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Name: ___________________
Date: ____________________
UNIT 2 TEST: Algebra
OBJECTIVE: 6.A.2 Use substitution to evaluate algebraic expressions for 2 variables.
1 If x = 4 and y = 2, evaluate the following:
4x + 3(x + 6y)
If k = 7 and p = 3, what is the value of the following expression?
6k – 2p + 5
If w = 4 and x = 5, what is the value of the following expression?
4(x – 2w) + 2
If p = 4 and q = 1, evaluate the following:
6p – 2p(2 + q)
When a = 2 and b = 3, what is the value of 3a2 – 9b?
OBJECTIVE: 6.A.3 Translate two-step verbal sentences into algebraic equations
Write an algebraic equation for the following sentence: Six times a number n, divided by 5
is thirty.
Write an algebraic equation to represent the following sentence: five times a number x,
plus two is twenty-seven.
Write an algebraic equation for the following: the product of two and a number y, is thirty.
Write an equation to represent the following situation: I bought 9 candy bars for d dollars
each and spent $27 total.
10 Write an equation to represent the following sentence: seven less than the product of a
number and three equals eight.
OBJECTIVE: 6.A.4 Solve and explain two-step equations involving whole numbers using inverse operations
11 If 4x – 8 = 24, what is the value of x?
If 5y + 7 = 62, what is the value of y?
If 7a – 6 = 36, what is the value of a?
- 5 = 1, what is the value of x?
If 12x - 5 = 43, what is the value of x?
OBJECTIVE: 6.A.5 Solve simple proportions within context
16 Nia cuts hair. She finished six haircuts in the four hours before lunch. At this rate, how
many hours must she work to finish 90 haircuts?
17 On a scale model of an airplane, 1 inch represents 4 feet. What is the wingspan of the
model airplane if the wingspan of the real airplane is 48 feet?
18 Shannon ate 18 colored candies after 3 classes. At this rate, how many classes will it take
her to eat 72 candies?
19 Solve the proportion below using cross products:
7 x
2 10
x = ________
20 Solve the proportion below using cross products:
4 12
x 36
x = ________
OBJECTIVE: 7.A.1 Translate two-step verbal expressions into algebraic expressions
21 There are b number of books on each shelf in a bookstore that has 275 shelves. Which
expression shows the total number of books in the bookstore?
A) 275 + b
B) 275 – b
C) 275b
22 Which statement represents this algebraic expression?
A) Forty-five multiplied by n
B) Forty-five divided by n
C) The sum of forty-five and n
D) The difference between forty-five and n
23 We are organizing a field trip to the movies for classes 701 and 702. The buses to get there
and back will cost $150. Tickets to the bargain matinee cost $6 per person. Write an
expression for the total cost of the trip if there are s students who attend the trip.
24 Keshon has s stamps in his collection. His sister Jamila has three fewer stamps than
Keshon. Write an algebraic expression to represent the number of stamps that Jamila has.
25 Jessica bought n apples at the grocery store. Her sister bought six less than four times as
many apples as Jessica. Write an expression for the number of apples her sister bought.
OBJECTIVE: 7.A.5 Solve one-step inequalities (positive coefficients only) (See 7.G.10)
7.G.10 Graph the solution set of an inequality (positive coefficients only) on a number line.
inequality 2b > 14 and graph the solution on the number line below:
Solve the inequality W – 18 < 5 and graph the solution on the number line below:
Solve the inequality 6 ≤ y + 19 and graph the solution on the number line below:
Solve the inequality 7 ≥
and graph the solution on the number line below:
Solve the inequality 9s ≤ 27 and graph the solution on the number line below:
OBJECTIVE: 7.A.6 Evaluate formulas for given input values (surface area, rate, and density problems)
31 The formula for converting Celsius temperature to Fahrenheit is
C  32. The thermometer reads 30˚ C. What is the temperature in degrees
32 The distrance formula is d = rt where r is rate and t is time. How far would a car go
traveling 65 miles per hour for four hours?
33 What is the surface area of the prism shown below?
S.A. = 2lw + 2lh + 2wh
, where m is mass and v is volume. Find the density of an
object where the mass is 56g and the volume is 8cm3.
The density formula is D =
35 Use the following formula to find the surface area of a triangular prism where LA = 84in2,
b = 3in, and h = 5in. (Note that SA is surface area and LA is the area of a lateral or side).
SA = LA + 2(½ * b * h).