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Version 1.4 | Page 1 of 2 | Last Updated: 18thJanuary 2006
Web Design Office, Trinity College
Checklist for Webcheck Requirements and Recommendations (Version 1.4)
This checklist can be completed in Word and emailed to the Web Office. The email will be accepted as Designer’s Signature. Alternatively, post
a completed checklist to the Web Office (details at end of form). For detailed information on each point, please see
01. All website content is spellchecked and proofread by the author.
02. Site conforms to the W3C’s Priority Level 2 Web Accessibility (
Validation tools for checking include WebXACT (formerly Bobby) and the AIS Toolbar.
03. Site constructed using valid XHTML 1.0 Transitional. All code except site DOCTYPE must be lowercase.
Validation tools for checking include W3C Markup Validation Service (
04. Site uses valid CSS. (If the TCD standard stylesheet is appended to, it must validate).
Validation tools for checking include W3C CSS Validation Service (
05. Every folder contains an index.php file.
06. All site page titles are in the correct format.
07. All pages have relevant meta tags for description and keywords.
08. All text is consistently sized and scaleable across all supported browsers and platforms. (A standard
stylesheet is available for download from the Web design site to assist with this checkpoint).
09. Stylesheets are linked using @import syntax.
10. Site includes hidden ‘skip navigation’ links (see for background information and example).
11. All pages contain the standard TCD top and bottom banners (using PHP includes).
12. All pages have a contact email address.
13. All pages have ‘last updated’ date that automatically changes when a file is modified.
14. All images have alt attributes, including images without textual equivalents.
15. All table widths specified in HTML code are in percentages, not pixels.
16. All data tables contain a descriptive summary attribute.
17. All layout tables contain a blank summary attribute.
18. All forms comply with requirements of the Data Protection Acts. (See
19. All forms must be accessible (i.e. conform to the W3C’s Priority Level 2 Web Accessibility requirements).
20. Site Logo or Banner Heading links back to site home page.
21. Main navigation links include ‘Courses’, ‘Research’ and ‘Staff’ (for departmental sites).
22. Main navigation is consistent on all pages.
23. Links within body text on pages underlined.
24. Site does not contain any broken links.
25. Site works in text-only mode (use ‘Text Only’ link at bottom right of gray banner to check).
26. Site displays properly on a minimum screen resolution of 800 x 600 pixels.
27. Site pages can be printed without text being excluded at left or right.
28. Site displays consistently in all supported browsers:
The website has been checked on the following browsers:
Internet Explorer 6 for PC
Safari for Mac OS X
Firefox 1.x for PC
Firefox 1.x for Mac OS X
Version 1.4 | Page 1 of 2 | Last Updated: 18thJanuary 2006
Web Design Office, Trinity College
Checklist for Webcheck Requirements and Recommendations (Version 1.4)
01. Site uses standard stylesheet to ensure consistent font-sizing (available for download from
02. Site constructed using either PHP includes or Dreamweaver template files (.dwt).
03. Site includes a sitemap.
04. All external links open in new browser window (using target="new"), with title attributes.
05. Site uses ‘Back to top’ links on all pages.
06. Navigation is constructed from text styled with CSS, rather than images.
07. Site does not use old or deprecated tags e.g. <font>, <b> etc.
08. Initialisms and acronyms have <abbr> tags.
09. Site does not use popup browser windows.
10. Site does not contain pages that are “under construction” or have no content.
11. When linking to files e.g. PDF, display the filename and file size
Please verify that you have completed a comprehensive check of all website requirements and recommendations listed. For detailed information
on each point, please see Tick all items as they are checked, and sign and date below. Send completed checklist to:
Trinity Web Office, Room 3.07, 3-4 Foster Place College Green Dublin 2 or else email to [email protected].
Designer’s Name (in BLOCK CAPITALS)
Designer’s Signature
Website Name
Website URL
Related websites – Validators, Checkers, Browser plug-ins:
W3C Mark-up Validator:
W3C CSS Validator:
WebXACT (formerly Bobby):
AIS Web Accessibility Toolbar:
Firefox Web Developer Toolbar:
Related websites – General information:
Trinity College Web Design:
Trinity College accessibility statement:
W3C Web Accessibility Initiative:
Web Standards Project: