conclude, stewardship, survival
3. Translate the following sentences paying attention to the function of the verb “to have” and
to the differences in its translation.
1. Every country has its own array of trees and plants which are peculiar to that part of the world.
2. The field of theoretical ecology has expanded dramatically in the last few years.
3. You also have to keep feeding them until spring when they can be gradually transitioned back
into natural forage.
4. Oak and ash have large vessels arranged parallel to the annual rings.
5. The once rich soils had turned into desert before they occupied the land.
6. In the building and furniture industry wood has to be harvested and milled.
7. Recent experiments have produced conflicting results.
8. We have had to investigate a wide range of economic problems as well.
9. Every stand has a more or less regular upper layer of green crowns called the forest canopy.
10. However, the details for most species under field conditions have yet to be worked out.
4. Translate the sentences paying attention to the nouns in the function of attribute.
1. A cell growth rate increase has been observed.
2. They have used the temperature controlled system.
3. They presented the mass of data necessary for effective land use planning.
4. Many birds have very specific migration routes.
5. Although polar bear populations in some areas have actually doubled, they face new threats.
6. Water logging is important both during the establishment period and when plants are mature.
7. The methods of range condition assessment available may be divided broadly into two groups,
depending on the basic approach taken.
8. The ideal wildlife management plan supplies as much food as possible through vegetation, in
order to meet the year-round needs of many species.
9. A core taken near the base of the trunk shows clear annual growth rings whose number indicates
the age of the tree and whose width gives the diameter growth increment made each year.
10. The only other region of the world where mountain fir waves occur is Japan.
11. Softwoods such as redcedars and some of the pines contain moisture pockets which can be
12. The development of a forest management plan is integral to firewood harvest.
13. Humans, like other animals, have a tendency to undergo exponential population growth.
14. Seed moisture content is apparently more important than the fumigation dosage.
5. Read and translate the text.
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40 бет 14-ден
Bright Wings in the Blue
America is home to a total of 776 native bird species, of which 80 (10%) are now listed as
threatened or endangered. Traditionally, managers have only had funds to invest in those birds that
are hunted (waterfowl and upland game birds) or are specifically endangered (for example,
peregrine falcons and bald eagles). But there is growing concern for other species as well. It has
become clear that many smaller birds, including warblers, flycatchers, thrushes, thrashers, sparrows,
woodpeckers, and hummingbirds, are declining at distressing rates. Even some common songbirds
are losing ground.
Because birds are visible, ubiquitous, and highly mobile, it is easy to assume their
populations are abundant and healthy. Compared to other wildlife, birds are relatively wellsurveyed. Research studies and the observations of birdwatchers uncovered the first evidence that
many bird species were disappearing from familiar haunts. Subsequent analysis of long-term
population surveys has revealed losses of birds in every part of the continent.
If we look at population trends at the grossest level, it is tempting to conclude that there is
little problem for birds as a group. Although some species are declining, some are increasing, and
the majority shows no clear trend. Yet if we examine which species are in decline and where, the
picture is troublesome. For example:
• Forest songbirds that depend on large areas of intact woodland, such as the wood thrush and
cerulean warbler, are steeply declining across their ranges.
• Grassland birds show more species in decline than any other habitat group. This group includes
the bobolink, eastern meadow lark, and many sparrows.
• Many shrubland birds and sagebrush steppe birds are significantly declining in many parts of their
• Crows, cowbirds and some other species that thrive in human-altered environments have become
superabundant, creating problems for other birds and for humans as well.
Overall, more specific monitoring is needed for a large number of species to make reliable conclusions on status or trends.
Birds have many natural foes, but human-caused changes to our landscapes are tipping the
balance. Wild habitats have been lost, degraded and fragmented, not only on breeding grounds in
North America, but also on the non-breeding grounds of migratory species in Mexico, the
Caribbean, Central America and South America. Predators that thrive in human environments, such
as crows, raccoons, squirrels, and our own beloved cats, take a heavy toll by preying on eggs,
nestlings, or adult birds. The brown-headed cow-bird, which lays its eggs in other birds' nests,
expanded its range in the wake of forest clearing and the spread of livestock and is having a dramatic impact on the productivity of many woodland songbirds. Chemical pesticides and herbicides,
some banned in the U.S. but still used in Mexico, Central America or South America where birds
winter, also impact bird survival and fertility. Biologists also estimate that anywhere from 4 to 11
million migrating birds are killed each year by collisions with the windows of tall buildings and
communications towers, disoriented by reflections and lights.
Birds play important roles in every environment, consuming insects, dispersing seeds, and
pollinating plants. The composition and productivity of bird communities are visible indicators of
the health of natural environments. We are building a good base of biological knowledge,
monitoring programs, and conservation strategies that can serve as a foundation for bird
management. The future of bird life depends on better understanding population declines,
conserving habitat, improving land stewardship, and reducing the threats to their survival. We still
have much to learn about species needs and far to go in planning and implementing conservation for
1. Give Russian equivalents:
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native bird species; upland game birds; waterfowl; peregrine falcons; threatened species; bald eagle;
as well; it is easy to assume; compared to; research studies; the first evidence; familiar haunts; longterm population surveys; at the grossest level; bald eagle; growing concern; to make reliable
conclusions; forest clearing; to consume insects; it is tempting to conclude; clear trends; intact
woodland; at distressing rates; human-altered environments; natural foes; non-breeding grounds;
migratory species; take a heavy toll; in the wake of; to ban; bird management
2. Give English equivalents:
певчая птица; дрозд; морская лисица; колибри; обильный; по сравнению с; обнаружить;
тупиал рисовый; жаворонок; положение дел; враги; наносить урон; охотиться на; енот; по
пятам; выживание; плодовитость; играть важную роль; разбрасывать семена; опылять
растения; показатели здоровья; исчезающий вид; сведение лесов; угрожающими темпами;
условия среды, измененные человеком; природные враги; запрещать
3. Give answers to the following questions.
1. How many native bird species are there in America?
2. Why is there a growing concern for other species?
3. What did birdwatchers uncover?
4. What is tipping the balance?
5. Who takes a heavy toll to birds?
6. Why do birds play an important role in every environment?
7. What are visible indicators of the health of natural environments?
8. What does the future of bird life depend on?
4. Choose the right word from the given below.
1. Many smaller birds are declining at … .
2. Birds have many natural … .
3. Chemical pesticides also impact bird … .
4. Birds consume … .
5. The future of bird life depends on reducing the … to their survival.
6. It is easy to assume that … populations are abundant.
7. Birdwatchers have revealed … of birds in every part of the continent.
8. Some species are declining but the majority show no clear … .
9. Predators take a heavy … .
10. Funds invest in those birds that are … .
losses, survival and fertility, threats, hunted, distressing rates, foes, insects, bird, trend, toll
5. Insert the prepositions where necessary.
1. There is growing concern … other species as well.
2. Compared … other wildlife, birds are relatively well-surveyed.
3. Many bird species disappeared … familiar haunts.
4. Forest songbirds that depend … large areas … intact woodland are declining across their ranges.
5. Predators take a heavy toll … preying … eggs.
6. The brown-headed cowbird expanded its range … the wake … forest clearing.
7. Birds play important roles … every environment.
8. The future of bird life depends … conserving habitat, and reducing the threats … their survival.
Words to be remembered
mammal n – млекопитающее
distinct a – особый, отличный
distinguish v – отмечать
vertebrate [´və:tibrit] n – позвоночное (животное)
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flexible a – гибкий
backbone n – позвоночник, спинной хребет
vertebral column – позвоночный столб
spinal cord [´spainl] – спинной мозг
insulator [´insjuleitə] n – изоляция, изоляционный материал
retain v – удерживать, сохранять
ward off v – отражать
completely adv – совершенно, полностью
fur n – шерсть
though [ðou] cj – хотя
sparse [spa:s] a – редкий
patch n – клочок
warm-blooded a – теплокровный
regulate v – регулировать
internal a – внутренний
four-chambered a – четырехкамерный
circulate [´sə:kjuleit] v – циркулировать
blood n – кровь
endure [in´djuə] v - выносить
range n – область распространения
primary a – основной
bear v – носить
nourish [´nΛri∫] v – кормить
offspring n – отпрыск, потомок
mammary gland – молочная железа
brain n – мозг
prominent a – выступающий
braincase n – череп
locomotion [ֽloukə´mou∫ən] n - передвижение
glide v – скользить
leap v – прыгать
climb [klaim] v – лазить
burrow [´bə:rou] v - рыть нору, ход
prey n – добыча
feed on v - питать(ся)
carnivore [´ka:nivo:] n – плотоядное животное
herbivore [´hə:bivo:] n – травоядное животное
omnivore [´omnivo:] n – всеядное животное
dweller n – житель, обитатель
whereas [wεər´æz] cj – тогда как
versatile [´və:sətail] a – подвижный
ancestor [´ænsistə] n - предок
refine v – усовершенствовать
rely v – полагаться
bone n – кость
leather [´leðə] n – кожа
fertilizer [´fə:tilaizə] n – удобрение
hunting n – охота, охотничий
trapping n – пушной промысел
game n – дичь
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furbearing a – шкурковый
recreational a – развлекательный
opportunity n – возможность
revenue [´revinju:] n – доход
nocturnal [nok´tə:nl] a - ночной
secretive [si´kri:tiv] a – скрытный
variable [´vεəriəbl] a – изменчивый
Exercises (Pre-reading tasks)
1. Translate the sentences.
Обратите внимание на перевод следующих слов:
either – любой
either … or – или (либо …либо)
Эти слова имеют и отрицательную форму:
neither – 1) ни один (из) + не (к сказуемому)
2) а также + не (к сказуемому)
neither … nor – ни …ни
Either technique could be used. – Можно было использовать любой метод.
