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Human Behavior in the Social Environment
Anissa Taun Rogers
Question Bank
Chapter 10
Multiple Choice
1. Which mental illness commonly begins to exhibit symptoms in early adulthood?
a. Dementia
b. Alzheimer’s disease
c. Schizophrenia (p262)
d. Bipolar disorder
2. All the following are symptoms of schizophrenia EXCEPT:
a. Delusions and hallucinations
b. Homelessness (p263)
c. Flat affect
d. Disorganized speech
3. People with schizophrenia are more likely to have been
a. Born in the summertime
b. Born female
c. Born premature (p263)
d. Abused as children
4. Successful transition to adulthood requires that individuals
a. Enter the workplace
b. Establish intimate relationships
c. Become independent from their parents
d. All the above(p264)
5. Which of the following are roles associated with early adulthood?
a. Spouse
b. Parent
c. Religious involvement
d. All the above (p266)
6. Spirituality and faith can be difficult to define, study, and apply to client situations
a. These concepts have different meanings for different individuals (p267)
b. Clients display resistance to religion
c. Social workers are opposed to issues of spirituality
d. Social work researchers refuse to study such issues
7. Fowler’s theory of faith development suggests that
Human Behavior in the Social Environment
Anissa Taun Rogers
Question Bank
a. Faith can only occur within an organized religion
b. People find meaning and connection in many ways (p268)
c. Faith begins to develop later in life
d. Individuals rarely modify their faith
8. “People integrate conflicts in beliefs and work toward ensuring the well-being of
humankind.” Which stage of Fowler’s theory of faith development does this
a. Synthetic-Conventional faith
b. Conjunctive faith
c. Universalizing faith (p268)
d. Individuative-Reflective faith
9. “People accept that conflicts exist between their beliefs and those of conventional
religion.” Which stage of Fowler’s theory of faith development does this describe?
a. Primal faith
b. Intuitive-Projective faith
c. Individuative-Reflective faith
d. Conjunctive faith (p268)
10. Which stage of Fowler’s theory of faith development is characteristic of early
a. Intuitive-Projective faith
b. Individuative-Reflective faith (p268)
c. Conjunctive faith
d. Universalizing faith
11. Of the estimated 6 million acts of physical violence committed against women
each year, what percentage are committed by husbands?
a. 80% (p270)
b. 50%
c. 20%
d. 10%
12. Since the 1950s, young adults have increasingly been
a. Having fewer children
b. Choosing to remain single (p272)
c. Attending college
d. Seeking church membership
13. Stereotyping and generalizing about women and men and treating them in
particular ways indicates:
Human Behavior in the Social Environment
Anissa Taun Rogers
Question Bank
a. Homophobia
b. Heterosexism
c. Sexism (p274)
d. Patriarchy
14. Social workers should be particularly concerned with sexism because:
a. It is a feminist theory
b. It affects men and women equally
c. Social work is a predominantly female profession
d. It endangers the well-being of women (p275)
15. Because it can create and maintain a cycle of poverty, sexism can result in all the
following EXCEPT:
a. Elevated SES (p275)
b. Poor physical health
c. Reduced life expectancy
d. Higher rates of mental illness
16. Sexism in the workplace
a. Can be seen in the disproportionality of women in higher wage professions
b. Can be seen in the lower wages of women
c. Was made illegal by the Civil Rights Act
d. All the above (p275-276)
17. It is difficult for federal law to stop sexual harassment because:
a. Concepts are difficult to define (p280)
b. There is a lack of funding
c. It results in reverse discrimination
d. All the above
18. Reverse discrimination
a. Refers to discrimination against whites (p281)
b. Is the result of Affirmative Action
c. Clearly empowers minority groups
d. Has been an unequivocal success
19. All the following are barriers to higher education for low income young adults
a. Higher education is costly
b. They are not aware of their options
c. They have fewer opportunities to prepare for entrance exams
d. They simply do not wish to attend (p254)
Human Behavior in the Social Environment
Anissa Taun Rogers
Question Bank
Short Answer
20. Discuss why the medical model may be most appropriate for social workers
working with clients diagnosed with schizophrenia. (p263)
21. Use ecological theory to explain the issues surrounding mental illness in early
adulthood. (p264)
22. Describe the feminist theory of domestic violence. (p271)
23. Discuss how the 1996 welfare reform negatively impacts victims of domestic
violence. (p271)
24. Use conflict theory to explain sexism and sexual harassment. (p280)
25. Use distributive justice theory to explain affirmative action. (p281-282)
26. Discuss how federal laws and policies are or are not effective at stopping sexual
harassment (p280)
27. Explain what comparable worth legislation would do. (p277)