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Chapter 24 Reading Test
1. Give the approximate dates of the Baroque Period.
2. What discoveries in the physical sciences fascinated Baroque artists and may
be held in part responsible for the change in style from the Renaissance to
the Baroque?
3. Poussin and Rubens were considered as the two poles in the Baroque debate
between the forces of passion and reason. Which pole did each artist
represent? What characteristics in the work of each artist reflect their
4. The city that is generally thought to have been the birthplace of Baroque art
is __Rome___________________________________________.
5. With what religious movement is much of the Baroque art in Catholic
countries associated?
6. List three ways in which Maderno’s early Baroque church of Santa Susanna
resembles the church of Il Gesu’.
List three ways in which they differ.
7. Name four architects who worked on St. Peter’s and not the primary
contribution of each.
8. Describe the illusionistic devices that Bernini ;used to make the Scala Regis
appear longer.
9. What is a Baldacchino?
10. List four major characteristics of Bernini’s sculpture that are typical of
Baroque art in general.
11. In what way did Bernini depict the vision of Saint Theresa?
12. Who developed the architectural style to its extreme?
13. Name two buildings by him.
14. While the circle had been the ideal geometric figure to the Renaissance
architects, Baroque planners preferred the ____________________________.
15. What earlier work strongly influenced Annibale Carracci’s ceiling frescos in
the gallery of the Farnese Palace in Rome?
16. Define the following terms:
Quadro riportato:
17. The common purpose of Caravaggio’s Conversion of St. Peter and Bernini’s
Ecstasy of St. Theresa was;
18. Which artist most influenced the style of Artemisia Gentileschi?
19. Who were Judith and Holofernes?
20. Who is credited with the developing the “Classical” or “ideal” landscape?
21. What were its roots?
22. Briefly describe Rosa’s landscape style.
23. Name an Italian Baroque artist who specialized in illusionistic ceiling
24. Ribera’s style was influenced by the “dark manner” of :
25. What type of lighting did Zurbara’n prefer?
26. Velazquez was court painter to King ___________________________.
27. In contrast to the idealized Italian treatment of Classical themes, Velazquez
depicted Bacchus and his followers in a style that could be described as:
28. Who suggested to Velazquez that he visit Italy?
29. How did this affect Valazquez’s style?
30. What is the subject of Las Meninas?
31. How many levels of reality can you find in the picture?
32. Briefly describe them:
33. What painting technique did Velazquez use in Las Meninas?
Essay: You will not make above a 70 if you do not answer the
essay questions. Read carefully and answer fully.
Compare Bernini’s David with Michelangelo’s version. Discuss the
pose of the figures, the closed or open quality of the composition,
and mood that created by these technical devices.
Bernini’s art has been described as “theatrical”. Give examples of
its theatricality.