The system can be considered either true or false. Эту систему можно считать
или верной, или ошибочной.
Neither of the possible ways is simple. – Ни один из возможных способов не
является простым.
Neither could we write a good program. - А также мы не смогли написать
хорошую программу.
It was neither a study of the equilibrium nor of the kinetics of the reaction. – Это
не было исследованием ни равновесия, ни кинетики реакции.
1. He has neither the time nor the will to do it.
2. These countries obtained foreign currencies either by means of exports or by means of national
3. My preliminary ideas, however, have not yet reached either a general solution, or a practical
4. This list is neither exhaustive nor free from overlapping, nor do all the objectives have the same
5. Neither was that economic policy temporary.
6. These functions can be measured from either or both of two kinds of data.
2. Read and translate the text.
Mammals have several distinct characteristics that distinguish them from other animals.
Like other vertebrates, they have a flexible backbone or vertebral column, which supports their
body and protects the extensive nerve system of the spinal cord. All mammals have hair, which
serves as an insulator to retain body heat and ward off cold.
Most Oklahoma mammals are completely fur-covered, though others display only sparse
patches of hair. Mammals are warmblooded (homeothermic - body regulates its internal
temperature) and have a four-chambered heart that circulates but completely separates oxygen-rich
and oxygen-poor blood.
Since mammals can maintain a constant body temperature independent of surrounding
temperatures, they can endure most environmental conditions and are found in a wide range of
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Another primary characteristic is that mammals bear their young alive and nourish
developing offspring with milk produced from mammary glands, from which the class Mammalia
receives its name.
In proportion to body size, mammals have large brains surrounded by a prominent
In contrast, mammals differ in many ways, too. They use a variety of forms of locomotion:
they can fly, glide, swim, run, leap, climb and burrow. They can either be predator or prey and may
feed on meat (carnivores), plants (herbivores), or both (omnivores).
Mammals prefer different habitats, too. Some species are underground dwellers, whereas
others choose to live on land, in water or trees. Some species are so versatile they can use any
habitat from the arid, sparsely vegetated land in western Oklahoma to the more humid, forested
regions of the southeast.
Mammals developed from reptilian ancestors 200 million years ago. The adaptations that
made these animals successful have been refined by natural selection as vegetation and climate have
changed in response to major geologic changes.
Mammals and humans share an important relationship - since we're mammals, too. Man
relies on wild and domestic animals for food, fur, leather, bone, oil, perfume, fertilizers, chemicals
and medicine. And hunting and trapping game and furbearing mammals provide many recreational
opportunities and substantial revenue, particularly in rural areas. Watching and photographing
mammals provides many hours of enjoyment for other outdoor enthusiasts.
Except for members of the squirrel family, most mammals tend to be nocturnal and
secretive. The diversity of mammals, due to Oklahoma's variable climate, vegetation and habitat
types, and geography, may surprise you.
1. Give Russian equivalents:
distinct characteristics; like other vertebrates; a flexible backbone; to supply the body; extensive
nerve system; spinal cord; ward off cold; fur covered; sparse patches of hair; warm-blooded; fourchambered heart; to separate oxygen-rich blood; herbivores; differ in many ways; surrounding
temperatures; in a wide range of habitats; to nourish developing offspring; mammary glands; rely
on wild animals; body size; prominent braincase; to feed on meat; underground dwellers; in
response to; furbearing mammals; substantial revenue; except for; nocturnal; geologic changes;
hunting game; recreational opportunities; squirrel family; due to variable climate
2. Give English equivalents:
спинной мозг; теплокровный; внутренняя температура; подобно другим позвоночным;
четырехкамерное сердце; постоянная температура тела; условия окружающей среды;
питаться растениями; всеядные животные; молочная железа; подвижный; предки; в ответ на;
изменчивый климат; отличительные черты; гибкий позвоночник; изоляционный материал;
плотоядное животное; травоядное животное; пушной промысел; обширная нервная система;
защищать от холода
3. Match the words with their definitions:
mammal, distinct, vertebrate, backbone, ward off, constant, primary, off-spring, locomotion,
1. (animal, bird, etc) having a backbone;
2. column of bones down the middle of the back;
3. any of the class of animals of which the females feed their young with milk from the breast;
4. going on all the time, frequently recurring;
5. moving, ability to move, from place to place;
6. different in kind, separate;
7. keep away, avoid;
8. leading in time, order or development;
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9. young of animals;
10. having the habit of hiding one’s feelings, intentions, etc.;
4. Choose the antonyms to the following words from the right column:
cold, alive, large, warm-blooded,
diurnal, general, before, heat, coldnocturnal, with, poor, particular,
blooded, dead, small, without,
different, since, independent,
unlike, alike, rich, inconstant,
constant, like
5. Insert the prepositions where necessary.
1. Mammals differ … many ways.
2. They use a variety … forms of locomotion.
3. Man relies … wild and domestic animals … food, fur, leather, etc.
4. The diversity … mammals may surprise you.
5. Mammals can maintain a constant body temperature independent … surrounding temperatures.
6. Mammals are found … a wide range … habitats.
7. Mammals nourish developing offspring … milk produced … mammary glands.
8. … proportion to body size, mammals have large brains.
9. Mammals may feed … meat, plants, or both.
6. Answer the following questions.
1. What are distinct characteristics of mammals?
2. Why can mammals endure most environmental conditions?
3. What forms of locomotion do mammals use?
4. What habitats do mammals prefer?
5. What is an important relationship between mammals and humans?
6. Are most mammals nocturnal?
7. Respond to the following using expressions of agreement or disagreement.
I take your point – я разделяю твою точку зрения
I’m with you – я согласен
I entirely agree with you on that – я полностью согласен с тобой
Yes, I dare say you’re right – Осмелюсь сказать, что ты прав (полагаю, что ты прав)
I think that would be a mistake – думаю, это было бы ошибкой
Nothing of the kind – ничего подобного
Just the other way round – как раз наоборот
1. Mammals have a flexible backbone.
2. All Oklahoma mammals are fur-covered.
3. Mammals are cold-blooded.
4. Mammals can endure most environmental conditions.
5. The class Mammalia receives its name from mammary glands.
6. Mammary may feed on meat, plants or both.
7. Mammals and humans don’t share relationship.
8. Most mammals are diurnal.
Words to be remembered
охрана природы; природопользование
распространения; место обитания
depletion n – истощение (запасов, ресурсов); опустошение, хищническая эксплуатация
game n – дичь
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environmental health –санитарное состояние окружающей среды
extinction n – вымирание
wild land – целина
dramatically adv – резко, наглядно
crustacean [krΛ´stei∫(ə)n] n – ракообразные
result from v – происходить(получаться) в результате ч-либо
on one´s own – самостоятельно
maintenance n – поддержание, сохранение
stable a – устойчивый
concern oneself v - заниматься, интересоваться
durable [´djuərəbl] a – прочный
neotropical [ֽni:ou´tropikəl] a – неотропический
rely v – зависеть, полагаться
nest v – гнездиться
avian [´eiviən] a – птичий
latitude [´lætitju:d] n – широта
elsewhere adv – где-нибудь в другом месте
shrinking a – усохший
plight n – состояние, положение
ultimately adv - в конце концов
destiny n – судьба
suggest v – означать
environmental quality – качество среды
merchantable a – деловой, товарный
rachis [´reikis] n – главный черешок листа; ось, стержень
whorl n – мутовка
Exercises (Pre-reading tasks)
1. Practice the pronunciation of the following words from the text:
Concern, depletion, recognized, current, health, discovered, improved, Wyoming, reptile,
amphibian, mollusk, crustacean, valued, survive, sustaining, diverse, durable, neotropical,
accumulated, ultimately, insure
2. Read and guess the meaning of the following words:
decade, global, reptiles, amphibians, mollusks, ecosystem, evolution, intervention, population,
elements, neotropical, migrant, cycle, temperature, indicator, condition, problem
3. Define the parts of speech:
management, depletion, recognized, responsible, global, extinction, dramatically, recreation,
protection, healthy, maintenance, community, stable, harmful, southern, indicator, destiny,
responsibility, living, condition, rarest, decision, merchantable
4. Read and translate the sentences. Define functions of the Infinitive.
1. Clear-cuts are used to remove all merchantable timber from a stand.
2. After the trees to be cut are selected and identified, it is necessary to determine the volume that
will be harvested.
