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AP US History
Terms, Concepts, Personalities
Unit 7: Imperialism and WWI
1. James G. Blaine, Pan-Americanism
19. Secretary of State John Hay
2. Venezuelan boundary dispute
20. Open Door Notes
3. Bering Sea Seal Controversy
21. spheres of influence
4. “yellow journalism”
22. Boxer Rebellion
5. Captain Alfred Thayer Mahan
23. Roosevelt’s Big Stick Diplomacy
6. Samoa, Pago Pago
24. Panama Canal
7. de Lome Letter
25. Drago Doctrine
8. Maine explosion
26. Roosevelt Corollary
9. Assistant Sec. to Navy Theodore Roosevelt
27. Russo-Japanese War
10. Hawaii; Queen Liliuokalani; annexation; Cleveland 28. Treaty of Portsmouth
11. Rough Riders; San Juan Hill
29. Elihu Root
12. Treaty of Paris, 1898
30. Gentleman’s Agreement
13. American Anti-Imperialist League
31. Great White Fleet
14. Insular Cases
32. Root-Takahira Agreement
15. Teller Amendment
33. Jones Act, 1916 (Philippines)
16. Platt Amendment
34. Dollar Diplomacy
17. protectorate
35. “watchful waiting”
18. Aguinaldo; Philippine Insurrection
36. Pancho Villa, General Pershing
37. Mexican Revolution
World War I
1. Triple Entente: Allies
18. Versailles Conference and Treaty
2. Triple Alliance: Central Powers
19. Big Four: Wilson, George,
3. Lusitania
Clemenceau, Orlando
4. Election of 1916: issues
20. League of Nations
5. Unrestricted submarine warfare
21. collective security
6. Zimmerman Note
22. self-determination
7. Russian Revolutions, 1917 (March, Bolshevik)
23. reparations
8. “Make the world safe for democracy”
24. Article 10 (Article X) of the Treaty
9. Creel Committee
of Versailles
10. bond drives
25. Henry Cabot Lodge
11. War Industries Board, Bernard Baruch
26. Red Scare, Palmer Raids
12. Food Administration, Herbert Hoover
27. FBI; J. Edgar Hoover
13. Espionage Act—1917
28. Election of 1920: candidates, issues
14. Sedition Act—1918
29. Schenck vs. U.S.--1919
15. Eugene V. Debs imprisoned
30. Abrams vs. U.S.--1919
16. AEF
31. Fourteen Points
17. selective service
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