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Cold War Project
To create a Prezi presentation highlighting the key events of the Cold War. In groups of 4, you will profile in a
10-15 minute presentation the events of one of the following sections of Chapter 30 from your textbook.
What is the Cold War?
A state of political and military tension after World War II between powers in the Western Bloc (the United States, its
NATO allies and others) and powers in the Eastern Bloc (the Soviet Union and its allies in the Warsaw Pact).
Took place from 1947–1991It was termed as "cold" because there was no large-scale fighting directly between the two
sides, although there were major regional wars, known as proxy wars, in Korea, Vietnam and Afghanistan that the two
sides supported.
The sections are as follows:
Section 1: The Cold War Unfolds
After World War II devastated Europe and Japan, two great powers remained: the United States and the
Soviet Union. These two nations were known as superpowers, or nations stronger than other powerful
nations. The Cold War between these superpowers cast a shadow over the world for more than 40 years.
A Wall Divides Berlin
Nuclear Weapons Threaten the World
Cuba Goes Communist
Cuban Missiles Spark a Crisis
The Soviet Union in the Cold War
The United States in the Cold War
Section 2: The Industrialized Democracies
The industrialized democracies of North America, Western Europe, and Japan grew in prosperity and went
through social change during the Cold War. Throughout this period, the United States was the world’s
wealthiest and most powerful country. By the end of the Cold War, however, Western Europe and Japan
rivaled the United States economically.
America Prospers and Changes
Segregation and Discrimination
Americans Demand Civil Rights
Germany Divided and Reunited
Japan Is Transformed
Section 3: Communism Spreads in East Asia
In the late 1940s, communism made advances in East Asia. With their victory in China in 1949, the
Communists gained control of one fifth of the world’s people.
China’s Communist Revolution
Split with the Soviet Union
Taiwan and the Nationalists
War Comes to Korea
Two Koreas
Section 4: War in Southeast Asia
Southeast Asia’s wars were, for many local participants, nationalist struggles against foreign domination. Like
Korea, however, Southeast Asia eventually played a part in the global Cold War.
Indochina After World War II
Ho Chi Min
America Enters the Vietnam War
The Vietnam War Ends
Tragedy in Cambodia
Section 5: The End of the Cold War
The global Cold War between two armed camps led by the United States and the Soviet Union lasted almost
half a century. In the years around 1990, however, the struggle finally ended. The much feared nuclear
confrontation between the two superpowers never came about, but the end was as clear as any military
The Soviet Union Declines
Soviets Have Their Own “Vietnam” in Afghanistan
Gorbachev Tries Reform
An Empire Crumbles
Communism Declines Around the World
The United States as Sole Superpower
Provide pictures, videos (no longer than 3 minutes), maps, etc.
Please provide a list of sources you used for your information and video content. Picture content does not
need to be documented and neither does information from the textbook. Use
The project will be worth a 100 point exam grade and judged based on the criteria in the provided rubric.
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