3. Trees that are too small or large to be efficiently processed into salable products will receive
lower prices than trees of optimal processing size.
4. To receive the highest possible prices, the forest landowner must do more than merely sell their
5. It is possible to determine how long ago a particular rachis was produced by counting whorls
back to the location of the rachis.
6. To get to know the birds of one’s home state well is a particularly attractive goal.
7. Of all the brush species in Oklahoma, eastern redcedar is the easiest to control.
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8. A territorial animal uses agonistic behavior to defend a site or area against certain other
9. Thinnings are used to open up the stand to allow optimal growth of remaining trees, or for
enhancement of wildlife habitat.
10. The trees to be removed should be marked individually at breast height (4,5 feet) and on the
11. It is critical to keep the roots of all plants damp or moist until the moment of planting.
5. Translate the sentences paying attention to the word “result”.
1. The change in velocity resulted from the force acting from outside.
2. Their experiments resulted in the discovery of argon.
3. The change in velocity resulted from the force acting from outside.
4. Their experiments resulted in the discovery of argon.
5. If we plot these parameters a straight line results.
6. The application of the method results in the following formula.
7. It results from higher income per head (capita).
8. One should see what will result from one´ s actions.
9. These have resulted in substantial increase in production rate.
10. Explain what profit will result.
11. Oak tree removal resulted in a rapid and relatively large decrease in soil quality and fertility.
6. Read and translate the text.
Wildlife management
Over six decades ago, wildlife management was borne out of a concern for animals and their
habitats, the depletion of game species, and a recognized need for responsible management of
human activities. Many current concerns about global wildlife and environmental health were
discovered because of efforts to save species from extinction. As our understanding of the
relationships between the earth, wildlife, and humans has increased, the management of wildlife and
wild lands has improved dramatically.
Wyoming has more than 600 species of birds, mammals, fish, reptiles, amphibians,
mollusks, and crustaceans. Much of the evolution in management and habitat protection resulted
from experiences with rare, threatened, and endangered wildlife.
The Wyoming Game and Fish Department is assisting in the preservation of valued wildlife
in the state and nation by protecting and managing habitats. When the environment of an animal is
healthy, it allows that animal to survive on its own. Maintenance of habitats allows each community
to exist as a self-sustaining system with little, if any, human intervention.
We should be concerned with healthy ecosystem because the decreases in some animal or
plant populations indicate harmful elements in our environment, elements which also affect
humans. The more stable and diverse an ecosystem is, the more durable its wildlife populations will
As an example, there has been a decline of many neotropical migrant birds that rely on
nesting habitat across North America. Fifty-four percent or 133 of the 246 avian species that nest in
Wyoming migrate south and rely on rain forests and other southern latitude habitats. Declines in
some of these species have been caused, in part, by changes along migratory routes and breeding
habitat here in Wyoming and elsewhere. Another cause of these declines has been the loss of winter
habitat in the shrinking rain forests of Central and South America.
Tropical rain forests not only affect Wyoming bird life, but they are important because they
provide oxygen, contribute to the water cycle, and maintain the most diverse systems on earth. Rain
forests may also influence global temperatures. The loss of neotropical migrants is an indicator of
the plight of the rain forest.
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Our accumulated knowledge has taught us that all living things on earth are interconnected.
Humans need food, shelter, and water as much as any other living thing. Man is the only species
which can alter the habitat and ultimately affect the destiny of all life.
We have a great need to maintain a healthy, diverse world, not only for wildlife, but for
ourselves. This means maintaining a wild home for all of our existing wildlife and improving or
increasing habitat for our rarest wildlife populations. It means solving environmental problems that
exist today and making responsible decisions for preserving future environmental quality.
1. Give Russian equivalents:
wildlife management; a concern for animals; depletion of game species; human activities;
environmental health; extinction; wild lands; Game and Fish department; decrease in animal
populations; to survive in one’s own; maintenance of habitats; a self-sustaining system; harmful
elements; in part; affect humans; rely on nesting habitat; avian species; maintain systems; rain
forests; loss of winter habitat; shelter; the only species; to improve habitat; to alter habitat; to make
responsible decisions; environmental quality
2. Give English equivalents:
дичь; санитарное состояние окружающей среды; спасти вид; понимание взаимосвязи;
млекопитающие; моллюски; ракообразные; выживать самостоятельно; вмешательство;
вредные элементы; мигрировать на юг; частично; другая причина; обеспечивать кислородом;
в конечном счёте; принимать решения; качество среды; проблемы окружающей среды;
улучшить среду обитания; потеря зимнего местообитания; изменить окружающую среду;
разновидность птиц
3. Answer the questions.
1. How many species of birds has Wyoming?
2. In what way is the Wyoming Game and Fish Department assisting?
3. What allows each community to exist as a self-sustaining system?
4. Why should we be concerned with healthy ecosystems?
5. What caused a decline of many neotropical migrant birds?
6. Why are tropical rain forests important?
7. Who can alter the habitat and affect the destiny of life?
8. What must we do in order to maintain a healthy, diverse world?
Words to be remembered
improve v – улучшать
attract v – привлекать
concept n– понятие
bluebird n – мелкая певчая птица с голубой окраской спины
prefer v – предпочитать
scattered [´skætəd] a – одиночный
cover n – укрытие
space n – пространство, v - размещать
arrangement [ə´reindзmənt] n - расположение
determine v – определять
available [ə´veiləbl] a – доступный
appropriate [ə´propriit] a – подходящий, соответствующий
prosper v – преуспевать
survival n – выживание
undernourish v – недокармливать
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susceptible a – восприимчивый
adverse [´ædvə:s] a – неблагоприятный
nutrition n – корм, питание
affect v - влиять
breed v – размножаться
bobwhite n – виргинская куропатка
consume v – потреблять
seep n – источник
puddle n - лужа
dew n – роса
shelter n – укрытие, убежище
loaf v – бездельничать
nest n – гнездо; v - гнездиться
inclement [in´klemənt] a – суровый, холодный
burrow [´bə:rou] n – нора
cavity n – трещина в породе
cave n – пещера
refuge n – убежище, заказник
home range – индивидуальный участок (обитания)
scarce [skεəs] a – скудный, редкий
quench v – утолять (жажду)
territoriality n – территориальные отношения (у животных)
pronounced [prə´naunst] a – определенный
living space – жизненное пространство
patch n – участок
breeding season – период размножения
Exercises (Pre-reading tasks)
1. Practice the pronunciation of the words from the text:
landowner, improve, knowledge, scattered, arrangement, quality, determine, throughout, sufficient,
available, appropriate, undernourished, susceptible, parasites, adverse, nutrition, requirement,
although, variety, burrow, refuge, herbivore, carnivore, behavioral
2. Read and guess the meaning of the following words:
plan, component, plus, parasite, reproduction, season, diet, physiological, adequate, biologist,
manipulate, factor, distance, territory, type, population, control, block, mosaics, individual, selective
3. Translate the sentences.
Обратите внимание на различие значений двух слов: effect и affect:
an effect – 1) эффект; следствие
2) влияние на
to effect – осуществлять, приводить к, вызывать
an effect – аффект (психол.)
to affect – влиять на
to be affected – изменяться (обычно стоит в конце предложения)
There is no effect without a case. – Нет следствия без причины.
This effects cleavage of fibers. – Это приводит к расщеплению волокон.
This is effected by heating. – Это осуществляется нагреванием.
The change affects the whole process. – Это изменение влияет на весь процесс.
This is affected by heating. – На это (явление) влияет нагревание.
The rate of the reaction was not affected. – Скорость реакции не изменилась.
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1. The event would negatively affect consumption.
2. The problems require effective planning.
3. Government policies may affect economic growth, both favourably and unfavourably.
4. The restrictive effects on trade should be kept in mind.
5. The other factors are unaffected.
6. This affects both the level of saving, and the attractiveness of agricultural investment.
7. Chapter 5 considers the factors affecting prices.
8. These effects are accounted for in a simple way.
9. The reconstruction was effected immediately.
4. Translate the sentences paying attention to the possessive case.
1. Animal food may comprise up to sixty percent of a bear’s annual diet.
2. Thirteen species of wild ungulates, including deer, elk, wild sheep, and bison, embody
Americans’ love for the North American wilds.
