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Science Test, Chapter 6 – Rocks and Minerals
Friday February 11, 2011
Inertia - _______________________________________________________________
Planet - ________________________________________________________________
Fault - _________________________________________________________________
Igneous Rock - _________________________________________________________
Sedimentary rock - _____________________________________________________
Gem - _________________________________________________________________
Magma - _______________________________________________________________
Ore - __________________________________________________________________
Meteorite - _____________________________________________________________
Crust - ________________________________________________________________
Tension, Compression, Shear
Communicate: Where and when would you look for signs of weathering, erosion,
or deposition in your community? Explain.
Observe: You find a substance that you think may be a valuable mineral. Describe
at least three observations you could make to help you identify the substance.
Explain how soil is formed.
How do the processes of weathering, erosion, and deposition shape the Earth?
Critical Thinking: If gravity is the force of attraction between any object and
other objects around it, why don’t you feel a pull toward cars or a large building?
Thinking like a Scientist: Every year for the past five years you planted the same
types of plants in your vegetable garden. Last year your plants did not grow as well
as they had in years past. What could you do differently this year to improve your