Download Calculate Cost of Auto Loan

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Calculating the Cost of Your Auto Loan
Financial Calculator
Principal Loan Amount (PV), APR=%, Time period=N
Enter those three elements to get monthly payment (PMT)
Monthly payment * Number of payments = Total loan amount
Total loan amount – Principal loan amount = Interest paid
Total loan amount + Down loan amount = Total purchasing cost
Buy and finance a car for $13,500 with an interest rate (APR) of 7% for 7
years. Assume you’re paying sales tax with cash.
principal or pv = 13,500
i = 7%
n = 6 years or 72 months
PMT = $230.16 per month.
Total Cost: $16,571.52
Total Interest Paid after 6 years: $3,071.52
Formula for monthly payment:
P ( i/12)
(1 – (1 + i/12) –n)
Use an online calculator:
Use financial formula in Excel
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