3. Today’s trees have regenerated from the lower quality trees of the past.
4. An animal’s habitat (environment) includes all living (biotic) and nonliving (abiotic)
characteristics of the area in which the animal lives.
5. The world’s oceans act as a reservoir with the capacity to absorb and retain carbon dioxide.
6. Millions of visitors annually are attracted to Virginia’s historical sites.
7. The park’s animal life includes mule deer, various squirrels, chipmunks, and black bears.
8. With the development of civilization man’s interference in nature began to increase.
5. Read and translate the text.
The relations between wildlife and habitat
Many landowners enjoy wildlife and wish to improve their land to attract more wildlife. But
before that can be done, the concept of habitat must be understood. Habitat is where wildlife lives.
For example, bobwhites live on farmland; fox, squirrels occupy hardwood forests; and eastern
bluebirds prefer open country with scattered trees and shrubs.
Habitat consists of five components: food, water, cover, space, and arrangement. The quality
of food, water, and cover, plus their arrangement determine a habitat’s value throughout the year.
When sufficient food, water, and cover are available at the appropriate time and in the appropriate
place, wildlife will prosper.
All animals must eat for health and survival. Undernourished animals are weak and more
susceptible to disease, parasites, predators, and adverse weather. Poor nutrition also adversely
affects reproduction.
Water is a physiological requirement of all animals. Most wild animals consume some water
daily, although some species may obtain all the water required from their food. Ponds, rivers,
springs, seeps, and even morning dew provide adequate water during most of the year.
Cover provides living space and shelter – places to feed, loaf, play, nest, sleep, raise young,
and escape predators and inclement weather. In wildlife management, biologists usually manipulate
vegetation as a means of improving wildlife cover and providing food. Cover also includes burrows
in the soil, rock piles, fallen logs, tree cavities, caves, and large rocks – any place an animal can find
In the course of a year, animals move about to satisfy their habitat requirements. The area an
animal covers in a year is called its home range. Home ranges vary in size. Home range size
depends on several factors. Predators have larger home ranges than similar-sized herbivores (plant
eaters) because carnivores (meat eaters) must travel greater distances to obtain their food. Habitat
quality also affects home range size. If water is scarce, for example, many animals will travel great
distances to quench their thirst.
Within their home ranges, some animals also actively defend a territory for at least part of
the year. Territoriality is usually most pronounced during the breeding season. Territoriality is a
behavioral type of population control.
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Habitat quality is influenced not only by the presence of the first four components of habitat,
but also by their arrangement in space. Many small patches of food, water, and cover scattered over
a large area (space) will support more wildlife than a few large blocks of these components.
1. Give Russian equivalents:
to enjoy wildlife; to attract more wildlife; the concept of habitat; scattered trees; land management
plan; undernourished animals; susceptible to disease; adverse weather; poor nutrition; to affect
reproduction; a habitat’s value; fallen logs; tree cavities; to satisfy requirements; home range size;
herbivores; habitat quality; carnivores; appropriate time; prosper; survival; wildlife management; to
improve wildlife cover; vary with the age of the animal; a diet rich in protein; adequate water; in the
course of a year; pronounced; the breeding season; land owners; territoriality
2. Give English equivalents:
лиственные леса; открытая местность; одиночные деревья; состоять из; доступный;
недокормленные животные; восприимчивы к болезням; неблагоприятная погода; хищники;
влиять на воспроизводство; насекомые; густая трава; регулирование ресурсов диких
животных; удовлетворять потребности; индивидуальный участок; утолить жажду;
территориальные отношения; качество среды обитания
3. Complete the sentences:
1. Landowners wish to improve their land … .
2. Habitat is … .
3. Eastern bluebirds prefer open country with … .
4. Undernourished animals are weak and … .
5. Specific diets vary with the age of … .
6. Some species may obtain all the water … .
7. The area an animal covers in a year is … .
8. Home range size depends on … .
9. Territoriality is usually most pronounced during … .
10. Habitat quality is influenced by … .
4. Answer the questions:
1. What is an essential part of any land management plan?
2. What is habitat?
3. What components does habitat consist of?
4. What determines a habitat’s value?
5. When may we say that “wildlife will prosper”?
6. What affects reproduction?
7. What do specific diets vary with?
8. What can you say about water for animals?
9. What does cover provide?
10. What does cover include?
11. Why do animals move about in the course of a year?
12. What is home range?
13. What does home range size depend on?
14. Habitat quality also affects home range size, doesn’t it?
15. What is territoriality?
Words to be remembered
reforestation n – лесовозобновление, лесовосстановление
restore v – восстанавливать
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tree cover – лесной покров
sustain v - поддерживать
woodland n – лес; лесистая местность; лесной массив
resilient [ri´ziliənt] a – упругий, эластичный
sprawl v – простираться, беспорядочно расти (о застройке и т.п.)
arid a – засушливый
forest cover – лесонасаждения
dry out v – высыхать
inhospitable a – унылый
overgrazing n – сбой травостоя
desertification n – опустынивание
topsoil n – верхний слой почвы
duricrust n – плотная кор(к)а
duripan n – плотный горизонт (почвы), дурипэн
seal off v – плотно закрывать, блокировать
penetration n – просачивание
treeplanting n – лесонасаждение, облесение, посадка деревьев
fencing n – ограждение
seed lot – партия семян
suppression [sə´pre∫ən] n – подавление
forest stand – лесонасаждение
clearcut a – вырубаемый сплошной рубкой
recovery n – восстановление
accidentally [ֽæksi´dentəli] adv – случайно
management v - регулировать
arrangement n – систематизация, классификация, расположение
harvesting n – рубка
nation n – государство
interchangeably[ֽintə´t∫eindзəbli] adv– взаимозаменяемо, равнозначно
precious [´pre∫əs] a – ценный
lumber n – пиломатериалы
reap the benefits – пожинать плоды чего-л.
Exercises (Pre-reading tasks)
1. Practice the pronunciation of the following words:
destructive; sustainable; quite; naturally; resilient; urban; sprawl; permanently; environmental;
include; especially; desertification; debatable; biodiversity; multiple; suppression; prescribed;
variety; accidentally; arrangement; wherever; circumstances; interchangeably
2. Read and guess the meaning of the following words:
process, products, original, industry, zones natural, permanently, practices, tropical, factors, critical,
resources, population, business, effectively, mechanical, special, debatable, monoculture, result,
regeneration, pulp, systematically, nation, massive
3. Read and translate the following derivatives paying attention to the suffixes and prefixes:
nature – natural - naturally – naturalist; industry –industrial – industrialization ; practice – practical
–impractically; similar–similarity - similarly – dissimilar; arrange – arrangement; manage manager – management; exist – existence – existent; maintain – maintenance; occur – occurrence;
establish – establishment – reestablish; require – requirement; reduce – reduction; quality –
qualitative; assist – assistant – assistance; environment – environmental; hospitable – inhospitable;
grow – growth; critic – critical – uncritical; include – exclude; remove – removal; possible –
possibility – impossible; penetrate – penetration; care – careful – careless; protect – protection –
protective; place- replace; prevent – prevention – preventive; agriculture – agricultural; involve –
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involvement; differ – different – difference – indifference; frequently – infrequently; multiple –
multiplication; suppress – suppression; accident – accidental – accidence; product – production –
productive – productivity – nonproductive; change – changeable – interchangeable
4. Translate the sentences paying attention to the word “due”.
Некоторые способы перевода слова due:
due – должный, нужный, подходящий, обязанный
due to – 1) благодаря (благоприятное заявление, ситуация), из-за (неблагоприятное
явление, ситуация), вследствие (нейтральное явление, ситуация)
2) разработанный, составленный, представленный, предложенный, если due
to используется перед одушевленным существительным
Запомните словосочетание:
to be due to – происходить благодаря (из-за, вследствие), обуславливаться
They paid due attention to the problem – Они уделили должное внимание данной
The experiment was stopped due to the lack of reagents – Эксперимент был остановлен
из-за недостатка реагентов.
The scheme due to Pr. A. is of great interest – Схема, разработанная профессором А.,
представляет огромный интерес.
This was due to the raise of temperature – Это произошло вследствие повышения
1. They paid due attention to the problem.
2. Oaks create islands of enhanced fertility beneath their canopy due to nutrient cycling processes.
3. Trees that are unmerchantable due to size, quality, or species remain.
4. Distance to markets will affect offered price due to the expenses associated with hauling logs
from the stump to the processing facility.
5. This was due to the raise of temperature.
6. This poor development was due to the very low rainfall and to several periods of winds.
7. Animals and plants living in this zone must be able to retain moisture, tolerate salinity changes
due to evaporation and rain, and survive extremes in temperature.
