Download Air Mass/Fronts - Hicksville Public Schools

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Air Mass/Fronts
Air Mass: Large body of air with uniform temperature and humidity
*Air Masses are classified by their temperature and humidity.
There are 4 major types:
Maritime tropical (Mt)
Continental tropical (Ct)
Maritime polar (Mp)
Continental polar (Cp)
(Warm, Wet)
(Warm, Dry)
(Cold, Wet)
(Cold, Dry)
*Air Masses can move slowly or quickly (depending on size).
Front: is the leading edge of a moving air mass.
There are 4 types:
Cold Front: dense, cloudy, precipitation, wind.
Warm Front: less dense, warm, humid (clouds, precipitation)
Stationary Front: Cold/Warm Fronts meet, move slowly, lots of
clouds, precipitation
Occluded Front: warm air trapped between two cold air masses,
may cause severe weather
Warm air rises because its density is low.
Cold air sinks because its density is higher.
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