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The Arthropods
General Characteristics
• 800,000 species, make up _______of known species
• Exoskeleton made up of_________
• All have ______between body sections (jointed appendages)
• Have _____of muscles to move appendages
• Have segments, some function as jaws
• Highly specialized structures
General Characteristics
Arthropods are highly developed
_______, complex sense organs
Eyes- very ______________
_______________is prominent
______circulatory system
Advanced respiratory system
General Characteristics: Segmentation
• ____body sections
• Usually a head, thorax and abdomen
• When segments head and thorax are fused its called___________________
General Characteristics: Respiratory System
• Very efficient
• 3 main structures:
– _____ (aquatic arthropod) - provide large surface area for red blood tissue
to be exposed to water that contains oxygen
– _______tubes -terrestrial- most insects have these-branching network of
hollow air passages that carry throughout body
– _____Lungs -spiders- air filled chambers that contain leaflike plates. These
plates increase surface area exposed to air.
General Characteristics- Sensory Systems
Extremely good
Respond to movement, sound, chemicals
_____________- used for communication as well as senses
_______________- chemical odor given off by the arthropod which function in
mating, marking path and protection
• Vision- simple eye - visual structure with one lens to detect light. Compound
eye- visual structure with many lenses. Fuzzy image, great detector of motion
General Characteristics: Digestive
Complete- digestive tract
Mouth, stomach, intestine, anus
__________________mouth parts- used for holding, chewing, sucking, tearing
or biting
General Characteristics: Excretory
________________tubules- terrestrial arthropods
Found in abdomen and excretes wastes
Green gland and ____________used in aquatic arthropods
Most insects go through
In incomplete metamorphosis, a nymph hatches from an egg and
____________ the adult but has undeveloped reproductive organs and no
wings. The nymph molts several times to become an adult.
In complete metamorphosis, a wormlike_____ called a caterpillar hatches
from an egg and molts several times before becoming a_____. The pupa
molts to produce the ____t, which resembles neither the larva nor the pupa.
General Characteristics: Reproduction
Usually _______________sexes
____________fertilization- terrestrial
External fertilization- Aquatic
External Anatomy of a grasshopper- ___ segments
Head -___simple eyes, 1 pair of antennae, pair of compound eyes, chewing
mouth parts
• Thorax- divided into ____segments- 1 pair of legs for each attachment- 2 pair
of wings
• Abdomen- divided into ____segments- 1st segment has tympanum- every
segment has spiracles (air openings)
• ___pair of wings- front and hind
Digestive/Excretory System
Eat ___________
Sensory palps- extend from mouth and are organs of __________
Food enters mouth, then moves to esophagus, crop, gizzard, ______(nutrients
are absorbed here) solid waste is then transported through intestine and out
• Malpighian tubules -process _________waste and then it exits anus
Nervous System, Senses, Muscular System
Brain- double, _________nerve cord
All muscles are operated by nerves located in each segment. ______of
muscles bend joints
Wings beat on average every _____________/sec
– Simple and compound eyes
– Antennae
– Sensory palps
– _____________ - balance
– Sensory hairs on exoskeleton
Circulatory and Respiratory System
Heart is on dorsal end of abdomen
A vessel called the aorta extends from the heart to the head
________is clear, watery- helps transports food, waste and gases
Obtain oxygen through trachael system, open up into air sacs
Testes produce sperm
During mating, male grasshopper transfers sperm to female
Female stores sperm in seminal receptacles
Female produces eggs in ovaries, eggs travel from ovary to seminal
receptacles through oviducts
___________fertilization takes place
Female has ____________which is a structure that allows fertilized eggs to
leave female
Females deposit eggs into hole that they dug with their ovipositer
Grasshoppers mate in _____
Eggs hatch in __________
Grasshoppers die soon after eggs are laid
Kingdom Animalia
Subkingdom Metazoa
Phylum Arthropoda
Subphylum _______________________
Class Malacostraca
Order Diplopoda
The crayfish is an abundant _____________ crustacean that is structurally
similar to lobsters, which are marine crustaceans.
Crayfish, lobsters, crabs, and shrimp are_______________, or members of
the order Decapoda. Decapoda means “10 feet.”
Decapods have ______pairs of legs that are used for locomotion.
External Structure
The crayfish’s body is divided into
– the _____________________which is covered by the carapace and is
divided into
• the head, which has five segments
• the thorax, which has eight segments
– the__________, which is divided into six segments
A pair of appendages is attached to each segment of the crayfish. Several
pairs have specialized functions.
These appendages include:
– Antennae
– Antennules
– Mandibles
– Maxillae
– Maxillipeds
– Chelipeds
– Walking legs
– Swimmerets
Crayfish have a _________________that is near the stomach and that
secretes enzymes for digestion.
Walking circulates water across the____.
The circulatory system is_____.
__________________assist in excretion of excess water that enters the body
by osmosis.
Neural Control
The nervous system of the crayfish is typical of arthropods and is similar to
that of annelids.
Sensory Organs
Crayfish sense vibrations and chemicals in the water with thousands of
Their compound eyes are set on _____stalks.
Kingdom Animalia
Phylum Arthropoda
Subphylum Chelicerata
Class ______________
Representative: garden spider
General Characteristics
of Spiders
________simple eyes- detect light but not images
No compound eyes
Book Lungs- respiratory function
Make cocoons- wrap their eggs until eggs hatch
_______Glands- 2 to 6 –liquid that is strung into threads by spinnerets
Chilcerae- 2 _______appendages that are modified into fangs. Poison glands
located near _____of fangs
Pedipalps- ____________food, can function as sense organs, in males are
bulbous and carry sperm
Legs- 4 pair of walking legs, located on _____________________
Does include ticks, mites and scorpions
Millipedes and Centipedes
Kingdom Animalia
Phylum Arthropoda
Subphlyum Mandibulata
Class Myriapoda
Order Diploda and Chilpoda
Diploda- millipedesChilopoda- centipedes
Horseshoe Crabs- write down classification