8. Due to unfavourable environmental conditions the natural vegetation is open, ranging from
woodlots to scattered isolated trees and bushes.
9. They treated the problem with due attention.
10. The disagreement was due to misunderstanding.
5. Translate the following emphatic constructions.
1. It is in these countries that many thousands of acres of ex-cattle pasture are being planted with
precious tropical lumber species.
2. It was in the park where I met his sister.
3. It was in April that the equipment was to be delivered.
4. It is ship owners who are responsible for the damage to the goods.
5. It is with the help of the radio that we receive most of the information from the satellites.
6. It was last night that they discussed the plan of their work.
6. Translate the sentences.
1. He strongly objected to including these data into the report.
2. One may ask whether these experiments exclude this possibility.
3. We cannot conclude from this that consumption per head is their objective.
4. We include a chapter which has little relation to the main theme of the book.
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5. We conclude this section by stating the task.
6. This was precluded by changing the requirements.
7. The precipitate occluded the flow of liquid.
8. This life range normally includes a core area which changes little from year to year.
9. Juniper produces chemicals which exclude other plants from the understory.
10. Riparian areas include wetlands, streamside and shoreline.
7. Translate the sentences. Pay attention to the if-clauses.
1. If ice were heavier than water, it would fall to the bottom of ponds and of the sea.
2. If tree seedlings are planted in areas that are to be grazed, it may be necessary to exclude
livestock until the seedlings become established.
3. It would be more convenient if a special machine were available.
4. If they need the equipment urgently, we shall transport it by plane.
5. If the mechanic were there, he would repair the equipment.
6. If better trees are selected for sale and the remaining trees are of inferior quality or undesirable
species, forest health and future productivity will decline.
7. If animals are in good shape when they come to the winter range, they will likely survive all but
the most severe winters.
8. If the animals are unable to put on fat reserves during the late summer and fall, they won´t make
it through the winter, even on good winter range.
9. You will achieve better results if you apply this method.
8. Read and translate the text.
Reforestation is the process of restoring tree cover to areas where woodlands or forest once
existed but was removed by logging for wood products; if this area never returns to its original state
of a forest this destructive process is called deforestation. In order to maintain a sustainable forest
industry reforestation is necessary. Reforestation occurs in many ways.
In many temperate zones such as the eastern United States, reforestation occurs quite
naturally as the native hardwood forests are so resilient that, given any opportunity, they quickly reestablish themselves. However urban sprawl and agriculture required permanently deforested lands
which are leading to forest reduction in the area. From poor logging practices and/or if the soil
quality is too poor and erosion prone for natural regeneration artificial reforestation is required.
In various arid, tropical, or sensitive areas, forests cannot re-establish themselves without
assistance due to a variety of environmental factors. One of these factors is that, once forest cover is
destroyed in arid zones, the land quickly dries out and becomes inhospitable to new tree growth.
Other critical factors include overgrazing by livestock, especially animals such as goats, and overharvesting of forest resources by native populations or outside businesses. Together these may lead
to desertification and the loss of topsoil; without soil, forests cannot grow until the very long
process of soil creation has been completed - if erosion allows this. In some tropical areas, the
removal of forest cover may result in duricrust or duripan that effectively seal off the soil to water
penetration and root growth. In many areas, reforestation is impossible above all because the land is
in use by people. In these areas, reforestation requires the planting of tree seedlings, treeplanting. In
other areas, mechanical breaking up of duripans or duricrusts is necessary, careful and continued
watering may be essential, and special protection, such as fencing, may be required. One debatable
issue in artificial reforestation is whether or not the succeeding forest will have the same
biodiversity as the original forest. If the forest is replaced with only one species of tree and all other
vegetation is prevented from growing back, a monoculture forest similar to agricultural crops would
be the result. However, most reforestation involves the planting of different seed lots of seedlings
taken from the area. More frequently multiple species are planted as well. Another important factor
is the natural regeneration of a wide variety of plant and animal species that can occur on a clear
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Reforestation need not be only used for recovery of accidentally destroyed forests. In some
countries, such as Finland, the forests are managed by the wood product and pulp and paper
industry. In such an arrangement, like other crops, trees are replanted wherever they are cut. In such
circumstances, the cutting of trees can be carefully done to allow easier reforestation. In Canada, the
wood product and pulp and paper industry systematically replaces many of the trees it cuts,
The sustainable management of forest resources is called forestry.
Reforestation in a strict sense means re-creating natural forests, as opposed to tree farming,
which is the practice of planting and managing trees for later harvesting and use. However, in
tropical American nations such as Costa Rica and Panama, the terms "reforestation" and "tree
farming" tend to be used interchangeably by many people. It is in these countries that many
thousands of acres of ex-cattle pasture are being planted with precious tropical lumber species,
often with the help of generous local government incentives. Unlike in the US and Canada, where
trees are planted on a massive scale mainly for wood pulp and paper, in Costa Rica and Panama,
among other nations in Central America, reforestation/tree farming is mostly being done in order to
one day reap the benefits of the use of the lumber.
1. Give Russian equivalents:
the process of restoring tree cover; where woodlands once existed; wood products; original state of
a forest; sustainable forest industry; temperate zones; to give an opportunity; urban sprawl; native
hardwood forests; deforested lands; logging practice; artificial reforestation; arid areas;
overharvesting; the loss of topsoil; removal of forest cover; to result in duricrust; to seal off the
soil; the planting of tree seedlings; mechanical breaking up of diripans; the original forest; more
frequently; multiple species; pulp and paper industry; tree farming; ex-cattle pasture; lumber
2. Give English equivalents:
лесовозобновление; факторы окружающей среды; сбой травостоя; лесонасаждение; спорный
вопрос; девственный (первобытный) лес; растительность; монокультура; вырубаемый
сплошной рубкой; тушение лесных пожаров; равнозначно; партия семян; пиломатериалы;
целлюлозно-бумажная промышленность; лесопитомник; предоставлять возможность;
процесс восстановления лесного покрова
3. Complete the sentences consulting the text.
1. Reforestation is the process of … .
2. In many temperate zones reforestation occurs … .
3. In arid, tropical areas forests cannot reestablish themselves without … .
4. In many areas reforestation is impossible above all … .
5. In these areas reforestation requires … .
6. Most reforestation involves the planting of … .
7. Another important factor is the natural regeneration … .
8. The logging of small clearcuts and/or prescribed burning … .
9. Reforestation need not be only used for … .
10. Reforestation in a strict sense means … .
5. Answer the questions.
1. What is reforestation?
2. What is deforestation?
3. What is reforestation necessary for?
4. Why does reforestation occur naturally in temperate zones?
5. What is leading to forest reduction?
6. Why can´t forests reestablish themselves in arid, tropical areas?
7. What may the removal of forest cover result in?
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8. What may lead to desertification and the loss of topsoil?
9. Is reforestation possible everywhere?
10. What is one debatable issue in artificial reforestation?
11. What can occur on a clearcut?
12. What are the forests in Finland managed by?
13. What does reforestation mean in a strict sense?
14. For what is reforestation mostly done in tropical American nations?
Words to be remembered
cedar n - кедр
majestic [mə´dзestic] a – величественный
spiritual [´spirit∫uəl] a – духовный
closely [´klousli] adv – близко, тесно
tsar [za:] n – царь
patriarch [´peitria:k] n – основатель, родоначальник
moreover [mo:´rouvə] adv – сверх того, кроме того
volatile [´volətail] a – летучий, быстро испаряющийся
cell n - клетка
permissible [pə´misəbl] a – допустимый
grove [grouv] n – роща, лесок
ancient [´ein∫ənt] a – древний
bury [´beri] v – хоронить
sarcophagus [sa:´kofəgəs] n – саркофаг
Phoenician [fi´ni∫ən] n - финикиянин
galley n – галера
Assyrian [ə´siriən] n – ассириец
assert v – утверждать
condenser [kən´densə] n – конденсатор
curative [´kjuərətiv] a – целительный, целебный
healing a – целебный
appreciate [ə´pri:∫ieit] – оценивать
Sovereign [´s vrin] n – монарх, повелитель
raise v – воздвигать
temple n – храм
feeding habits – особенности кормления
Exercises (Pre-reading tasks)
1. Practice the pronunciation of the following words:
majestic, Siberian, planet, Ural, patriarch, giant, height, meter, although, pure, microclimate,
moreover, oxygen, ion, phytoncids, microbe, sterile, rare, through, Egyptian, Phoenician, Assyrian,
realize, accumulate, diseases, Jerusalem, frequently
2. Read and guess the meaning of the following words:
planet, material, culture, meter, taiga, microclimate, original, negative, ion, phytoncids, fraction,
antimicrobe, medical, standard, sterile, civilization, Egyptian, Greek, energy, function,
characteristics, role, history, rouble
3. Define to which part of speech these words belong:
majestic, spiritual, culture, closely, fraction, activity, permissible, remained, realize, curative,
considerable, cities, ruling, connected, centuries, northern, grows slowly, particular, called, original,
civilization, groves, buried, medical, frequently, daily
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4. Translate the sentences into Russian. Study the use of conjunctions.
