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Download Weekly Math Sheets ~ Week 16
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Weekly Math Sheets ~ Week 16 PA: 1. Complete the following: 395, 399, 403, 407, ___, ___, ___ 2. 7 x _____ = 84 3. What will be the 18 shape in this pattern? th 4. Each spider has 8 legs. How many legs do 15 spiders have? 5. 45 ÷ ____ = 9 NS: 1. Name a prime number between 10 and 20. 2. Add: 489.12 + 0.999 3. Multiply: 0.06 x 0.02 4. Divide: 22 4444 5. List the integers in order from least to greatest: -11, 15, 9, -6, -10, 14 Geometry: 1. How are a square and a rectangle the same? 2. How many triangular faces does a tetrahedron have? 3. How many of the following pairs of lines intersect? 4. Classify this angle: 5. What is the size in degrees of the remaining angle, if a triangle has angles of 60° and 90°? Measurement: 1. 4000m = _____km 2. State the best unit measure to measure a drop of rain. 3. What time is 8:00pm in 24 hour notation? 4. The time is 9:14am. What time will it be in 79 minutes? 5. Find the perimeter of an octagon if all sides equal 9m. Data Management: Rory is creating a board game to play with his brother. He wants to design a spinner that has these probabilities: 1 green, 1 orange, 1 red, 3 blue, 1 purple 4 8 8 8 8 Design a spinner for Rory in the space below: 1. Which colour is the spinner most likely to land on? 2. Which colours have a 1 chance of being spun? 3. Which colour has the greatest chance of being spun? 4. Which colours have the least chance of being spun?