1. Burning is best used in conjunction with either mechanical or chemical control methods.
2. In fact, some plants require fire in order to complete their life cycle.
3. Both high quality and marginal areas should be mentioned.
4. Although they are predominantly forest birds, some species occur in open woodlands and
5. As cool gas enters the hot zone it begins to heat.
6. The process has been widely used because it was relatively easy to implement.
7. In the humid tropics, timber harvesting is selective, but tens of millions of hectares have been cut
in unnecessarily destructive ways.
8. Vines are found in forests from the tropics to the boreal zones of both the northern and southern
hemispheres, and in deserts as well as rain forests.
9. Of course, there are instances of vines blanketing an area so thoroughly that succession is
impeded for several decades.
10. Some, like elm, are stringy tough, and difficult to split while others, like cottonwood, split
5. Translate the sentences paying attention to Passive Voice.
1. Water is used for growing soil–protecting grasses and forbs.
2. Intertidal areas are very fragile; they can be easily damaged and take a long time to recover.
3. The Earth is divided into ecosystem types according to characteristic plants, animals, and
physical factors.
4. Biodiversity is an important resource that is threatened by human activities.
5. In cold temperate regions the rings can be counted to give an accurate idea of the age of a tree.
6. Bird breaks and tongues are modified for a variety of feeding habits and food sources.
7. Oklahoma’s rangeland and forestland are being invaded by eastern redcedar at an alarming rate.
8. Fire prescriptions have been developed for various fuel levels, tree sizes, and tree densities.
9. Wood is much experimented upon and worked at in research institutes.
10. The following parameters should be monitored and controlled.
11. The problem was not dealt with.
12. The importance of this phenomenon was underestimated.
13. This requirement must be met.
14. An important contribution was made to the study of this phenomenon.
15. In their discussion no account was taken of the environmental conditions.
16. Drying process is effected with pumps.
17. The prestige of the forestry profession will be gained, not from what we do with trees, but from
our association with and influence on the lives of people.
18. This region has long been noted for its variety of animal species and for its fish.
19. In particular, the type, extent and intensity of the erosion present must be considered.
20. Deer are ruminants, meaning that their food is processed in a four-chambered stomach on its
way through the digestive system.
6. Read and translate the text.
Siberian cedar is national pride of Russia
Cedar is one of the most beautiful and majestic trees in our planet. The material and spiritual culture
of Siberia and Ural has been closely connected to a cedar for many centuries. Cedar still remains a
tsar of taiga, a miracle tree, the patriarch of northern woods. The Siberian giant can reach the height
of 40 meters, although it grows quite slowly and can live for about 800 years only among pure
Cedar represents a particular taiga world which has its own microclimate both in summer and in
winter. Moreover cedar can be called an original factory which produces oxygen rich in negative
ions and phytoncids. Phytoncids are special volatile fractions which possess antimicrobial activity.
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The air in the cedar forest contains 200-300 microbe cells in comparison with operating-room
where 500-1000 nonpathogenesis microbes are permissible by medical standards. So the air in the
cedar forest can be called particularly sterile. The Siberian cedar is close to a cedar of Lebanon.
This tree is very rare because only several cedar groves remained all over our planet. Cedar tree has
been respected by many civilizations through over centuries. Ancient Egyptians buried Pharaohs in
cedar sarcophagus; Phoenicians built galleys, cedar was also in demand by Assyrians, ancient
Romans, Greeks and other peoples.
Those who possess the knowledge of origins assert that cedar has been created by God as a store of
space energy. Even a small piece of cedar, which has reached the certain age, “contains more
energy than all power-plants created by humans”. Such trees as cedar realize very special function
on Earth – they are like condensers which accumulate space energy on our planet.
Cedar is a curative tree. Inhabitants of Siberia, Ural and European North knew about healing
characteristics of cedar since the beginning of time and used it as a cure of many diseases. People
appreciated and preserved the tree, because everything in it from needles to the bark possesses
highly effective medical properties.
Cedar also played a very considerable role in the history of many countries. Thus, in the XVIII
century Russian Sovereign Peter I used cedar tree in shipbuilding, while the price of one cedar tree
was 1 ruble in comparison with the price of a pine tree 0,06 – 0,07 rubles. King Solomon had even
constructed a fleet made of cedar and during his ruling a well-known Jerusalem temple was also
raised. In order to deliver Lebanon cedar trees for this temple Solomon had given 20 cities of his
empire to the tsar Heron. The temple was built in 9 years. Further tsar Solomon frequently used in
his daily life many things made of cedar.
1. Give English equivalents:
духовная культура; удивительное дерево; микроклимат; более того; противомикробная
деятельность; по сравнению с; допустимый; особенно стерильный; рощи; века; древние
египтяне; саркофаг; строили галеры; пользовался спросом; космическая энергия; достиг
определенного возраста; содержит больше энергии; выполняют специальную функцию;
накапливают космическую энергию; целебный; жители Сибири; целебные свойства кедра;
болезни; лекарственные свойства; следовательно; кораблестроение; храм;
часто использовал; предметы, изготовленные из кедра
2. Give Russian equivalents:
majestic trees; to be closely connected; for many centuries; a miracle tree; a tsar of taiga; reach the
height of; although; quite slowly; among pure nature; an original factory; which produces oxygen;
in comparison with; special volatile fractions; microbe cells; a cedar of Lebanon; medical standards;
through over centuries; assert; a store of space energy; created by humans; are like condensers; a
cure of many diseases; appreciated and preserved the tree; from needles to the bark; in the history of
many countries; during his ruling; a well-known Jerusalem temple; in order to deliver; in his daily
3. Answer the questions on the text.
1. What is one of the most beautiful and majestic trees in our planet?
2. What is the height of cedar?
3. Why can cedar be called an original factory?
4. Why can the air in the cedar forest be called particularly sterile?
5. Has cedar tree been respected by many civilizations through over centuries? Prove it.
6. What is the function of cedar trees on Earth?
7. Is cedar a curative tree?
8. Why did people appreciate this tree?
9. What role did cedar play in the history of many countries?
10. What did Solomon do in order to deliver Lebanon cedar trees for the temple?
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4. Say whether it is true or not. Begin with the phrases:
I am with you – Я согласен
Do you really think so? – Вы действительно так думаете?
Just as I thought – Я как раз так думал
Just the other way out – Как раз наоборот
1. Cedar can reach the height of 40 meters.
2. The Siberian giant can´t be called an original factory.
3. Phytoncids possess antimicrobial activity.
4. Cedar tree isn´t of great value.
5. Cedars are like condensers accumulating space energy on our planet.
6. People used healing characteristics of cedar long ago.
7. Such trees as cedar didn’t play a considerable role in history.
8. Solomon built the temple in eleven years.
Words to be remembered
supplies n – запасы
ability n – способность
harvestable a – пригодный для заготовки
log v – заготавливать лес
deforestation n – обезлесивание, вырубка лесов
adjacent [ə´dзeisənt] a – прилегающий
damage n – повреждение, ущерб
clearcutting n – сплошная рубка
removal n – удаление
harvesting n – лесозаготовки
irreversible [ֽiri´və:səbl] a – необратимый
extinction n – вымирание
devastating a – разрушительный
consequence [´konsikwəns] n – последствие
fungi (fungus) n – грибок
conduit [´kondit] n - канал
nutrient n – питательное вещество
reforestation n –лесовозобновление, лесовосстановление
virtually [´və:t∫juəli] adv - фактически
virgin forest – девственный лес
forest management – лесоустройство, лесное хозяйство
technique n – технология, технический метод, способ
even-aged a – одновозрастной
stand n – насаждение
regenerate v – восстанавливать
in terms of adv – с учетом, на основе
species n – вид
understory n – нижний ярус, порослевое молодое насаждение
robust [rə´bΛst] a – здоровый
canopy n – (лесной) полог
shade v – затенять
seedling n – сеянец
logging operation –лесозаготовительные работы
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tree farm – лесопитомник
diverse a – разнообразный
nevertheless cj – тем не менее, однако
establishment n – приживаемость, сохранность, закладка
resinous a – смолистый
vigor n – энергия, жизненность
wood pulp – древесная масса
harvestable a – пригодный для заготовки
fecundity [fi´kΛnditi] n - плодородие
Exercises (Pre- reading tasks)
1. Practice the pronunciation of the following words:
gradually, century, adjacent, virtually, cycle, irreversible, erosion, microorganism, robust,
advantage, aerial, disturbance, destruction, nutrient, biological, diverse, nevertheless, Eucalyptus
2. Read and guess the meaning of the following words:
product, proportion, tropical, method, type, cycle, erosion, population,
resource, cubic, operations, natural, companies, dominant, alternatives, region, monocultures,
plantations, intervals, potential
3. Translate the following words. Guess the meaning of the prefixes:
disappear, irreversible, reforestation, impossible, unnatural, unused, reseeding, unnecessary,
recycle, disability, unexpected, predominant, undesirable, international, mislead, insignificant,
independence, reconstruction
4. Fill in the blanks with the prepositions.
1. The need … wood and wood products is expected to rise gradually.
2. Deforestation is not restricted … tropical forests.
3. The most common method … logging was clearcutting.
4. Clearcutting sets … motion a cycle … irreversible soil erosion.
5. The seedlings … the desirable species receive increased sunlight and begin to grow.
6. The young trees … the same species can take advantage … the second new burst of sunlight.
7. Tree farms often consist …fast-growing trees.
5. Translate the following sentences.
1. In terms of the players the games can be 2-person or N-person.
2. The model assumed is described in terms of a cylindrical coordinate system.
3. In terms of those functions the equation can be written as follows.
4. It is very well to consider the system in terms of its output.
5. It is natural to think solely in terms of descriptive theories of the universe.
6. Europe has changed greatly in terms of climate and environment in the past 20 million years.
7. The measurement of costs of reproduction in plants is difficult and few field studies have
measured these in terms of fitness or its demographic components.
6. Translate the sentences.
1. The truth does not come at once.
2. Once the two players choose particular strategies, the play is completely determined.
3. The text will be read once.
4. Once the main acorn crop starts to fall, however, seeds should be collected as soon as possible.
5. Once safety and prescription guidelines are formalized, firebreak preparation can begin.
6. Once the species, grade and product class information is developed, the value of the sale can be
7. Once common, giant pandas are now extremely rare, with perhaps as few as 1,000 surviving in
the wild.
8. Once a value has been placed on the timber to be sold, the appropriate sale method must be
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9. Once these estimates had been established the median value might then be estimated.
7. Translate the sentences paying attention to the degrees of comparison.
1. Deer require less cover and have a larger home range than quail.
2. The United States uses more paper and paper products than any other nation in the world.
3. One of the most interesting characteristics of the ringtail is its ability to rotate its ankle 180
4. Some species of wood start easier than others and, when burned, give off more smoke or more
sparks than others.
5. In general, hardwoods burn longer and less vigorously when compared to softwoods.
6. Bigger, stronger, tougher and better insulated, elk can stay health through much more severe
conditions than deer.
7. The forest ecosystem as a whole is more than its component parts and has aesthetic, emotional
and recreational values.
8. The deeper snow cover in mountains the less number of survey routes with tiger tracks are here.
9. In general, softwoods are easier to ignite because they are resinous.
10. Tree vigor is the most important thing in healing if the cuts are made properly.
11. These tests have no further impact on the behavior of a program.
12. These are the worst conditions for evolution.
13. The nearer the Earth, the denser the atmosphere.
14. These operations are performed not as easily as the others.
15. The stronger the winds, the harder the conditions of work.
16. Cellulose is the most abundant of all naturally occurring organic substances.
17. Tolerant species will likely have deeper more vigorous crowns than intolerant species in the
same canopy position.
8. Translate the sentences paying attention to the Complex Subject.
1. Inherent fecundity of individual trees seems to be the dominant factor in cone production.
2. Over the next twenty years, global demand for wood is expected to increase over 50 per cent, and
to double for some wood fibers.
3. This process was not expected to be effective.
4. This does not seem to be the normal case.
5. Everything in nature appears to be interrelated.
6. Plants grown at nitrogen concentrations that were optimum under normal moisture conditions
proved to be the most drought resistant.
7. This problem is not considered to be a major one.
8. These two methods turned out to be incompatible in effectiveness.
9. No natural resources on our planet are likely to have so many uses as water.
10. Although there is little evidence of poaching activity in the park over the past few months,
poaching is known to be widespread.
11. Habituation is believed to be controlled through the central nervous system, and should be
distinguished from sensory adaptation.
12. If there is not sufficient clearance, the tree is likely to lodge in a standing tree.
13. The pines and cedars are considered to be tolerant or resistant.
9. Read and translate the text.
Wood Supplies in the Future
There is growing concern about the ability of the earth's forests to meet the projected
demands for wood and wood pulp that will come as populations increase. The need for wood and
wood products is expected to rise gradually but steadily as countries such as China and India begin
to use wood products in proportions similar to those of more developed countries. Half the original
land covered by tropical forests has already disappeared, and it is expected that all the remaining
harvestable forests will be logged to some extent by the end of the century. Deforestation is not
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restricted to tropical forests, however. In the Pacific Northwest of the United States and the adjacent
areas of Canada forests are logged at the rate of 404 km2 per year. Large-scale deforestation has the
potential for damage beyond the loss of natural forests. The most common method of logging used
in the past was clearcutting, or the removal of virtually all the trees in a given area. Clearcutting sets
in motion a cycle of irreversible soil erosion and local population extinctions of other plants and
animals. One devastating consequence is the loss of the fungi associated with the roots of most
woody plants. These fungi serve as a conduit for soil nutrients into the roots. Once an area has been
clearcut and erosion begins, many of these microorganisms die, making reforestation difficult or
even impossible.
Now many American companies are trying to practice various methods of forest
management. Among these methods are a number of practices designed to lessen the effects of
deforestation. One such technique is "even-aged" cutting, which tries to ensure that a stand will
regenerate into a forest similar to that which was logged in terms of the dominant species. The first
step is to cut the larger understory layer of trees shorter than the desirable canopy. If these large
understory trees are cut, the seedlings of the desirable species receive increased sunlight and begin
to grow. Once they reach a robust size, the canopy species can be cut. The young trees of the same
species can then take advantage of the second new burst of sunlight and again become the dominant
species. Another method is selective cutting of single large trees in an area. This is supposed to
minimize the time and aerial extent of disturbance. Both kinds of logging, however, cause damage.
The destruction of vegetation by the logging operations is itself significant.
Many scientists, economists, and conservationists are concerned that forests are not
regenerating as fast as they are being destroyed and that current logging practices lead to soil and
nutrient loss and often to an unnatural dominance of one or two species of trees. Alternatives to
logging virgin forests include the planting of tree farms and the successive reuse of areas that were
logged in the past and now consist of secondary forest, a kind of forest that has regenerated in a
region where the primary forest was cut. Tree farms are not a biological substitute for diverse
natural forests since they are monocultures and often consist of species not native to the region in
which they are planted. Nevertheless, their establishment is one way to lessen people's dependence
on the few virgin temperate and tropical forests that remain. Tree farms or plantations often consist
of fast-growing trees, such as pines or species of Eucalyptus which can be harvested in shorter
intervals than natural forests.
A final measure to help decrease the logging of forests would be to reduce the demand. Such
reductions could come from recycling efforts, increasing the efficiency of milling operations, and
eliminating the wasteful use of wood in many industries, especially construction.
1. Give Russian equivalents:
secondary forest; to meet the demands; to rise steadily; half the original land; to some extent; the
adjacent areas; at the rate of; sets in motion; irreversible soil erosion; one devastating consequence;
woody plants; soil nutrients; forest management; “even-aged” cutting; in terms of; understory layer
of trees; canopy; to take advantage of; disturbance; tree farms; establishment; virgin forests;
conservationists; current logging practices
2. Give English equivalents:
потребности в древесине; покрытый тропическими лесами; до
степени; к концу века; обезлесивание; воспользоваться чем-л.; сплошная рубка; со
скоростью; девственные леса; с учётом; полог; однако; как только; специалисты по охране
природы и рациональному использованию природных ресурсов; лесозаготовка; вторичный
лес; питомники; прилегающие районы; селекционная рубка
3. Match each word with its definition:
1. to meet demands
1. ordinary
2. ability
2. take, get
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3. to some extent
3. not easy
4. damage
4. to satisfy
5. common
5. to profit
6. difficult
6. choice between two things
7. to ensure
7. important
8. various
8. harm or injury.
9. to cut
9. capability
10. to receive
10. partly
11. to take advantage of
11. nursery
12. significant
12. actually
13. alternative
13. to comprise
14. tree farm
14. different
15. to consist of
15. to chop (down); to saw
16. virtually
16. to guarantee, to make sure.
4. Complete the following sentences consulting the text.
1. The need for wood and wood products is expected to rise … .
2. Deforestation is not restricted to … .
3. The most common method of logging used in the past … .
4. Now many American companies are trying to … .
5. One such technique is … .
6. The first step is to cut … .
7. Another method is selective cutting of … .
8. Forests are not regenerating as fast as … .
9. The establishment of tree farms is one way to lessen … .
10. A final measure to help decrease the logging of forests would be…
5. Answer the following questions.
1. Why does the need for wood and wood products rise steadily?
2. Where does deforestation take place?
3. What was the most common method of logging in the past?
4. What does the clearcutting lead to?
5. Why do the microorganisms die?
6. Are there any other methods of forest management? What are they?
7. Do these kinds of logging cause damage?
8. What are alternatives to logging virgin forests?
9. What is the purpose for establishment of tree farms?
10. What species do tree farms consist of?
6. Define whether the following statements are true or false. Use the following expressions:
You are right. That´s true. It´s really so.
You are not right. That´s false. You are mistaken.
1. People don´t worry about the need for wood and wood products.
2. Clearcutting sets in motion only a cycle of irreversible soil erosion.
3. The fungi serve as a conduit for soil nutrients into the roots.
4. Many American companies are trying to practice various methods of forest management.
5. The first step is to cut the larger understory layer of trees shorter than the desirable canopy.
6. If these large understory trees are cut, the seedlings of the desirable species stop growing.
7. Another method is selective cutting of single small trees.
8. The destruction of vegetation by the logging operations isn´t significant.
9. The establishment of tree farms is a biological substitute for diverse natural forests.
10. Tree farms or plantations often consist of fast-growing trees.
30.09.2009 ж. №2 басылым орнына
2012 ж. № 3 басылым
40 бет 38-ден
Words to be remembered
intertwine [ֽintə´twain] v – переплетать(ся)
ancestor [´ænsistə] n – предок, прародитель
inhabit [in´hæbit] v – жить, обитать, населять
remnant n – остаток, пережиток, след
belief n – вера, мнение, верование
underlie [ֽΛndə´lai] v – лежать в основании (чего-л.)
provoke v – вызывать, побуждать
passionate a – горячий, страстный
diversity [dai´və:siti] n – разновидность
cause v – вызывать, причинять
decline v – уменьшаться
notable a – заметный, выдающийся
challenge v – оспаривать, подвергать сомнению
merge v – соединять(ся), сливаться
savanna forest – саванное редколесье
hardy a – выносливый
hemisphere n – полушарие
band n - полоса
Newfoundland [ֽnju:fənd´lænd] – о-в Ньюфаундленд
offset v – компенсировать, возмещать
cease v – прекращать(ся)
relatively adv – относительно, сравнительно
in part adv – частично
sweep v – охватить, простираться
forest litter – лесная подстилка, лесной опад
clear v – вырубать, раскорчевывать
concentrated a – сосредоточенный
industrialized a – промышленно развитый
forest plantation – лесные культуры
fuel wood – древесное топливо
wood n – лесоматериалы
Exercises (Pre-reading tasks)
1. Practice the pronunciation of the following words:
passionate, debate, civilization,
surface, diversity, determined, varied, occupy, equator,
commercially, boreal, Alaska, Newfoundland, Scandinavia, conifers, contributed, industrialized
2. Read and guess the meaning of the following words:
evolution, civilization, center, history, debates, billion, hectare, type, geography, climate, tropical,
equator, distance, characteristic, economically, ecologically, savanna, region, season, zone,
cultivation, temperature, factor, role, global, economy, pulp, commercial, boreal
3. Read and translate the text.
World’s forests
The evolution of civilization is intertwined with forests; at the center of our history lies the
story of their use. Our ancestors believed that gods inhabit the forests, living in the trees. Remnants
of these beliefs underlie the strong feelings many people still have about forests and provoke
intensely passionate debates over the way they are used.
Today, forests cover about one-third of the earth's surface. There is enormous diversity in
the world's forests. There are broad types of forests, however, each type determined by the varied
30.09.2009 ж. №2 басылым орнына
2012 ж. № 3 басылым
40 бет 39-ден
influences of geography and climate. Tropical forests occupy a broad area along the Equator, in
Central and South America, Africa and Southeast Asia. Variations in these forests are caused by the
amount of rainfall, which declines as the distance from the Equator increases. Tropical rain forests
run along the Equator. Their most notable characteristic is the wide diversity of species they
contain. The Amazon forest, for instance, hosts about 6,000 tree species. Relatively few of them are
commercially valuable, and harvesting timber in these forests is both economically and ecologically
As the distance from the Equator increases, and rainfall declines, the tropical seasonal
forests merge into dry savanna forests. Most forests of this type are found in Africa.
In the Northern Hemisphere, at the greatest distance from the Equator, lie the boreal
coniferous forests. They occupy two areas: a broad band across North America, from Alaska to
Newfoundland; and across northern Europe and Asia, from Scandinavia to the Siberian Pacific. In
this region there is a short, intense growing season, offset by long cold winters during which tree
growth ceases. There are relatively few tree species, almost all coniferous, and large areas of land
are covered with a single species, in part due to the frequency of intense fires which sweep through
these forests. Various types of pines and spruces dominate in the boreal forest; birch and aspen are
the major deciduous species.
The broad, mid-latitudinal area lying between the tropical and boreal zones contains a
variety of different forest types. Perhaps the most important are the northern temperate deciduous
forests found in the northeastern United States, Western Europe, Korea and China. Compared to
the tropics there are few species, the most prominent including the various oaks, maples, ash, beech,
birch and elm. Through human history many of these species have been widely used, and their
cultivation has, in many cases, become highly developed. Conifers also grow in these forests, but to
a lesser degree.
Because of mild temperatures in the Temperate Zone, decomposition of forest litter is
almost continuous, and a large portion of the nutrients is stored in the soil. Consequently, these soils
are well suited to agriculture and extensive areas have been cleared for growing food crops. This
factor has contributed to the concentrated growth of industrialized societies in temperate deciduous
forest zones.
Today, there is a new type of forest found in several parts of the world. Forest plantations
are man-made forests which are beginning to play a significant role in global forest economy. At
present, a little more than 100 million hectares of plantations exist worldwide. About forty percent
of them produce fuelwood, with most of the remainder grown for pulp, wood and, to a lesser extent,
lumber. With few exceptions, plantations are grown for commercial use and supply an increasing
share of global timber production.
1. Translate into Russian:
to be intertwined with; remnants of these beliefs; enormous diversity; varied influences; passionate
debate; enormous diversity; to occupy a broad area; the amount of rainfall; harvesting timber; to
merge into; the boreal coniferous forests; tree growth ceases; in part; to a lesser degree; because of;
to sweep through; the mid-latitudinal area; decomposition of forest litter; consequently; to be well
suited to; to be cleared; man-made forests; timber production; to play a significant role
2. Translate into English:
в центре нашей истории; наши предки; поверхность земли; широкое разнообразие видов;
ценный; саванное редколесье; бореальные хвойные леса; частично; береза; осина;
лиственные породы; дуб; клен; ясень; бук; ильм; разложение; лесная подстилка; питательные
вещества; искусственные леса; в настоящее время; насаждения; древесное топливо; играть
важную роль; лесозаготовки; следовательно; занимать обширную территорию
3. Fill in the blanks with prepositions.
1. There are broad types … forests.
30.09.2009 ж. №2 басылым орнына
2012 ж. № 3 басылым
40 бет 40-ден
2. Tropical rain forests run … the Equator.
3. The tropical seasonal forests merge … dry savanna forests.
4. Most forests … this type is found … Africa.
5. …the Northern Hemisphere … the greatest distance … the Equator lie the boreal coniferous
6. Compared … the tropics there are few species there.
7. … human history many … these species have been widely used.
8. …mild temperatures … the Temperate zone, decomposition … forest litter is almost continuous.
9. These soils are well suited … agriculture.
10. … present, a little more than 100 million hectares …plantations exist worldwide.
5. Match each word with its definition.
a. soft mass of other material, esp. of wood fibre as used for
making paper
b. preparation of land for crops by ploughing up
c. variety
d. wood prepared for use in building, etc
e. having green leaves throughout the year
f. the upper layer of earth in which plants, trees, etc. grow
g. certain evergreen trees bearing cones
h. live in, occupy
i. a distinct kind of plant or animal
j. roughly prepared wood, wood that has been sawn into planks,
boards, etc.
k. amount of rain falling within a given area in a given time
l. material for producing heat
m. (of trees) losing their leaves annually
n. cutting trees
6. Answer the following questions.
1. What types of forests are there in the world?
2. What are the most important characteristics of a tropical forest?
3. What regions do coniferous forests occupy?
4. What tree species grow in deciduous forests?
5. Why are the soils of temperate forests zone well suited for agriculture?
6. What are the forest plantations used for?